Drug testing at work

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Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
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Oklahoma City, OK
Tony, it took a lot of courage to say that. Thank you.

I've had experience with more than a few addicts, both professionally and personally, and people just don't have any idea.

I cannot tell you how many attorneys I have worked for with substance abuse problems. Most of them were functioning alcoholics but there were a few pain pill addicts mixed in here and there. MS&W was FULL of day drinkers.


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator
Jan 2, 2006
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As a recovering addict I can tell you first hand how horrible it is. It’s hard to describe what it is like. Take having the flu and make it a lot worse. Then you have restless leg when you try to sleep so you can’t. And not even ambien would work. You have horrible anxiety and your constant thought is about getting your next fix. And trust me. When your to the point of taking 35-40 10mg percocets a day it isn’t to get high. It’s to not feel sick. Take all this while I was trying to be a good father and husband and Christian but was failing miserably. It also causes a person to be very moody. Then you get so desperate to have the fix that you will do anything to get it. And I mean anything. If cutting your finger or hand off would get you the fix a person would do it. I still struggle with thoughts of using even though I have been clean for 7 years. It is a very scary thought to relapse someday and lose everything I have worked so hard for. I know most people associate drug addicts to being low life losers. Well I was a loser but far from a lowlife. I am a devout Christian and come from a great middle class family. It can happen to anyone. When I see people struggling it actually hurts my stomach because I know what it’s like. Sadly my cousin is in prison right now for being an addict. And two of my other cousins are in recovery like me. So if any of y’all look at addicts as being worthless drains on society try thinking about what I said here and have a little compassion for them. Most of us didn’t become addicts on purpose. I know I sure didn’t.

Thanks! @TonyKane1


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Bless you, Tony. It is amazing how it is the addicts that can learn to admit that they are and are very upfront with others of their problems. I've had an uncle that was an alcoholic. In the small town where he lived, there were a few folks that watched for where his vehicle was parked. If it was summer and the windows were up, they had to check to see if he was inside, and if he was, that had to roll down the windows.

I've also worked with some recovering addicts before and got to know some of them pretty good. Their stories are enough to scare the living daylights out of people. They are why I'm largely against recreational marijuana.


Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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Edmond, OK
Bless you, Tony. It is amazing how it is the addicts that can learn to admit that they are and are very upfront with others of their problems. I've had an uncle that was an alcoholic. In the small town where he lived, there were a few folks that watched for where his vehicle was parked. If it was summer and the windows were up, they had to check to see if he was inside, and if he was, that had to roll down the windows.

I've also worked with some recovering addicts before and got to know some of them pretty good. Their stories are enough to scare the living daylights out of people. They are why I'm largely against recreational marijuana.

My first cousin who runs a live in rehab facility for heroin addicts, because she is one herself tried to pull that "I started with cannabis" crap.

Cannabis didn't have her stealing cars to get OPIATE prescriptions filled. She is delusional and so are you if you think cannabis hasn't been a staple of American life since the country was founded. The only problem is we let a bunch of profiteer businessmen cook up some hysteria that was largely profit and racially motivated, then perpetuate it for 70 years.

My cannabis company will not be initially starting with, but the 3rd year we convert all aeroponics tables to using aquaculture or aquaponic systems, then with the Tilapia bred in the system will go to feed armies of people who would otherwise go hungry. Fully closed loop system, infinitely renewable, zero federal and state subsidies (we will pay more taxes than every industry combined) and feeds people to boot.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
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Oklahoma City, OK
I know more than a few marijuana smokers; none of them even show a desire to "move to something stronger". Some of them don't even touch alcohol, which seems to be the crowd favorite drug around here.

This is the case with me, also. The folks I know never partake outside their own home (well, except maybe in their backyard), never in front of their kids, and are some of the most successful people I know. While I have no personal knowledge, I'd be willing to bet they all showered and put on clean clothes before heading out to work this morning. :coffee2:

And ... ad nauseum ... again, someone's inability to control themselves should not be used as an excuse to limit my medical options. The need of some of you to control what others do, based on nothing more than your perception of what is right and wrong is astounding.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
I say ban coffee! I know I wasted far more time going to the john than any of the folks that might have used something else the evening before. Wait, the coffee pot was provided and placed outside my office...I think I see an enhancement to my retirement coming...


Special Hen
Mar 19, 2017
Reaction score
Oklahoma City, OK
I say ban coffee! I know I wasted far more time going to the john than any of the folks that might have used something else the evening before. Wait, the coffee pot was provided and placed outside my office...I think I see an enhancement to my retirement coming...

Oh, NO! It won't go well for anyone if I can't get my morning joe. THAT'S the real addiction at my house. I can take or leave ANYTHING but I GOTTA have my coffee! That first sip washes over my soul every morning and ... well ... ahhhhhh ... sometimes I'll even have a dip in Nirvana in the evenings. With a little whiskey to top it off. It's like the difference in an ice cream cone and a hot fudge sundae! Haha!


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2009
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And ... ad nauseum ... again, someone's inability to control themselves should not be used as an excuse to limit my medical options. The need of some of you to control what others do, based on nothing more than your perception of what is right and wrong is astounding.


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