Man walking down street carrying his severed arm (band saw accident)

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Special Hen
Sep 8, 2009
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Two city workers in Lewiston, Maine were working on the sidewalk when a man came along carrying his severed arm.
The dude who had really bad luck (with a band saw while working in a nearby building) was extremely fortunate to run into a couple of guys that knew how to use a tourniquet.
The man is expected to survive, no word on whether his arm could be reattached.

"...Witnesses said that shortly after 9 a.m., a man was seen stumbling along Maple Street carrying his severed arm, which had been cut off near the shoulder. Public works crews who were in the area stopped to help and called police and rescue crews.
Workers quickly applied a tourniquet while waiting for medics to arrive, according to Lewiston police Lt. Derek St. Laurent.
'That probably saved his life,' St. Laurent said.
The victim, described as a young man, was taken to Central Maine Medical Center where he remained later Friday....
...Police were able to follow a blood trail back to the business after the victim was found, St. Laurent said...
[The public works director says both employees are trained in the use of tourniquets.]
'It had to be divine intervention,' she said, 'because two of my best guys just happened to be there sanding sidewalks. It couldn’t have been better guys for this kind of situation.'"


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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I damn near lost my thumb last May and felt absolutely zero pain. I could feel pressure and cold when they cleaned it but no pain.

When I was in kindergarten my grandpa was using his table saw outside. I was playing around in the yard. My grandpa NEVER cussed. In fact, I never ever even heard the man raise his voice. I heard the saw turn off and he said in the calmest voice I have EVER heard in my life "Patti Sue, come over here and help me find my damn fingers, girl." 😳 I skipped over to where he was (give me a little slack, I was 5) found 2 of the 3 fingers he had sawed off (never did figure out how he missed his index finger but got the other 3) and then ran to the barn for cotton and a bottle of saline. He went to the house to get Grandma. It seems surreal now but none of this was done with any kind of panic from either one of us -- urgency, yes but no "whaaawhaaaa hairs on fire" kinda ****. I was mad at the hospital because they would not let me go in the room and hold my grandpa's hand while they sewed his fingers shut. And I was doubly mad when I found out they didn't even try to sew his fingers back on. Oh the perfect world of a 5-year-old. Lol Grandpa swore that it didn't hurt until the docs started messing around with them. He did say later that you haven't hurt until you've had phantom pains. That's the only time I ever saw him give an inch. He'd have a drink when his fingers would hurt but otherwise was a tee-totaler.

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