Officer with Rifle Takes Out Alleged Police Attacker from 180+ Yards

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Jul 1, 2021
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Del City
Let me see if I have this straight... You value life and those of us that disagree with you are vile, wretched humans without compassion. OK, dumbass... Where is your compassion for the victims of guys like this? People that are killed by a**holes like this? Victims of the Jeffrey Dahmers of the world? And the Pol Pots and the Stalins and the Lenins? Are you seriously suggesting I need to have compassion for these types of people? You're f**king unhinged, dude. Seriously.

No... He's not trolling. He's actually just that stupid. Get a clue, ferretdude... You're seriously embarrassing yourself.

You assume that a message board full of clucking boomers that enjoy rattling their Saber is who I want to impress?

Seriously there is nothing save the occasional gun deal within this place. The conversation is akin to Qanon with discussions.

Below your comment is where someone insinuates I am a cop killer...when my stance is to help them to process a justified murder.

Keep getting called a cop hater, when anything else would justify a mental health responsibility.

Na the majority here wants to watch people get killed, seems they enjoy watching others die for their entertainment. I am glad that I can raise a human being that doesn't get the sparkle of glee within his eyes when he sees people being killed and forced to go out and do it again and again.


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Jan 6, 2008
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Maybe, but he certainly wasn't very clear about it if that's true. He seemed to imply, more than once, that the officer shot to kill in spite of the fact that there is no evidence of it. As I, and others said, the officer used lethal force not to kill, but only to stop the threat. All yukonjack had to do was agree that that was what his point was and the discussion would have been over. Simple as that IMO

Reading is fundamental and you don’t know how to do it. I said just exactly the opposite of what you imply. “Police officers do NOT shoot to kill.“ That is not how or what we were trained to do. I couldn’t have been any more clear then am right now. Good luck to you.


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Jul 1, 2021
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Del City
I think the misunderstanding is in thinking everyone is a like. Many human beings are a wreck after killing other humans. That is a fact. If you read the book “On Killing” and the many other books like it, there is a large body of evidence that supports your central argument. An individual is changed when placed in a situation where they are forced to take a life and they should be greatly cared for after doing so.

The problem with your argument is this, there are only so many among us that are capable of taking a life and then continuing to function. If we find those few individuals who are capable of coping with that act, we should empower them to do what so many are incapable of doing. That is, delivering judgement when swift judgement is required.

Why would we retire a high functioning individual who is capable of doing, what statistically few are capable of doing? There are so few warriors in society today and so few opportunities to separate the “so-called” warriors from those that are true in heart.

Your argument is from compassion and I understand that, but the true warriors don’t cope well with retirement and being handcuffed. Many times when placed in a caring environment those men take their own lives rather than live commonplace.

True compassion is letting people be who they are. Let warriors shoulder the burden of death and destruction. If there’s violence in their hearts, let them put that violence to good use. The men I know in this capacity do so happily and with great pride.

If you are incapable of being violent, or living with yourself afterwards, be thankful for the men and women who happily perpetrate violence so that you can live free.
No I am not that person who is incapable of it. This is why I have the stance I do. Took a good woman, and lots of holding me while I reloved each ****ing horror I had done.

VA answer is pills because son you earned them. I would assume cops get a little better since they are held in higher regard than military

Added that you know that officer is forever got that stain on them? That incident will carry weight into each bad call they make? God forbid they have to kill someone else.

At that point isn't what they are doing militant? Why are we calling them cops at that point? 2 years ago we all watched as a 17yo killed 2 people and seriously hurt another...he had to do it.

I know he had no other option when he pulled that trigger, however I know he did have an option when he straw purchased the weapon across state lines, when he picked the weapon up from his friends house, and when he showed up to a protest with a visible weapon.

Now before someone starts the tangent of "they were pedos and woman beaters" Kyle didn't know own that, neither did anyone else for 2 days.

However now you have a 19yo male that will never get to lead a normal life, and will be in and out of a court room for the rest of his life, civil court and compensation to victims will eat most the CNN and other settlements he would hope to receive.

All because people want to idolize the actions of murder so long as it makes good tv.


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Special Hen Banned Supporter
Jul 1, 2021
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Del City

Dude seriously what is your issue? Where does something as vile as this come from? You really want to point at me as a problem when you have this much of a putrid mindset.

I really really hope someone loves you and can help you with that anger.


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Special Hen Banned Supporter
Jul 1, 2021
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Del City
Reading is fundamental and you don’t know how to do it. I said just exactly the opposite of what you imply. “Police officers do NOT shoot to kill.“ That is not how or what we were trained to do. I couldn’t have been any more clear then am right now. Good luck to you.
If I remember the is to eliminate the threat?


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Dec 11, 2021
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No I am not that person who is incapable of it. This is why I have the stance I do. Took a good woman, and lots of holding me while I reloved each ****ing horror I had done.

VA answer is pills because son you earned them. I would assume cops get a little better since they are held in higher regard than military

Added that you know that officer is forever got that stain on them? That incident will carry weight into each bad call they make? God forbid they have to kill someone else.

At that point isn't what they are doing militant? Why are we calling them cops at that point? 2 years ago we all watched as a 17yo killed 2 people and seriously hurt another...he had to do it.

