Lawsuit against the atf.

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 3, 2017
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Kingfisher, OK
The GOA is already planning to sue for the pistol brace deal. I just received a letter in the mail yesterday for it. And they are still fighting the bumpstock deal. FPC is also challenging things in court.

Look, I know there are a lot that say the brace was designed as a skirt of the law but it actually wasn’t. It may be used for that now but that is not why it was originally designed. Regardless, the government has no right to try and make them illegal no more than they have the right to create any other gun laws. But as long as us 2A supporters keep on being divided and weak, the government will continue to take our rights away one step at a time. It amazes me how many folks seem ok with the feds infringing on the 2A as long as it’s not something that affects them. But in actuality, every anti gun thing that is done affects us all. We have got to come together and stand as one or we are done.
You speak the truth, but when have you seen the government stick to guidelines they have “the right to do”, as well as the right not to do? Plus, now we have a puppet President, who is controlled by a crazy woman, as well as a nutcase that runs Congress.

That said, I’m with you 200% in standing together, and fighting to the man to protect our rights. I still feel I live in the greatest country in the world, I just pray we can keep the train on it’s track, for now and future generations.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 26, 2018
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Lawton, OK
A while back I was talking to a retired 1SG and he even said AR's and AK's shouldn't be in civillian hands. My conversation with him ceased abruptly at that point. They call them FUDDS, people who believe in the 2nd A, but only for certain guns like bolt action/pump.


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
First they came for the bumpstock, and I did not speak out—because I have a 1911

Then they came for the pistol braces, and I did not speak out— because I have a 1911

Then they came for the large cap magazines, and I did not speak out—because i have a 1911

Then they came for my 1911—and there was no one left to speak for me but my 1911.
I don't own any sort of AR-based firearm. Nor any sort of braced pistol. I have, nevertheless, spoken out repeatedly against any sort of regulation of firearms of any sort simply because they don't really care what we think. They're just waming the water gently so we don't notice.


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
I do not own a brace, so I don’t have a dog in this particular fight. However I am an owner of firearms (not as many as I’d like but that’s a story for another day. I’m for any and all of the amendments of the constitution, especially the right to own and bear arms.

This is just like everything else that’s come out of public shootings. The government knows they can’t stop the illegal ownership of firearms, so they will continue to push and try to get the arms of us who will stay within the confines of the law. And…as they will learn, if there ever comes a day when they are successful in passing a law where the arms are to be given up by us, the crime rate will be out of control.

These thoughts are certainly in their talks, I mean I’m just a poor small town guy in Oklahoma, if I can see it, surely they can right? Anyway, I just can’t imagine anything like that happening in my time, so I just don’t see that drastic of measures happening. I do however see them nitpicking, bump stocks, arm braces, etc, but hopefully they’ll get tired of it? If a petition comes around (even though they make zero difference), I’ll certainly sign up, or join my brothers-in-arms to ‘peacefully protest’. I pray they just leave us the hell alone though!

Just my $0.02 worth.
I thought they'd give up regulating anything more in 1968. I was PO'd then. When I was 13. Now I'm 68. Ain't hardly anything changed at all... Yeah, sure!


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 22, 2009
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I don't own any sort of AR-based firearm. Nor any sort of braced pistol. I have, nevertheless, spoken out repeatedly against any sort of regulation of firearms of any sort simply because they don't really care what we think. They're just waming the water gently so we don't notice.
🐸 ribbit, ribbit, it is indeed a long term game the socialists are playing. They want us to all be serfs and subjects or even slaves again


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Braces were designed to allow veterans without the ability to hold the gun with two hands to still shoot one. That's like saying handicapped parking spots are just for lazy people.
Ok, if that’s the case, let only veterans with a documented and verifiable disability own them. 😂
I rest my case and I’ll once again say I’ll fight to the death for the rights to own one, but don’t try to BS me and say it’s not a work around for a SBR.
Yes, I know this a response to a 2021 thread.

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