Man shot and killed by trooper after fleeing driver's license checkpoint in Miami, OK

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles

Lol! It would appear so ... don't imagine that's gonna work out like they thought ... she'll get her nuisance settlement and they will get some sensitivity training. Sadly, all that could have been avoided if she had just exercised a little personal responsibility and not been "drunk in publick" ... ;)

You couldn't pay me to be a cop ...


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Yes, things would go much easier if everyone would just show their papers to the polizei when they are demanded, like loyal subjects.

It is likely that this was a mentally ill person. Possibly under the delusion that this is still the kind of country where you can go wherever you want without being hassled as long as you aren't trespassing or hurting someone else.

On the tactical side, this is another example of how brandishing is almost always a poor choice. If your gun needs to come out, it comes out for the purpose of killing the other SOB before he kills you. The irrationality of just climbing out with a gun and not doing anything with it, when you know the other guy is armed, makes you wonder whether this is an example of bad tactics, or if the guy just wanted to die.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Yes, things would go much easier if everyone would just show their papers to the polizei when they are demanded, like loyal subjects.

It is likely that this was a mentally ill person. Possibly under the delusion that this is still the kind of country where you can go wherever you want without being hassled as long as you aren't trespassing or hurting someone else.

On the tactical side, this is another example of how brandishing is almost always a poor choice. If your gun needs to come out, it comes out for the purpose of killing the other SOB before he kills you. The irrationality of just climbing out with a gun and not doing anything with it, when you know the other guy is armed, makes you wonder whether this is an example of bad tactics, or if the guy just wanted to die.

Well, THAT'S my game plan ... show my papers and then call you for legal representation ... I'm ugly enough ... my face doesn't need some over-zealous cop trying to add a little linoleum to my grill ... nor does being ventilated appeal much to me ...

Like I said, I don't care for the system, but I'm damned sure not gonna fight it on the side of the road ...


Special Hen
Dec 12, 2012
Reaction score
Edmond, OK
Well, THAT'S my game plan ... show my papers and then call you for legal representation ... I'm ugly enough ... my face doesn't need some over-zealous cop trying to add a little linoleum to my grill ... nor does being ventilated appeal much to me ...

Like I said, I don't care for the system, but I'm damned sure not gonna fight it on the side of the road ...

Just think of them as "speed holes" lol

I agree with you, having a good lawyer is a must. I was in court this past Friday and I did not say one word. I let my lawyer do the talking, and since he knew the clerk AND the judge, he was able to work out a amicable deal for all parties and I was at work 20 minutes later. Couldn't have really gone any better outside of an outright dismissal.


Jan 15, 2007
Reaction score
A highway near you.
Yes, things would go much easier if everyone would just show their papers to the polizei when they are demanded, like loyal subjects.

It is likely that this was a mentally ill person. Possibly under the delusion that this is still the kind of country where you can go wherever you want without being hassled as long as you aren't trespassing or hurting someone else.

On the tactical side, this is another example of how brandishing is almost always a poor choice. If your gun needs to come out, it comes out for the purpose of killing the other SOB before he kills you. The irrationality of just climbing out with a gun and not doing anything with it, when you know the other guy is armed, makes you wonder whether this is an example of bad tactics, or if the guy just wanted to die.

I get you hate police. That's fine I hate attorneys...but you come out pointing a gun at me I'm guessing you're not asking me to tea. I suspect most rational people would agree. I also don't have time to ask "sir, I see you're pointing a gun at me ...are you mentally ill or do you mean me harm".....


Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
..but you come out pointing a gun at me I'm guessing you're not asking me to tea.



Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
I get you hate police. That's fine I hate attorneys...but you come out pointing a gun at me I'm guessing you're not asking me to tea. I suspect most rational people would agree. I also don't have time to ask "sir, I see you're pointing a gun at me ...are you mentally ill or do you mean me harm".....

I think the breakdown that often occurs in these situations is in separating the before from after. I think several people here hate the situation that many cops are put in before these things occur, but do not begrudge what happens afterwards. I.e. Wondering why there are 'license stops' but not taking issue with cops defending themselves once confronted.

I think the prime example of this are the no-knock entires that have been discussed here in the past. When cops are asked to do this (and especially when they go to the wrong house), then they are put into a bad situation and probably could have been avoided. Is the homeowner at fault for responding to a break-in with force? Are the cops wrong for responding to an armed homeowner with force?

Many of these things could seemingly be avoided if policies were changed or approaches altered. Though i'm sure some on OSA will disagree, but i think a cop's job is already hard enough. The focus should be on creating situations that have a higher chance for successful outcomes

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