Officer with Rifle Takes Out Alleged Police Attacker from 180+ Yards

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Special Hen Banned
Jul 1, 2021
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Del City
Again, cop-hater. He just justified a drive-by on a cop station by "citizens". Next thing, he'll be in with our favorite Christian/cop hating engineer hating on cops and anything not democrat or communist.

So dramatic. I can almost feel the feigned offense and pain. Makes me wanna get the cop-hater a tissue.

Your entire argument is bunk as well as your fake empathy for other humans. Your overly dramatic response demonstrates just how contrived your argument is. "wow, just wow" Fake AF
No I didn't justify it at all.

I asked why can't we ascertain as a community what can be different (assuming there is something) to prevent that kinda thing from happening.

There is absolutely nothing to gain for progress of society by hating a cop...none!

There is however changing the methods of policing so that we don't have severe distrust with them.

OK Corgi Rancher

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Special Hen Supporter
May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
Let me just sit at home, trying to be that guy who can "ah ha" someone and feel as if you accomplished something?
Nope. I do it when it's deserved. Is that a clever way to avoid a statement you can't defend? Cuz that's what it sounds like.
I started this by asking the question of mental fortitude after taking a life, and you showed me as well as everyone else here that it is simply impossible to admit we shouldn't have to kill people to gain compliance.
It is impossible in some situations. Some people not only need to die for their actions, they deserve to die. You even admitted that was the case in this incident.
You are gaslighting every single statement to

1. Admit you are a loathsome old man that would rather talk all the smack you can to complete strangers as you will face no consequences.
I don't think anyone that knows me would describe me as "loathsome". I wouldn't really say I'm old...but I do qualify for the senior discount at many restaurants.

You wanna meet somewhere for coffee? I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you have directly to you.
2. It is perfectly fine as a complete stranger to assume someone's mental aptitude of being a parent as that is what you did with me.
Sometimes. Just like I've never tried meth. I don't have to actually try meth to know I don't need to try meth. It's the same with some people. Are you telling me you've never thought something similar about someone you've never actually met? If you are, then I'll just say're lying.
3. You can't just stop...and say yeah...that was pretty bad, my fault...nope you gotta go all in and make sure you have the spicy reply.
It was a poor attempt at humor and that's why I deleted the post. And that's also why you had to show the screenshot you captured rather than quote the post. Isn't that right? Doesn't change the fact I did post it, if even for a very brief few moments.
I dont know about you, but I know that I enjoy having people that love me around as much as possible. I hope you can get some of that. You need it.
So, do I have this straight? It's not OK for me to assume things about you, but it's OK for you to assume things about me? Does that about sum it up? If so, then,'re a hypocrite.

And I don't really think that telling you what I think, and believe, is gaslighting. It's similar, maybe, but it's not really gaslighting. Gaslighting is generally considered to be a form of psychological abuse (most often between people in a relationship) in an attempt to make someone question their reality or perception of things. I'm simply pointing out why I think you're wrong about your stance on this issue and even gave you reasons have others. Apparently I didn't sugar coat my responses enough to avoid hurting your tender sensibilities. That's not psychological abuse. That's disagreeing with your position.

Seriously...let's meet. I'll buy you a cup (senior discount for loathsome old men comes in handy). We can have a frank discussion if you'd like. Or bi**h about the VA. Or talk about guns.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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No I didn't justify it at all.

I asked why can't we ascertain as a community what can be different (assuming there is something) to prevent that kinda thing from happening.

There is absolutely nothing to gain for progress of society by hating a cop...none!

There is however changing the methods of policing so that we don't have severe distrust with them.
Based on your most recent string of posts I was quite ready to insult you myself. But I read all of them and now? I feel sorry for you. It doesn't seem like you're fit to be discussing this issue. I also hope you've restricted your own access to firearms, until you can fully regain your mental and emotional competency. There are community resources available to you, should you need immediate help. If you don't know how to obtain them, PM and I'll try to send a list for your area.

I wish you well and hope you can recover fully. Prayers sent.


Special Hen Banned
Jul 1, 2021
Reaction score
Del City
Nope. I do it when it's deserved. Is that a clever way to avoid a statement you can't defend? Cuz that's what it sounds like.

It is impossible in some situations. Some people not only need to die for their actions, they deserve to die. You even admitted that was the case in this incident.

I don't think anyone that knows me would describe me as "loathsome". I wouldn't really say I'm old...but I do qualify for the senior discount at many restaurants.

You wanna meet somewhere for coffee? I'll be more than happy to answer any questions you have directly to you.

Sometimes. Just like I've never tried meth. I don't have to actually try meth to know I don't need to try meth. It's the same with some people. Are you telling me you've never thought something similar about someone you've never actually met? If you are, then I'll just say're lying.

It was a poor attempt at humor and that's why I deleted the post. And that's also why you had to show the screenshot you captured rather than quote the post. Isn't that right? Doesn't change the fact I did post it, if even for a very brief few moments.

