"Marines", "Rangers", "Snipers" and ******** Artists

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Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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OSA is full of vets. How do you guys stand these assholes? If you haven't figured it out, I'm talking about tools who lie about or grossly exagerrate military service.

In the past couple weeks I've met a "Marine" who talked about nothing else, and was clearly full of about nine kinds of ********. Also in this time frame I met all five foot four of a "Ranger and a sniper" my sister's boyfriend works with who inroduced himself by interrupting a goofy story my girlfriend was telling about scaring her friends with "You couldn't scare me. I've had to kill people. I killed a kid who looked just like my f*cking brother" and proceeded to go on a ridiculous rant about how screwed up he is. Of course my girlfriend was all "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." because what does a girl say to a nutjob like that? I just nodded at him and said "huh" and refused to engage him. A sniper? Really? Everyone who has ever been in the Army is a sniper who saw combat? Statistics alone say someone's full of ****.

Oh, this guys "sniper rifle" has a laser sight, too. Nifty. I heard this before I met him by someone he suckered.

I have a friend I've known over seven years who is a Marine. I knew him three years before he told me any stories, and even then it was in the context of hiking, excercise, and extreme heat/cold. No veteran I know, especially those who saw heavy combat, walks around talking like an *******. They're all super nice and never brag. Why would they have to brag? In fact, it seems the more elite they were, the less they talk.

Some of these jerks have never been in the military at all. It seems more of them *have* been, and that's well and good, but not if you're using that simple fact to give creedence to your lies about things you never did (Jerome Ersland?)

For reference, both of the recent guys I've met are in their late 30s, both happen to be *tiny* (short guy syndrome?), and both are complete losers.

Anyways, these guys are terrible and insulting and I think there should be a law passed where any actual combat vet can beat them senseless with no legal fallout.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
This is the bad part about treating service members like a better class of citizens. I treat my military friends just like normal people. I think that's how they want to be treated? My Marine friend is shy and quiet and lord knows he'd be embarassed if everyone kissed his ass all day. He wants to work and play with his kids. He could give a **** about telling stories, much less to civilians.

Society is so afraid of being disrespectful to vets that it allows any loser to say he was "in" and get drinks or friends or laid or whatever.

While guys with real issues/injuries are at home, some nerd who never saw combat or left the U.S. is at a bar talking some slut up with his fake PTSD stories, getting pitied. It's sick.


Special Hen
Jun 13, 2007
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Tulsa, OK
Precious little is known of the early life of Vietnam Veteran and Author, Sargent John Four Leaf Tayback. After returning from Vietnam in 1969, Tayback became a vocal critic of Americas foreign policy in the Vietnam conflict. His public and often stoic, silent protests gained him national notoriety, and for a brief moment, he was seen as the next great leader in anti-war movement. However Four Leaf fell out of favor amongst anti war radicals after critics emerged, deriding him for his erratic descriptions of both his time served, and the places he traveled in Vietnam. He was momentarily written off as a tragic, albeit heroic, acid casualty of the late 60s anti war movement. But in 1971 his critics were silenced when Four Leaf published his unflinching, harrowing and beautifully told memoirs of his time in Vietnam, and of his account of the secret mission his government sent him on. The Book Tropic Thunder was a runaway bestseller.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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This thread reminds me of a scene in the movie "Full Metal Jacket" where the guys are talking about their "combat experience" and the "thousand yard stare".

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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If you have doubts, these guys do a pretty stand up job outing these guys and gals.

Of course there is the indefatigable Don Shipley who; among other things, takes great pleasure in outing fake SEALS. Many of his better exploits are on youtube, and they are equal parts funny and anger inducing. Just look for videos labeled, "phoney SEAL of the week."

Ridge, you mentioned the short guy syndrome, When I lived in Mustang and my ex worked at the Wal Mart, there was a short stocky guy who worked in the paint department. he was all of 5 feet tall and would regale the female employees about his exploits as a SEAL in central America. She told me a story about him parachuting into Guatemala shooting guerrillas from the hip on the way down. There were many more stories but that is the one that stuck out the most. Shortly there after he was transferred to another store so I never got to go in and say hi to him. If I remember correctly he was also a chairman or something with a vet organization in OKC.

