Medical Examiner: Moore Warren In-Custody Death Homicide

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
I agree with everything you've said, FakeHuman. EVERYONE is wound up tighter than an 8-day clock. I would like to see cameras on ALL officers ... believe it or not they already get a ton of sensitivity training. Problem is that out on the street sensitivity will get you hurt ... or worse ... Then they turn around and get training on how to take control of situations for EVERYONE'S safety that directly contradicts anything even remotely "sensitive".

I am starting to see positive movement towards changing the way they (the po-po) deal with the citizenry but it will take time. We didn't get where we are now overnight, and unfortunately we won't be able to fix it overnight ...


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Oh the drama ... :rolleyes2 You guys don't know what "owned" is ... I'd suggest a trip to some regions in the Middle East ... or maybe Africa ... to get a real good look at just how good you have it here ... even WITH all the problems we have. I swear you guys are worst than a bunch of menopausal splinters getting together for tea and crumpets to complain about how awful men have treated them all these years ...

Y'all please don't stop Hudson's and Davidson's on account of me posting. It's my not-so-humble opinion, not an admonishment. The manufactured angst wears me thin, that's all ...

Carry on ... :)

WTF with auto correct?!?!!?!!? Jeez ... it's cussin' and discussin', not Hudson's and Davidson's ..
:scratch: :lmfao:

100% correct here, BB. We have it much better than Middle Eastern and frican countries. I'll venture to say we have it better than Mexico, China, ..the list goes on and on.
Of course we don't have liberty in the sense that our forefathers envisioned it, but really those in authority probably know what's best. And don't forget: those guys with badges answer to the ones in authority, they don't answer to ordinary civilians.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
100% correct here, BB. We have it much better than Middle Eastern and frican countries. I'll venture to say we have it better than Mexico, China, ..the list goes on and on.
Of course we don't have liberty in the sense that our forefathers envisioned it, but really those in authority probably know what's best. And don't forget: those guys with badges answer to the ones in authority, they don't answer to ordinary civilians.

THAT right there is the unfortunate truth of the matter ... Although I think that attitude within department brass and administration is changing slowly ... it used to be that when an officer screwed the pooch the department did whatever they wanted and the civilians never heard about it. Not so much anymore ... And that is a good thing.

I truly do want all officers to wear cameras. I know GC's stress level dropped several points when he got his camera. Why?? Because you haven't lived until someone makes false charges against you and it truly is just your word against theirs ... :nolike:


Special Hen
Mar 8, 2013
Reaction score
Oh the drama ... :rolleyes2 You guys don't know what "owned" is ... I'd suggest a trip to some regions in the Middle East ... or maybe Africa ... to get a real good look at just how good you have it here ... even WITH all the problems we have. I swear you guys are worst than a bunch of menopausal splinters getting together for tea and crumpets to complain about how awful men have treated them all these years ...

Y'all please don't stop Hudson's and Davidson's on account of me posting. It's my not-so-humble opinion, not an admonishment. The manufactured angst wears me thin, that's all ...

Carry on ... :)

WTF with auto correct?!?!!?!!? Jeez ... it's cussin' and discussin', not Hudson's and Davidson's ..
:scratch: :lmfao:

also, spinsters, not splinters.

I agree that we are no where near as bad as other countries, but we need to investigate every instance of potential abuse, and decry it vehemently when found. It's not: Tuesday, everything is fine. Wednesday, people are being herded into rail cars. Totalitarianism tends to trickle in.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
also, spinsters, not splinters.

I agree that we are no where near as bad as other countries, but we need to investigate every instance of potential abuse, and decry it vehemently when found. It's not: Tuesday, everything is fine. Wednesday, people are being herded into rail cars. Totalitarianism tends to trickle in.

:grumble: Damned autocorrect ... :grumble: I usually go back and try to catch them but didn't this time ... Obviously ... :rolleyes2

I have NEVER said any of the crap that goes one should be shoveled under the nearest bush. I want the "problem children" gone from LE probably more than you guys do, believe it or not. They make it nigh on impossible for the citizenry and LE to work together -- and the system we have simply will not work unless everyone works together. And by everyone I mean good, decent, law-abiding citizens who don't think that just because it is their God-given constitutional right to bow up at every police officer they see that bowing up is gonna be productive. Especially when LE have been called to a situation and told that something potentially dangerous is going on. How the **** are the supposed to ever figure out what is going on unless they stop somebody who looks like they are involved (or witnesses) a situation and ASK THEM FOR GOD"S SAKE ...

FakeHuman is right. For an officer to be yelling at someone who is not being aggressive, with their hand on their weapon, would make me extremely uncomfortable too ... But I damned sure wouldn't argue with him. Helping those people in that car, no matter how much I wanted to help, is NOT my job, so ... if he wanted it he could have it. There have been instances of citizens helping LE in situations similar to the one his wife encountered. What happens once the police arrive at the scene is their decision, not mine. I'm not the one who has to write the report afterwards.

WTF is wrong with people?? (and yes, I mean some cops too because last time I checked we didn't have any artificial intelligence, robot police officers ... yet ...)


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 7, 2009
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WTF is wrong with people?? (and yes, I mean some cops too because last time I checked we didn't have any artificial intelligence, robot police officers ... yet ...)



Special Hen
Mar 8, 2013
Reaction score
Sorry BB, I forgot how sensitive an issue this is for you. I have had a few interactions with police officers over the years, and none of them were negative. I do worry about the "Get in your place serf!" mentality that seems to pervade every level of government. I would wager that the level of immoral, ethical, and sadistic behavior among law enforcement is significantly lower than the general public, but the feeling of betrayal when a peace officer is revealed to be a villain is so much greater then any other, excepting one's own family.
I grew up on Barney Miller. Imagine how I felt the first time I read about real life abuse of power. I understand how things work. I believe that many leos would be first and loudest to cry "foul" if not for their department's policies. I also understand that today's technology spreads information a lot faster and further, so we hear about every single instance that makes it to facebook. We may hear about it more than we used to, but it's probably less common than the rubber hose detection methods of 70 years ago.
What I'm trying to say is that every citizen should stand up and point a finger and yell "scumbag" every time a judge buys a new yacht after settling a bogus suit in favor of agribusiness. "Traitor" every time the POSUS (not an autocorrect error) violates the Constitution. and yes "criminal" every time a leo commits a crime. If we don't aggressively defend our liberty as it is slipping away faster and faster every day, we'll soon have none left.

Personally I think you and GC are cool people. I may be in the city this weekend. If he's working, tell him to look for me. I'll be the guy not wearing his seatbelt.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Oops sorry man, I didn't mean to sound wound up or anything ... I had GC in my ear, beating me over the head with his night stick, wanting lunch ...

Basically my problem is the whole damned thing is ****** up by managers, brass, politicians, unscrupulous lawyers, criminals, and citizens who want it both ways ... throw in a bad cop or two, a journalist (or college student with an iPhone) who wants to make a name for themselves ... or boost ratings ... toss in a race baiter or two ... then turn up the heat and stir vigorously ...

You should know by now that I've got no use for assholes -- regardless of their career choice ... :P

Oh ... and lol at the seatbelt thing ... don't tell him but I'm the same way ... :rotflmao:
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