Officer with Rifle Takes Out Alleged Police Attacker from 180+ Yards

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Jan 29, 2009
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Soooo... If I get retired and a relative of the person I was retired for decides to come get me and in his lack of skill ends up in the same condition as the person I got retired for, do I get double benefits?
If I end up being retired for an incident that had multiple engagements, do I get benefits for each one? Just trying to see what retirement looks like financially.


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Jul 1, 2021
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Del City
Why do you confuse disagreement with your position as anger. I'm not angry. You just can't seem to understand someone else is brutally honest and has a different point of view so you process that as deciding that person is angry...because they vehemently disagree with your position.

My issue is people who think their assessment of an issue and the solution is the only viable one...especially when that assessment/solution is so far out of mainstream, logical thinking that it's almost unimaginably unbelievable.

Not everyone deals with life-altering incidents like you do. Advocating the forced retirement of officers who do their jobs, and do it well, because they did something they knew they might have to do at some point in their career, and something society expects them to do when needed, is really indefensible.

I went thru many life-altering events as a police officer including: seeing my supervisor shot and killed by a madman that, unfortunately, surrendered when another officer started firing at him, holding dead babies, seeing all sorts of other horrors like the events at Columbine High School.

Should officers that endure that sort of stuff not be forced to retire also? No...they shouldn't. They should be offered help and assistance, if needed, to sort things out if it bothers them. Forcing them out of job they likely enjoy and fought hard to get would most likely just compound the situation and sends the message they're not needed and not trusted. Believe me...there's enough of that going around within society right now.

The bottom line is you're assessment/solution isn't a one-size-fits-all option.
No man insults another's ability to raise children unless it is from anger or foul upbringing. I am enough of a man to question you rather than your parents since they are likely not here.

It also isn't that I can't handle disagreement. Actual disagreement and not false accusations dealing with my motives or meanings with what I am saying to fox News it as much as possible for a group of ineffectual that praise a Judge Dredd cop(s).

There is a mental fortitude aspect you refuse to accept in that other cops will see how this was handled and will simply kill someone that they assume is a threat!

I can name white people it happened to as well as blacks, some Mexicans, and any other race. If I was as a citizen to pull my weapon to stick in someone's face for compliance, best belive I am going to jail...cop does it, then auto reply of officer safety.

Cops ain't the problem either...I don't blame cops, I blame the system which we allow them to operate in. Something needs to change with it.

I just got back from Chicago and saw a drive by on a police person! These people shot a good 25 rounds into a police station. Now why would they do that? You don't even ask the question as to what leads up to the citizens taking matters that far.

Criminals ain't that stupid...they know the outcome of that act. Yet they were pushed to that point, and you blame them? Why? Do you not belive local police could have pushed people to that drastic a solution?

That is leadership that allows them to operate in such a way to piss people off that much!


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Jul 1, 2021
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Del City
OK, I'll play the devils advocate here and go with 'ferrets' game, which would require that LEO's that have to shoot someone where that shot ends up being fatal, be involuntarily retired.

- Lets expand that call for mandatory retirement to medical professionals that have a patient die while under their care.
- I guess we could also add Veterinarians that are occasionally needed to put down our much loved 'fur-babies'.
- I suppose that we should add those that work on the kill floor of slaughter houses.
- And, of course let us not leave out most ranchers that, during their lifetime, had to put down one or more of their livestock.
- Then comes the question about what to do with someone that kills a varmint. Should they be forced into retirement as well?
- Talking about varmints, killing to defend ones family or self even if it was deemed to be justifiable would require, under 'ferrets' ideas, that the shooter be retired from their livelihood, and then what, live on welfare?

Once fleshed out, the idea put forth by 'ferret' seems to present a dilemma. Perhaps a retooling of the thought processes are in order, eh? 😁
No you are fox news all the way....

Did you compare the killing of a human being to a varmint or livestock?

Wow....just wow.


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Aug 13, 2016
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I just got back from Chicago and saw a drive by on a police person! These people shot a good 25 rounds into a police station. Now why would they do that? You don't even ask the question as to what leads up to the citizens taking matters that far.

Again, cop-hater. He just justified a drive-by on a cop station by "citizens". Next thing, he'll be in with our favorite Christian/cop hating engineer hating on cops and anything not democrat or communist.

No you are fox news all the way....

Did you compare the killing of a human being to a varmint or livestock?

Wow....just wow.
So dramatic. I can almost feel the feigned offense and pain. Makes me wanna get the cop-hater a tissue.

Your entire argument is bunk as well as your fake empathy for other humans. Your overly dramatic response demonstrates just how contrived your argument is. "wow, just wow" Fake AF
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OK Corgi Rancher

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May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
No man insults another's ability to raise children unless it is from anger or foul upbringing. I am enough of a man to question you rather than your parents since they are likely not here.

I'll respond to this. You're wrong again. Those are not the only possible reasons someone might question one's ability to raise children. For example, when a person is detached from reality I might question their ability to raise children. When someone is a drug addict or abusive I'd question their ability to properly raise children. Those are just two of many reasons I might question one's ability to properly raise children. You continue to offer these "either/or" responses as if there are no other possibilities. You seem to have a real problem considering any other solution or outcome except for those you envision in your own mind and then chastise others when they present alternatives to you.

The remainder of your post is just more nonsense that's already been asked/answered.


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Special Hen Banned Supporter
Jul 1, 2021
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Del City
I'll respond to this. You're wrong again. Those are not the only possible reasons someone might question one's ability to raise children. For example, when a person is detached from reality I might question their ability to raise children. When someone is a drug addict or abusive I'd question their ability to properly raise children. Those are just two of many reasons I might question one's ability to properly raise children. You continue to offer these "either/or" responses as if there are no other possibilities. You seem to have a real problem considering any other solution or outcome except for those you envision in your own mind and then chastise others when they present alternatives to you.

The remainder of your post is just more nonsense that's already been asked/answered.
Let me just sit at home, trying to be that guy who can "ah ha" someone and feel as if you accomplished something?

I started this by asking the question of mental fortitude after taking a life, and you showed me as well as everyone else here that it is simply impossible to admit we shouldn't have to kill people to gain compliance.

You are gaslighting every single statement to

1. Admit you are a loathsome old man that would rather talk all the smack you can to complete strangers as you will face no consequences.

2. It is perfectly fine as a complete stranger to assume someone's mental aptitude of being a parent as that is what you did with me.

3. You can't just stop...and say yeah...that was pretty bad, my fault...nope you gotta go all in and make sure you have the spicy reply.

I dont know about you, but I know that I enjoy having people that love me around as much as possible. I hope you can get some of that. You need it.

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