"No veteran I know, especially those who saw heavy combat, walks around talking like an *******. They're all super nice and never brag. Why would they have to brag? In fact, it seems the more elite they were, the less they talk."

True words right there.


Special Hen
Apr 13, 2013
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Lincoln County
OSA is full of vets. How do you guys stand these assholes? If you haven't figured it out, I'm talking about tools who lie about or grossly exagerrate military service.

In the past couple weeks I've met a "Marine" who talked about nothing else, and was clearly full of about nine kinds of ********. Also in this time frame I met all five foot four of a "Ranger and a sniper" my sister's boyfriend works with who inroduced himself by interrupting a goofy story my girlfriend was telling about scaring her friends with "You couldn't scare me. I've had to kill people. I killed a kid who looked just like my f*cking brother" and proceeded to go on a ridiculous rant about how screwed up he is. Of course my girlfriend was all "Oh my god, I'm so sorry." because what does a girl say to a nutjob like that? I just nodded at him and said "huh" and refused to engage him. A sniper? Really? Everyone who has ever been in the Army is a sniper who saw combat? Statistics alone say someone's full of ****.

Oh, this guys "sniper rifle" has a laser sight, too. Nifty. I heard this before I met him by someone he suckered.

I have a friend I've known over seven years who is a Marine. I knew him three years before he told me any stories, and even then it was in the context of hiking, excercise, and extreme heat/cold. No veteran I know, especially those who saw heavy combat, walks around talking like an *******. They're all super nice and never brag. Why would they have to brag? In fact, it seems the more elite they were, the less they talk.

Some of these jerks have never been in the military at all. It seems more of them *have* been, and that's well and good, but not if you're using that simple fact to give creedence to your lies about things you never did (Jerome Ersland?)

For reference, both of the recent guys I've met are in their late 30s, both happen to be *tiny* (short guy syndrome?), and both are complete losers.

Anyways, these guys are terrible and insulting and I think there should be a law passed where any actual combat vet can beat them senseless with no legal fallout.

You are correct those who spout too much usually are full of crap. I will say I have served with some little fellers, both Marines and Army that were bad a**es.


Special Hen
Oct 3, 2007
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Part time Vegas, Galveston, Oklahoma
I saw this happen to my father...only one time...well, it may have happened more, but I only witnessed it one time.

Yes, I come from a line of Marines..all Hollywood Marines, even my nephew. I was talked out of, pleaded with and told to go to college...don't join the Marines. My dad told me he'd seen enough of Korea and the Marine Corps for the both of us, I wasn't missing anything.

Back to the story...

Yes, my dad had some fantastic fighting chickens when I was a kid. When he was a Jr. in High School he and my grandparents moved to So.Cal. He got to know some famous chicken fighters in California....and brought back to Oklahoma. ..true California Hatch.

So, this led to people visiting my dad all the freakin' time, talking about his chickens,bloodlines, winnings, old time breeders and fighters and ultimately how much for a trio.

Well, one time, there were some guys at the house (I was 8-9 years old) talking chicken stuff...feed, how much to feed and water, weight, type of gaffs or Mexican short blades..blah, blah.

As they were talking, one of the guys mentioned he'd lived in Southern California (my dad lived there a short while as a Jr.and Sr. in High School then he joined the Marines..early 1950's.

Well this guy kept mentioning how he was a Marine and had served in Korea. My dad ws like really??!! What unit were you with? Guy mumbled around. My dad raised one eyebrow...and asked his visitor..that he couldn't remember (my dad was trying to find some answers playing dumb)who the President was that stopped the war...was it Truman or Eisenhower...he couldn't remember AND what years was he in Korea??

Bottom line the old boy told my dad the wrong answers. My dad was cool and calm ..he didn't correct him at all.

When the guy asked how much for some chickens, my dad told him he didn't sell anything to fake Marines, you need to get off his property and don't come back.

Then when my dad went down the Jesus trail..was born again...he gave...GAVE..all his chickens and stuff to a buddy up in Maryland. After he found the Lord..no more chicken fighting. He kept a few for the bloodline...no more fighting 'em.
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