HELL YEAH. Bin Laden is DEAD. Yes thats right DEAD

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Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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It would be better to ask the people imprisoned without trial.

Maybe you can find those Uighurs they eventually let go inside the US.

You mean suspected terrorist that could have been legally held until the end of the war or shot?

Try Googling NSA Folsom Street

That has been going on long before the war on terror and in fact the 1940s tech version of it went on during WW2. The only difference if government keeping up with modern technology. (for a change)

You can argue the fourth has disappeared since 9-11.

You can also argue the sky is pink but that does not make it true.

Have you been to the airport lately?

A pain in the a$$ but not losing any freedom.

Many that are to be protected by the First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Eighth, as well as freedom from Federal overreach as protected by Article I Section 8 and the Ninth and Tenth.

Name the freedoms lost please.

Sorry guys but so far all I see is a lot of innuendo and nothing to back it up.


Special Hen
Dec 12, 2009
Reaction score
Florida former Okie.
Ok, he is dead.
Good deal.
Will the Taliban suddenly stop fighting, and go home to their mud huts??
Its been well known for a couple of years that he is just the figurehead of the organization.
Commanders below his stature will continue the fight.
Nothing will change except the fighters will now be fighting for allah and bin laden, the martyr.
In the Clinton Era of being a president, a military sniper had ben ladin in his sights and was asking for permission to fire. It went all the way to the White House for permission to take the shot. Clinton said no.

Clinton's first mistake was to appoint Tenet as the DCI. A good and intelligent man but also a pure bureaucrat without the killer instincts needed for the job. He was appointed because he was a safe appointment not likely to be denied.
Tenet the p**sy bureaucrat, had a clear shot at Osama when the sniper told him that he was ready. Being a bureaucrat he acted as a bureaucrat was expected to act, by covering his ass. He should have given the order because there was no time to waste and it was up to him to take the responsibility. He failed as a DCI and as an American patriot.

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