Obama and Anderson Cooper's Town Hall on Guns

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 24, 2008
Reaction score
Largest mass shootings in US history.

Seung-Hui Cho - 32 killed.
Adam Lanza - 27 killed.
George Hennard - 23 killed.
James Huberty - 21 killed.
Joseph Whitman - 18 nilled.
Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik - 14 killed.
Patrick Henry Sherrill - 14 killed.
Nidal Malik Hasan - 13 killed.
Jiverly Wong - 13 killed.
Kwan Fai Mak and Benjamin Ng - 13 killed.
George Banks - 13 killed.
Aaron Alexis - 12 killed.
James E. Holmes - 12 killed.
Mark Barton - 12 killed.
Michael McLendon - 10 killed.
Michael McLendon - 9 killed.
Christopher Sean Harper-Mercer - 9 killed.
Dylann Roof - 9 killed.
Johnathan Doody and Alessandro Garcia - 9 killed.
Jeff Weise - 9 killed.
James Pough - 9 killed.
Scott Evans Dekraai - 8 killed.
Carl Robert Brown - 8 killed.
Gian Luigi Ferri - 8 killed.
Robert Hawkins - 8 killed.
Joseph Wesbecker - 8 killed.

No gangbangers or cartels. Two Muslim shootings. The vast majority are white males.

Right...what is your take on Obama's hometown gun violence, if it's an issue? http://heyjackass.com/


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
Anderson Cooper - Second Amendment supporter :uhwhat:

... The action began when Mark Kelly, the husband of former Arizona congresswoman and gun violence survivor Gabrielle Giffords, talked about the reaction to testimony he gave to Congress supporting the expansion of background checks. Kelly, himself a gun owner, said he was frustrated to find that many legislators were of the belief that this expansion was a ruse that would lead to a gun confiscation registry. With tongue planted firmly in cheek, Kelly asked, "I'd like you to explain, with 350 million guns in 65 million places, households from Key West to Alaska ... if the federal government wanted to confiscate those objects, how would they do that?"

Obama endeavored to explain how it came to pass that the lawmakers Kelly encountered had come to believe what they believed, when Cooper suddenly came to the aid of the conspiracy-mongers....

BARACK OBAMA: This notion of a conspiracy out there, it gets wrapped up in concerns about the federal government. Now, there's a long history of that. That's in our DNA. The United States was born suspicious of some distant authority --

ANDERSON COOPER: Let me jump in. Is it fair to call it a conspiracy? A lot of people really believe this deeply, they just don't trust you.

OBAMA: I'm sorry, Cooper? Yes. It is fair to call it a conspiracy. What are you saying?...

OBAMA: Are you suggesting the notion that we are creating a plot to take everybody's guns away so that we can impose martial law --

COOPER: But there is certainly --

OBAMA: It's a conspiracy, it is a conspiracy. I would hope you would agree with that. Is that controversial?...

COOPER: There are certainly a lot of people that have a fundamental distrust that you do not want to go further and further and further down this road.

OBAMA: Look, I mean ... I'm only going to be here for another year. I don't know, when would I have started on this enterprise? Right? I come from the state of Illinois, which, we've been talking about Chicago but Downstate Illinois is closer to Kentucky than it is to Chicago, and everybody hunts down there, and a lot of folks own guns, and so this is not like alien territory to me. I've got a lot of friends, like Mark [Kelly], who are hunters. I just came back from Alaska, where I ate a moose that had just been shot, and it was pretty good.

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