So, do I have this straight? It's not OK for me to assume things about you, but it's OK for you to assume things about me? Does that about sum it up? If so, then,'re a hypocrite.

And I don't really think that telling you what I think, and believe, is gaslighting. It's similar, maybe, but it's not really gaslighting. Gaslighting is generally considered to be a form of psychological abuse (most often between people in a relationship) in an attempt to make someone question their reality or perception of things. I'm simply pointing out why I think you're wrong about your stance on this issue and even gave you reasons have others. Apparently I didn't sugar coat my responses enough to avoid hurting your tender sensibilities. That's not psychological abuse. That's disagreeing with your position.

Seriously...let's meet. I'll buy you a cup (senior discount for loathsome old men comes in handy). We can have a frank discussion if you'd like. Or bi**h about the VA. Or talk about guns.
I could ***** about the VA all day right next to you, however the parenting comment showed me your intent isn't of empathy or understanding it is of malicious resolve.

It really put me off the idea of ever meeting a single one of you longer than it would take to complete a purchase or trade.

I will admit I can be hypocritical at times, just that I can't get being called a cop hater, or anything more than asking the question.

Also the reason I took a Screen shot was simply because I got a new phone and it makes screen shots so much easier than quoting (even though it says 5g up there).


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 14, 2010
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Arrow Repaired I am saying he had to do what he did, but why should he still remain a cop?

Are the people within this place so blood thirsty they are ok with someone else doing all the killing?

Hell you can start a milita in your respective towns and handle things yourself.
WTF IS WRONG with you, seriously
Then they should be put on retirement at that point, become a fireman if you need the excitement, but not going to remain an officer.
Wow, you have the worst takes I have seen in a while


Special Hen Banned
Jul 1, 2021
Reaction score
Del City
Based on your most recent string of posts I was quite ready to insult you myself. But I read all of them and now? I feel sorry for you. It doesn't seem like you're fit to be discussing this issue. I also hope you've restricted your own access to firearms, until you can fully regain your mental and emotional competency. There are community resources available to you, should you need immediate help. If you don't know how to obtain them, PM and I'll try to send a list for your area.

I wish you well and hope you can recover fully. Prayers sent.
Yeah, I appreciate the attempt at crocodile tears and insinuating the need for red flag laws within this

I am calm as a Hindu cow every day, just that I won't keep quiet with such blatant disregard for lives. You see how some random killed a damn fireman in NY? Thursday I think.

You dont want to possibly investigate or speak on what the hell leads up to that? Instead you want to insinuate my ability to posses or purchase a firearm, and in the process advocate for red flag laws?

Yet I am the problem?


Special Hen Banned
Jul 1, 2021
Reaction score
Del City
WTF IS WRONG with you, seriously

Wow, you have the worst takes I have seen in a while
Is it really a bad take? It ain't something we as a society has attempted as of yet?

We are all for LivePD and First 48...even some new show where the viewers can vote with text messages to litigation cases.

However we can't say...hmmm what can we do so that we can maintain order, but we don't have to just allow murder so long as you wear a uniform?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Yeah, I appreciate the attempt at crocodile tears and insinuating the need for red flag laws within this

I am calm as a Hindu cow every day, just that I won't keep quiet with such blatant disregard for lives. You see how some random killed a damn fireman in NY? Thursday I think.

You dont want to possibly investigate or speak on what the hell leads up to that? Instead you want to insinuate my ability to posses or purchase a firearm, and in the process advocate for red flag laws?

Yet I am the problem?
I didn't mention RF laws at all. I didn't imply them either, you inferred them. I am VEHEMENTLY opposed to RF laws, but support seeking voluntary assistance from medical professionals in mental health treatment if you're in need, which you seem to be. Please don't mistake my concern for condemnation. Anyone can have issues. No one is immune.


Special Hen Banned
Jul 1, 2021
Reaction score
Del City
I didn't mention RF laws at all. I didn't imply them either, you inferred them. I am VEHEMENTLY opposed to RF laws, but support seeking voluntary assistance from medical professionals in mental health treatment if you're in need, which you seem to be. Please don't mistake my concern for condemnation. Anyone can have issues. No one is immune.
I dont have issues. I just can't understand how no one here can see that cop exited his car with the intent to kill that suspect and no one here sees that is a systemic problem within police departments.

Idolizing this type of behavior is how we got Ferguson, Minneapolis, Kenosha, Baltimore, and countless others. Perhaps and maybe I am crazy for suggesting it....we stop and as a society say enough is enough?

I dont hate the cop for doing what he had to do, I completely understand that suspect had to be killed to stop him, however is it not possible that we could as a society stopped the suspect from feeling they needed to go that route?

Your concern is misplaced and unwarranted as I am no threat to anything, except mazzios ranch dressing. And the occasional sale of 17hmr ammo.

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