Here's what your single payer healthcare funding would look like.

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Apr 14, 2009
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Not to mention the complete destruction of decent healthcare. Oh, and the revenue increases from the taxes would go away as those who are taxed move out of the state.

California Single-Payer Healthcare Proposal Could Double State's Taxes​

By Nick Koutsobinas | Monday, 17 January 2022 08:50 PM

A California proposal for single-payer health care, unveiled earlier this year, would double the state's already high taxes.

According to analysis from the Tax Foundation, the proposed constitutional amendment would increase taxes by "$12,250 per household."

In total, there are three main revenue raisers to the proposal which include, additionally higher taxes on those whose income exceeds $149,509, a payroll tax on wage earners "with the top rate kicking in for employees with more than $49,990 in annual income," and a "gross receipts tax of 2.3 percent, excluding the first $2 million of business income."

If passed, the bill would attempt to raise an additional $163 billion in revenue.

As the Tax Foundation's Jared Walczak points out, "the top marginal rate on wage income would soar to 18.05 percent—nationally, the median top marginal rate is 5.3 percent."

While supporters of the measure say the proposal would offset costs in the long run, a further tax burden could lead to a second mass exodus in California.

"Practically doubling state taxes — even if the burden is partially offset through state-provided health coverage — could send taxpayers racing for the exits," Walczak writes.


Special Hen Banned
Jun 1, 2010
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I'm curious as to how it would affect the cost of actual healthcare though. Right now my premiums are subsidized by where I work so I only pay a few hundred while they cover almost $1500 of the monthly cost. Then I still have a high deductible before insurance covers anything. So unless someone gets really sick, there's at least $20,000 a year going nowhere between me and work.


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Mar 15, 2009
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IMO, there is no way to make single payer work unless you cap doctors and nurses salaries. Quality of care goes down because no one will want to go through what dr’s and nurses do knowing it’s capped.
The Heart Hospital is physician owned. All of the docs are highly leveraged in real estate, restaurants and hotels. They will tell you that this is their fear and hence the other investments.


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Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
I'm curious as to how it would affect the cost of actual healthcare though. Right now my premiums are subsidized by where I work so I only pay a few hundred while they cover almost $1500 of the monthly cost. Then I still have a high deductible before insurance covers anything. So unless someone gets really sick, there's at least $20,000 a year going nowhere between me and work.
Not to mention the Medicare deductible and cost of soonercare…the math is really complicated…why is it the cost would be so ****ing high in the USA but in Germany, Australia and every other industrialized country it is much lower? Does German or Australian healthcare suck? They have some of the best healthcare systems in the world with better outcomes…. Their people are healthier…. Have you seen a hospital bill without insurance, Medicaid/Medicare/tricare? Which by the way tricare is socialized medicine… it’s a ripoff. You could argue the reason costs are so high is because we don’t let insurance companies discriminate based on prior conditions and require emergency rooms to treat regardless of ability to pay…but is that really the society we want to live in?

personally I don’t think single payer is necessarily the answer…Switzerland, Germany and Australia all have multi payer systems, they’re just more highly regulated, everyone is guaranteed coverage and costs are negotiated by the gov.

You know who really benefits from a national health plan? Small business owners, the self employed and the disabled who can’t work… it’s kinda funny the everyone over 65 gets Medicare, and they’re the ones that use health care the most but instead of paying into the healthcare system the insurance companies are skimming off the top of the pool. Got diabetes? No coverage for you.

Capitalism is great.
Capitalism has made us the successful country we are today. But anyone who knows history is that there are people out there that will abuse the systems if there are not safeguards in place…

healthcare is not a choice. Sooner or later you’re going to need to use it. If we don’t regulate it, then it’ll only be there when it’s convenient for the insurance companies…when you pay the premiums and don’t use it…
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Dec 4, 2021
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Sitting Down
Single-payer is socialism and will kill the health care industry. Why should someone spend years of studying to be a doctor when they have no control of what procedures they do nor how much money they can make. Today's doctor does not make they kind of money they could 30 years ago.

Doctors from socialized countries come to the US to practice medicine. If single payer gets a larger foothold, the elderly will be denied services. It will takes months to see a specialist. The VA is an example of a single-payer system, it's a great example of how the govt will screw up healthcare.


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Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
Better get rid of double drive thru’s at Macdonald if we ever want to have a chance at affordable gubment ran healthcare.
And that folks, is how capitalism gets its wings snipped. Careful what we ask for.
true capitalism ended in the early 20th century…the end of the vanderbilts and J.P. Morgan’s….we already have substantially government run healthcare…tricare/Medicaid/Medicare and regulations..
Single-payer is socialism and will kill the health care industry. Why should someone spend years of studying to be a doctor when they have no control of what procedures they do nor how much money they can make. Today's doctor does not make they kind of money they could 30 years ago.

Doctors from socialized countries come to the US to practice medicine. If single payer gets a larger foothold, the elderly will be denied services. It will takes months to see a specialist. The VA is an example of a single-payer system, it's a great example of how the govt will screw up healthcare.
Medicare is single payer….


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Dec 9, 2021
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Tulsa, OK
Socialized medicine is great. Relatives secretary found a small lump in her arm pit on self examination. Doc agreed it was troubling. Referred to specialist. Died before she could see specialist. Ruled natural causes. Early 40s. This country has an extremely low cancer rate. Don’t diagnose? Don’t count it. Never happened. Everything is great, see we have the numbers to support our point. We are a great country to live in and our socialized medicine is proof.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
Socialized medicine is great. Relatives secretary found a small lump in her arm pit on self examination. Doc agreed it was troubling. Referred to specialist. Died before she could see specialist. Ruled natural causes. Early 40s. This country has an extremely low cancer rate. Don’t diagnose? Don’t count it. Never happened. Everything is great, see we have the numbers to support our point. We are a great country to live in and our socialized medicine is proof.
Capitalist medicine is great. My aunt started puking blood but had no health insurance… couldn’t afford to see dr… diagnosed with terminal cancer died early 50s…not saying you’re wrong but it goes both ways and ultimately insurance isn’t a miracle cure,..

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