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Jan 12, 2007
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Just in case they reject my comments, here's the on to the bear article:

Your attempt at sarcasm is brilliant in its failure. Bears are not concealable from view, properly carried self defense arms are. Bears have self-determination, properly carried self defense arms do not. When you stated "you never know when a criminal might try to rob or harm me in broad daylight as I trudge to class with 20,000 other students around.", you must've forgotten that inconvenient statistic includes the Virginia Tech massacre? Have you viewed the excellent of Homeland Security Youtube video "Run, Hide, Fight"? Obviously running and hiding are preferred, but IF you were forced to fight, what's better to do so with than a properly carried self defense arm?

Your obvious opposition to concealed carry relies on tried and untrue emotional arguments. If you have nothing to fear from an active shooter that you don't see, then how could you possibly fear properly concealed self defense arms that you can't see? It's not the gun you fear, it's the very idea of the gun that causes you emotional distress.

And the "Assault Rifle" article:

First, let's dispense with your incorrect definition of "assault weapon". An "assault weapon" is a select fire military arm that's capable of both semi-auto and either burst or full-auto fire. The U.S. government categorizes all select fire/full auto weapons as "machineguns", regardless of sub-type. What you're referring to are civilian defense rifles or hunting rifles. I happen to own both types. A civilian defense rifle can be legally purchased for a few hundred dollars with an instant background check. A true assault rifle will cost anywhere from $7,000 and up, requires the purchase of a $200 federal tax stamp, a completed information package sent to the BATFE, an FBI background check and several months wait for approval. Anyone who can legally purchase a firearm can legally purchase a machinegun in 41 out of 50 states.

In 1776, an "assault rifle" was a smoothbore flintlock musket. It was equal to or better than the military arms of the oppressive British government. Individual persons at the time owned not only muskets, but also cannon and even armed ships! Our Republic (yes, it's a Republic, not a democracy) was founded and designed with checks and balances. The three branches of federal government were designed so that one branch alone could not oppress The People. The 2nd Amendment, along with the 1st Amendment were designed as checks and balances to ensure that all three branches of government would never be able to usurp the power of The People.

Our rights to freedom from oppression roughly flow from “The Soap Box, The Ballot Box, The Jury Box and The Cartridge Box, specifically in that order. Therefore, our rights to own machineguns and civilian defense rifles are expressly protected for that purpose. Every military arm in the history of the United States has subsequently been adapted for sporting purposes. That includes the M-16/M-4 family of arms. Their semi-auto descendants are dominant in many types of target shooting and they’re gaining wide acceptance in the hunting fields as well. This ensures a populace familiar with their operation, should the need ever arise to use them in defense of life and liberty.

Evil today is no different from evil in 1776. Those with evil intent will always do whatever they can to stack the odds in their favor. It doesn’t matter whether it’s a fearful government intent on oppressing The People, or a crazed shooter who intentionally targets “gun free” zones and buildings. Assuaging the irrational and emotional fears of the people through gun registration, bans and confiscation will never prevent evil. Only by assuring an armed and trained populace will we enable a real defense against tyranny.


Formerly SirROFL
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Jun 4, 2009
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His logic seems to be pretty clear to me.

YES, my right to defend myself with whatever means I choose IS more important than your right to be safe from my method of self defense.
This is the United States, the only nation on Earth founded on the principle that individual rights always trump the collective.

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