I know he had no other option when he pulled that trigger, however I know he did have an option when he straw purchased the weapon across state lines, when he picked the weapon up from his friends house, and when he showed up to a protest with a visible weapon.

Now before someone starts the tangent of "they were pedos and woman beaters" Kyle didn't know own that, neither did anyone else for 2 days.

However now you have a 19yo male that will never get to lead a normal life, and will be in and out of a court room for the rest of his life, civil court and compensation to victims will eat most the CNN and other settlements he would hope to receive.

All because people want to idolize the actions of murder so long as it makes good tv.
You’re assuming all men will suffer the same fate as you. PTSD is a complicated issue, but it does not effect everyone, and it doesn’t effect everyone the same.

My point was that some people can live with it. They don’t relive the traumatizing experiences in the same way you do. Their brain is able to cope in a fundamentally different way. It’s not about the better way, it’s just a different way.

The science is clear on this, and it’s also clear the military has mismanaged its soldiers mental health. I don’t approve of idolizing murderers, but I do approve of defending yourself and others.

Everyone is capable of violence, few are capable of violence for good, and even fewer are capable of living with themselves after committing violence.

One thing is obvious. You went through some rough situations and had to live with yourself. Not every person is strong enough to do so. Projecting your own personal demons on others and entering into conflict based on feelings is a recipe for making mistakes and saying/writing things you’ll regret.


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Special Hen Banned Supporter
Jul 1, 2021
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Del City
You’re assuming all men will suffer the same fate as you. PTSD is a complicated issue, but it does not effect everyone, and it doesn’t effect everyone the same.

My point was that some people can live with it. They don’t relive the traumatizing experiences in the same way you do. Their brain is able to cope in a fundamentally different way. It’s not about the better way, it’s just a different way.

The science is clear on this, and it’s also clear the military has mismanaged its soldiers mental health. I don’t approve of idolizing murderers, but I do approve of defending yourself and others.

Everyone is capable of violence, few are capable of violence for good, and even fewer are capable of living with themselves after committing violence.

One thing is obvious. You went through some rough situations and had to live with yourself. Not every person is strong enough to do so. Projecting your own personal demons on others and entering into conflict based on feelings is a recipe for making mistakes and saying/writing things you’ll regret.
Na it makes you different when you kill someone, no matter the amount of justification.

Our current process to counter these things is met with hostility and misrepresentation. This isn't firing a good cop, this is retiring a man on full benefits saying thank you for your service.

That man's soul is stained with a death. You seen cops lately? They are bald 30 to 40, sleeve tats, hoping to make it to the next call, and down right miserable with the aspect of community service.

Oh they like the action, busting heads and making good arrests. But the idea of interacting outside of their patrol vehicle is limited to getting more Copenhagen pouches and red bull.

These people ain't representing the community in which they serve, nor do they even live within those areas. Added that when they must end the life of someone on that side of town they face zero community repercussions.

All these people don't need to die at the hands of police....they didn't before this, what the hell changed that we see these videos like the other posted and you have people fist bump saying good job..

OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
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Dude seriously what is your issue? Where does something as vile as this come from? You really want to point at me as a problem when you have this much of a putrid mindset.

I really really hope someone loves you and can help you with that anger.

Why do you confuse disagreement with your position as anger. I'm not angry. You just can't seem to understand someone else is brutally honest and has a different point of view so you process that as deciding that person is angry...because they vehemently disagree with your position.

My issue is people who think their assessment of an issue and the solution is the only viable one...especially when that assessment/solution is so far out of mainstream, logical thinking that it's almost unimaginably unbelievable.

Not everyone deals with life-altering incidents like you do. Advocating the forced retirement of officers who do their jobs, and do it well, because they did something they knew they might have to do at some point in their career, and something society expects them to do when needed, is really indefensible.

I went thru many life-altering events as a police officer including: seeing my supervisor shot and killed by a madman that, unfortunately, surrendered when another officer started firing at him, holding dead babies, seeing all sorts of other horrors like the events at Columbine High School.

Should officers that endure that sort of stuff not be forced to retire also? No...they shouldn't. They should be offered help and assistance, if needed, to sort things out if it bothers them. Forcing them out of job they likely enjoy and fought hard to get would most likely just compound the situation and sends the message they're not needed and not trusted. Believe me...there's enough of that going around within society right now.

The bottom line is you're assessment/solution isn't a one-size-fits-all option.


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Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
OK, I'll play the devils advocate here and go with 'ferrets' game, which would require that LEO's that have to shoot someone where that shot ends up being fatal, be involuntarily retired.

- Lets expand that call for mandatory retirement to medical professionals that have a patient die while under their care.
- I guess we could also add Veterinarians that are occasionally needed to put down our much loved 'fur-babies'.
- I suppose that we should add those that work on the kill floor of slaughter houses.
- And, of course let us not leave out most ranchers that, during their lifetime, had to put down one or more of their livestock.
- Then comes the question about what to do with someone that kills a varmint. Should they be forced into retirement as well?
- Talking about varmints, killing to defend ones family or self even if it was deemed to be justifiable would require, under 'ferrets' ideas, that the shooter be retired from their livelihood, and then what, live on welfare?

Once fleshed out, the idea put forth by 'ferret' seems to present a dilemma. Perhaps a retooling of the thought processes are in order, eh? 😁

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