Not sure what this guy wanted...

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Special Hen
Jan 21, 2009
Reaction score
Im sure this would have ended up in a request for money.

Last night I took my wife to Logans on 71st for her birthday. We met my parents there. We park on the east side.

As we are walking on the sidewalk a couple approaches us with the guy saying "excuse me sir, excuse me, I need to speak with you". I tell him we dont have time, so he simply steps in front of us and starts saying "Oh, I like that shirt, do you have kids? We are from Stillwater and have grandkids and..."

This was making no sense at all so I said "look, we are meeting somebody, we need to go" and literally had to shoulder our way past this idiot. It was almost impossible from the start to try and maintain any distance. I had already decided if anything should start to happen, my only option would to have been to hit him as hard as I could just to buy a little time.

Once we were past him, he was not happy...he says "in a hurry? I was gonna be fast damn you..."

I watched him after SUV with an older couple pulled in and I could hear the couple say something along the lines of "Yeah, try them" as they were pointing at the SUV and heading towards it before it ever finished parking.

Once we went in, we told the employee at the front that there were people harassing customers in the parking lot...dont know if they took care of it or if the couple got bored...either way they were gone when we finished dinner.

These people are getting pushier by the day and they have a really nasty habit of stepping right in your personal space and staying there.

Old Fart

Special Hen
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
Once we went in, we told the employee at the front that there were people harassing customers in the parking lot...dont know if they took care of it or if the couple got bored...either way they were gone when we finished dinner.

That was the best thing to do.

Hopefully if the cops run enough of them off they'll go elsewhere.
I just hope they don't move out in the country.........................


Special Hen
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score

People like that really cheese me off.

A few years ago there were two older women who would drive their blinged-up maroon Lincoln Navigator to all the main suburban grocery store parking lots and ask people for money, playing with their emotions to get it. I never gave her any money, and I guess she didn't recognize me the second time she approached me, a month after the first... with the same damn story.

"Oh, sir," *pant*pant*pant*, "we's trying to get to Oklahoma City for a funeral and don't have no gas money. Could you help a poor old woman out?"


I saw them about six months after that at Wal-Mart. Boy, she saw me and damn near ran back to that ridiculous SUV. I called the manager when I got back to make sure he knew what they were doing. He did, and had already called the police about it once.

Haven't seen them since...


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
I'm getting so sick and tired of these panhandlers. The ones on the street corners with the signs are bad enough but the ones that approach you when you're with your family in a dark parking lot are simply asking for trouble.


Special Hen
Apr 29, 2010
Reaction score
There used to be a pregnant girl that sat at I44 & Lewis begging for me everyday. I was late coming home from work one day and saw her walking. I had to run into walgreens and just waited for a minute to see where she went. Well here comes her sugar daddy in his new escalade with paper tags and shiny rims. I wanted to say something but low lifes like that are not worht my time.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
I DO NOT like it when people I don't know approach me. Quick way to get a real attitude from me -- I'm not gonna be nice to you while you are trying to figure out the best way to take money from me.

Harsh, yeah ... do I care, no ... I'm too old for that crap.

A guy did that at Wal-Mart one time. I kept moving to keep a car between him and me as I was reaching into my purse. I could tell by the look on his face he thought he was getting money. I told him "Hey, dude, it AIN'T MONEY I am reaching for."

He turned on his heel and walked very quickly in the other direction.

My feelers were hurt ... he didn't even say "Have a blessed day ..." :(


Special Hen
Jan 9, 2010
Reaction score
Kingfisher Co.
These people are getting pushy and they make their rounds.

We have had a run in with the same lady twice at the Babies-R-Us by Penn Square Mall. It was the same story both times, "Scuse me sir, I'm from Tulsa and my momma is sick and I'm tryins to get back and don't have any monies fo gas."

The funny thing is my in-laws, who were with us both times, are from out of town, a very small town. My father-in-law, who is a great guy with a huge heart, was trying to be nice and gave her some money. He told her, "I would hope you would not lie about this situation, and God Bless." Of course she told him she was not lying and all that b.s. The whole time I was thinking SCAM, but it was his money and I wasn't going to tell him what to do.

The second time, we are walking out of the store she approaches me, "Scuse me, scuse me sir, I....." I stopped her right there and I said, "hey, I am short on cash, can I borrow some money....." She said, "scuse me?" I told her, "I guess you don't remember me, but I know what you are up to." She acted so put out that I would ever say such a thing. So as she is approaching my father-in-law, I tell him, "that is the same lady as last time," but he had already recognized her. She said, "what'd he say? what'd he say?" She then went into her b.s. story. He listened intently and then said, "well my son is a cop, let me give him a call, I am sure he can help you out." She was gone in the blink of an eye.

I cannot stand these people, they feed on people's kindness, and make it impossible to determine which people really do need help. This lady was dressed out with the skirt, high heels and everything, and I am sure her Navigator was parked somewhere around there. Scum of the earth in my opinion.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
I DO NOT like it when people I don't know approach me. Quick way to get a real attitude from me -- I'm not gonna be nice to you while you are trying to figure out the best way to take money from me.

Harsh, yeah ... do I care, no ... I'm too old for that crap.

A guy did that at Wal-Mart one time. I kept moving to keep a car between him and me as I was reaching into my purse. I could tell by the look on his face he thought he was getting money. I told him "Hey, dude, it AIN'T MONEY I am reaching for."

He turned on his heel and walked very quickly in the other direction.

My feelers were hurt ... he didn't even say "Have a blessed day ..." :(

This. These bums don't know when "close" becomes "too close". Just a matter of time before one of these clowns gets severely injured.

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