gunmen claiming the start of the revolution kill 2 officers and 3 others in Vegas

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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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Why target LEO. They are not the government and they are not enforcing the governments policies for the most part. The fact than I can't freely steel, murder and snort coke is not my frustration with the country. Its not like the police are collecting taxes and friviously spending it without oversight. These people are ignorant. It doesn't bother me that they didn't make it. I just wish they wouldn't have taken three people with them.

Very sad. Prayers for all of the Victims families.

There are people on this very forum, who are very adamant that ANY person who's paycheck is funded by federal, state, property tax, any tax.....are to be considered thieves as a result.......... because they take part of "their" paycheck.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
Shooting a couple of cops eating at Cici's and then shooting up random people at Wal Mart!? Really!? That was the best plan they could come up with for kicking off a revolution!?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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There are people on this very forum, who are very adamant that ANY person who's paycheck is funded by federal, state, property tax, any tax.....are to be considered thieves as a result.......... because they take part of "their" paycheck.

Then perhaps they should stand up for their principles and stop working for "The Man" who follows the law and go it alone? No one is forcing them to feed the beast. They can go off the grid and do whatever they please. Of course, they don't want to give up their credit and convenience and the lifestyle that comes with doing things Law Way, so they get on their $50 a month hi-speed internet and ***** about it from their laptops and smart-phones.

Yeah, gotta give them props for that! LOL


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
The left will make this one a big issue. There are reports the shooters placed a Gadsden flag on the police they shot. The left will use it to blame the Tea Party, GOP, and gun owners, and will try to shift the blame for all the recent shootings onto us.

I have no doubt that this is the picture they will try to portray. However, the fact that a most likely tea party, GOP gun owner (as you put) was slain trying to stop these nut bags should poke a huge hole in their story.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2007
Reaction score
tilling subprep's cornfield
The male shooter @ Bundy Ranch



From his facebook

We can hope for peace. We must, however, prepare for war. We face an enemy that is not only well funded, but who believe they fight for freedom and justice. Those of us who know the truth and dare speak it, know that the enemy we face are indeed our brothers. Even though they share the same masters as we all do. They fail to recognize the chains that bind them. To stop this oppression, I fear, can only be accomplished with bloodshed. May the best men of our beloved nation stand and fight tyranny, without fear and without regret. May we stand proud as free men instead of kneeling as slaves. May we offer our children a free and just world with our blood, sweat and tears as payment. Let our wives and lovers take vengeance upon our enemies in our absence. We cannot fail in this endeavor of Liberty, if we do we risk leaving our orphaned children to the will of tyrants. We, cannot with good conscience leave this fight to our children, because the longer we wait, our enemies become better equipped and recruit more mercenaries of death, willing to do a tyrants bidding without question. I know you are fearful, as am I. We certainly stand before a great and powerful enemy. I, however would rather die fighting for freedom, than live on my knees as a slave. Let it be known to our children's children that free men stood fast before a tyrants wrath and were found victorious because we stood together. That we all cast aside our petty differences and united under the banner of Liberty and Truth. May future generations look back upon this time in history with awe and gratitude, for our courage to face tyranny, so that they could live happy and free.



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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 20, 2010
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With free will and liberty comes the "negative" effects of human nature. There will always be violence because violent people are created and nutured everyday. I sure hope we as a collective can see the guns and law abiding gun owners are NOT the problem. I think the problem stems from before day 1 of our lives.. genetics. I can't think of any moral way to stop the nuts of our society from being raised in our communities...


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
There are people on this very forum, who are very adamant that ANY person who's paycheck is funded by federal, state, property tax, any tax.....are to be considered thieves as a result.......... because they take part of "their" paycheck.

Yes sir, there are ...

Prayers to everyone affected by the senseless loss of life ...


Special Hen
May 9, 2009
Reaction score
how was he able to get guns again??
Jerad Miller
January 30, 2013
Today is day one of the resistance. Today I declare that I will not acknowledge unconstitutional laws or authority figures. I am invoking the right to resist law here in Indiana. Any attempt to take me away by unlawful warrant will be met with resistance. Enough talk, its time for action. I was unlawfully imprisoned due to my actions that did not involve a victim. I am the victim of tyranny and the federal government and the local authorities have violated my rights for the last time. I will not acknowledge unconstitutional laws that help a despotic government rule over its people. Right now I take a stand for myself, when they come for me I will be taking a stand for every american living under despotic rule. I will lead by example. I do not wish to hurt anyone, yet I will if they choose to take my freedom and my life from me. God have mercy on those who enforce these unconstitutional laws, for I will not.
Jerad Miller
May 13, 2013
Mark one up for freedom today. I stood before a fascist judge today and implied that he was a Nazi. I told him I did not recognize his authority over me and reminded him that 2 states now have legalized weed for recreational use. I also informed him that now, since the fast and furious scandal, that continuing the war on drugs is treason. He said to me "I may not agree with the law, but it is my duty to enforce it." To which I replied "Nazis during the war criminal trials stated that they, were just following orders and enforcing the law, and we hung those people."
Jerad Miller
July 21, 2013
Well guys, just shaved my head and my baby is upstairs asleep. Gonna pull an all nighter, normally cant sleep before going to jail anyway. I'm going to miss my wife so much. This is by far the hardest thing we have had to do so far. We will stronger for it tho. I lover her so much, I feel as if a little piece of me is going to die every day I am in there. I think I will only feel whole again once I'm out and in her arms. I'm going to take the last free shower I will have for about 7 weeks. May take another one with the wife before I go in, I have to get this hair off me tho, shaving my head is a good idea, its a lot easier to maintain. See you all soon. Peace.


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