GOP Vs. Trump

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Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator
Jan 2, 2006
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The Republican party is already shattered.

This. They've been for big business and social issues (and the associated big .gov) rather than fiscally responsible smaller government, which is what many of those who are part of the Republican party want.

There is a LOUD portion that wants social issues, and a RICH portion that supports the interests of big business.

But IMO, that is the message that the Tea Party movement started as: fiscally responsible government. If it had remained true to that, might have made a difference. But the Repubs via the Socialists (morals!!!!) managed to infiltrate them and make it irrelevant.

Without the singular focus of trimming the fat and gaining financial stability of the government, the R party is doomed. Currently the only difference between D & R is social issues. And while I have a stand there, it's personal. My opinion is the .gov needs to protect me from violence and theft, from within and without, and leave me alone otherwise.

The chance to change was with the Tea Party movement - not become the Tea Party, but the message: quit spending! - and they missed it.

The last few election cycles have shown they have no cohesive goal anymore. Nothing to rally or unite behind. "Appease Religious Conservatives and Not Alienate Big Business and Don't Give Up Any Power" has been the only thing I can discern with them anymore.

My opinion when Romney ran was if he and the party leadership had focused on his ability to run a business (however true or not) he would have had a chance. Focusing on "I'm for the middle class" when he was born with an Unobtanium spoon in his mouth, and pandering to religious conservatives lost the race.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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I'm beyond sick of all the GOP politicians all trying to appease Religious Conservatives by trying to out conservative each other. I'm the real conservative, not that RINO .. etc. etc. the evangelicals are a small slice of the general population. Studies estimated adult evangelical population in United States small as 7 percent (Barna 2004; Smith et al. 1998) yet it seems almost all republican politicians are exclusively catering to them.

another example of politicians all trying to out do each other is with the war on drugs. for the longest time (decades) no politician dared to insert common sense into the equation. they all claimed to be the toughest one on drugs, etc. etc. well the end result is the highest prison population in the world, with most inmates doing long jail times for drugs. on top of all that .. most of those inmates are serving time for pot which is now legal in several states with the lie that pot has NO medicinal value still on the books .. pot is still listed as a schedule 1 narcotic just like heroin.

now the GOP and their big $$$$ doners are running scared that their gravy train could possibly get disrupted and/or derailed. Trump is the only one that's announced intentions to force drug companies to compete on price, healthcare providers be transparent for costs charged, open up market place to create competition for insurance companies, provide for block grants to force all states to provide medicaid. unlike states like Okla that blocks additional medicaid funding.

let's see Trump is potentially ending billions (trillion?) $$$ profits for:

1. drug companies
2. health insurance companies
2. healthcare providers

hmmm .. might that be why so many superpacs and the GOP is trying to take down Trump by any means necessary.
they forget one very important fact .... the people has spoken! Trump has won his support fair and square.
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