Here's a question about carrying past the signs... for those who do so.

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Special Hen
Mar 16, 2006
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Del City, Oklahoma
I believe it is illegal for even law enforcement to lay hands on you if you have not committed a crime much less a security person. If I'm wrong maybe an LEO can educate me. :popcorn::police2:


Special Hen
Nov 19, 2012
Reaction score
If it's at a restaurant I'll say sure I'll leave and sorry for my mistake of not noticing your sign. Then I'll ask my family to enjoy their dinner & to grab a to-go box for mine on the way out to the car where I'll be waiting. If it's at a movie, well no. It won't be at a movie. I haven't given 2 cents of my money to the Liberals in hollywood in the last 15 years.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
I've dealt with this from the "Paul Blart" aspect. If you're printing and they ask you if you're carrying and you say no or they ask you to lift your shirt and you refuse, yeah, you'll probably be told to leave. They shouldn't try to stop you once you're leaving, they shouldn't call you back to talk some more, they shouldn't put their hands on you, there's no reason to. If they do for some stupid reason, ask for the supervisor and keep trying to leave and announcing that you're leaving. Now that being said, once you've been told to leave...

If you want to stop and argue the point, if you change your mind and refuse to leave without your refund, if you want the cafe to make your food to go first, do some shopping, collect your winnings, whatever... if they want you out right now and you don't comply right now, you're trespassing and they (security) CAN arrest/detain you under Title 22. If you're arrested for a crime, (any crime) they have to legally disarm you. (Also Title 22) That doesn't do anybody any good.

All in all, just be polite and leave and avoid escalating the situation.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
Reaction score
It's simple right now but would we do well to remember that in some states gunbuster signs do have force of law? Should we also recognize the push and change of attitudes among many regarding these issues, in other words could it change here and if so what then?

"After examining the deficiencies in the existing laws on firearms
prohibitions the solution is clear: states should uniformly amend
their trespass or firearms codes to automatically impose criminal
sanctions for carrying a handgun or long gun (open or concealed)
on private property conspicuously marked with the standard sign
many states have already adopted..."


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
This is another case of how we have to win the public perception battle. While we are approving of the encounter recently at the Tulsa park, it is not being received as well in the general public. If we don't approach all of this in a well thought-out manner, we could end up pushing new legislation that will not be in our favor. Younger minds don't see the Constitution in the same light as most of our generation view it and changes could well happen. That is why it is so important that we study these elections, etc. from all sides.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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That is why it is so important that we...

...make certain to raise and educate a generation of Americans whom appreciate the importance of the Constitution and the right to bear arms, as well as participate in shooting for sport, hunting, self-defense and national defense.

Just my perspective. ;)


In Remembrance / Dec 27 2021
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 16, 2010
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Yukon, OK
I have never been made, and probably never will be. But, if somehow Blart was to spot my gat and tell me I had to leave, I'd just do so quietly, without argument or further discussion. And I'd do so immediately. Now if Blart were to then try to detain me, to perhaps grab and twist my arm, for example, or put me in a three-stooges kinda headlock or something and maybe gimme a knuckle-noogie on the noggin whilst going "Nyuck Nyuck Nyuck" why then I'd say in a loud and authoritative voice "Unhand me, you Ruffian! Unhand at once, I say!"

Then, I would fall to the floor and writhe, as if in great pain, clutching my arm, leg, neck, nose, groin, whatever and claim that Blart, in his overzealous attempts to stop me from leaving; to prevent me from obeying the law, if you will, has now caused me both grievous physical harm and mental anguish. And that his supervisor and the company for whom they work failed to provide adequate training in handling such situations, resulting in irreparable damages to both my corpus and cranium. I'd even go so far as to call "The Law Offices Of Dan Dailey" or maybe one of the barristers here on OSA would like to take the case on; I know we got us more'n a couple of law dawgs in here. Yep, I'd sue the living crap outta them and then when the Movie Theater was mine, all mine, I'd rename it "The Druryj Moving Pics Parlor, Beer Joint and Laundromat" (after a thorough remodel of course cause I really like the idea of doing laundry in a beer joint for some reason) and I'd heavily advertise here on OSA in the classifieds for all ya'lls bidness, offering a substantial discount to all OSA members who ain't on my Why you Bum the three of you could come watch a show, drink a beer or two, and do your laundry. I might even hire that poor unemployed sap, Blart, in a show of good will, to wash-n-fold your duds and run brewkis.

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