"Healthy Food" questions

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Special Hen
Sep 14, 2019
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I need your advice, everyone, on the issue of "healthy vs unhealthy" foods.

Someone told me there are no healthy or unhealthy foods, it is all in the individual's diet and metabolism and other factors.

1 Is there a real difference between organic and non organic food or is this more of a marketing scam?
2 If a person loves pasta and foods with alot of carbohydrates but cannot eat them because of health dangers, what are some good alternatives?
3 Some people claim the nitrites and nitrates in processed meats like hotdogs, sausages, bacon, and other meats are very bad for human health and can even
cause cancer and other diseases. Is that true or false?


Special Hen
Sep 4, 2012
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I try keep the ingredient list on all my food as short as possible. Meat, well that’s simple, tastes better when it’s hand fed and has a name. As for vegetables, lots of em and fresher the better. Then there are whole wheat cinnamon rolls drenched in cream cheese frosting fresh out of the oven.................


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 17, 2008
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South OKC
My wife and I are currently eating better for the 4th or 5th time over the last few years and we have come to realize, at least I have, that until you make the decision to eat better it doesn’t matter what opinions are out there.

We have attempted all of the crazy eating fads believing each time that this is the one! Until we stop believing a few weeks into our new life. We grew up with the meat and potato parents on my side and Ronald McDonald was possibly having an affair with my mother in law, lol. So we are opposites in how we grew up and what was drilled into our guts.

I had kidney disease and got up close to 300 pounds while being treated by the Navy and was very fortunate to not be medically retired before hitting the 20 year mark. I walked away from that with insight that no matter how many times I heard about diabetes, seeing it in the same waiting room I was sitting in made me sit up straight and relearn what I thought I knew. I encourage all of you to visit a Nephrologist office and see who is sitting in there with ankles oozing puss and blood from edema that stretches your skin beyond capacity.

I had a choice, I made a choice and hope that I live a long life without ever seeing that again. It was a hard wake up call and I love to eat, lol.

If you are serious there are great resources right here in Okc to help you out, I bought a book and even though we mess up our eating plan once in a while with trash food we recognize what that food makes us feel like rather than before and get back on the healthier side as soon as possible.

Good luck, great questions and consider your audience when reading their replies, don’t get discouraged because it’s never too late until it is too late.

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