Famous People You'd Like to Hold a Conversation With.

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Special Hen
Oct 3, 2007
Reaction score
Part time Vegas, Galveston, Oklahoma
Well, let me set the stage. Sitting at the bar in my favorite adult drinking establishment last night deciding how Schlitz came up with just the correct percentages of water, barley, malting, hops, and yeast...it came to me.

Who would I like to have a "philosophical and intriguing" conversation with.

Hmmm, well the first one was Charles Darwin.

I could ask him many question but the ones that come to mind first. How did he withstand such ridicule on his theory of evolution. Not many people know he was a minister (divinity/theology degree) in the Church of England. He came from a very well educated and wealthy family...his father and his brother were physicians and he enrolled in medical school to become one.

Charles was in medical school but could not watch or attend surgical procedures, especially during his studies in medical school. Anasethetics HAD NOT been invented and he had watched a child endure surgery that haunted Darwin with the brutality of surgery before anaesthetics.

Along with many other questions.

Hunter S. Thompson; Did he really believe and subscribe to his style of writing? His views were they really what he believed...iconoclastic concepts for authoritarianism. ..or was he writing to the people of that generation?

The time of the counter culture movement, the 1960's, a period of revolution, artisan, bohemian and hippie culture...did he write for them, to them, or for the fame from that generation of people. So many questions...

The commanders and leaders of the Lakota, Cheyene, and Arapaho tribes at the Battle of the Little Big Horn.

Sitting Bull
Crazy Horse
Chief Gall
Lame White Man

Did they have the metacognition to realize that no matter what, their way of life was over. Was it a suicide mission?

Do or die? Did they even think they had a chance of normalcy after the battle was over? After the battle...then what? They had to know a storm was going to follow them all the days of the rest of their lives...was it worth it?

How could they teach me the same conviction and devotion they had for themselves and their people.
So many questions.

John M. Browning:
I know as a child he worked in his father's gun shop and was encouraged to develop his own designs.
Where did they come from...purely mathematical or divine intervention..or both.

Did he have any objections being a devoted Mormon and developing weapons for destruction? Did he have any regrets on his inventions like so many inventors did after seeing what they unleashed.

Would it be a contadiction with Mormon theology...saving the souls of the deceased...but inventing devices to send men to eternity?

Example: Einstein regretting urging President Roosevelt to support American Physicist in developing the atomic bomb. Oppenheimer stating he had blood on his hands from his involvement with the Manhattan Project. Alfred Nobel giving out peace prize to ammend his invention of dynamite. Winchester's wife going crazy building her home. Plus many other questions.
Plus I'd let him know how much I love the 1911, model 1887 lever action shotgun, and the pump model '97 shotgun.

Wow, to have these gentlemen at one table and engaging them in conversation.....
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Special Hen
Sep 8, 2010
Reaction score
Fort Gibson
Tesla would probably be my top pick. Wouldn't not be much of a conversation though. I am not intelligent enough to hold an intelligent conversation with most people that I would like to.

Townsend Whelen, and I always found Jack O'Conner to be interesting.
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Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
michael collins
Alexander SuperTramp
John Henry "Doc" Holliday
Arnold Rothstein
Thomas Jefferson
Teddy Roosevelt
Israel Bissell (but only if he **** talks Paul Revere)

Lone Wolf '49

Special Hen
Jan 18, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Benjamin Franklin
Stonewall Jackson
Adolf Hitler
Martin Luther King Jr.
Ron Paul
Larry Potterfield
Maybe you are too young to remember, but Steve Allen of TV fame produced and directed a series on PBS years ago with about four people each week, such as Ben Franklin et al, actors dressed as the people they were portraying and was wonderful. It is was very good and that might be as close as we may get young man. I should say that Steve Allen was the moderator.


Special Hen
Sep 8, 2010
Reaction score
Fort Gibson
Richard Proenneke.

He had to be interesting. I bet the grumpy people on this board had nothing on this guy. I really just want to ask him why he went to live there, and if he had it to do over again would he still do the same thing. I always watch the show on OETA when they show it.

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