Official OSA COVID-19/Corona Virus Thread

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May 11, 2009
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yep its true and I am considering taking it as a preventative but i think I am already immune.

@THAT Gurl posted an excellent article on ivermectin and why experimental "vaccines" for COVID are basically next to useless. Ivermectin flat shuts down COVID! and are superior to HCQ as prophylaxis and late treatment. HCQ and most other anti-virals have to be given early with zinc at first signs/symptoms to be effective. VS ivermectin/zinc/doxycycline are still effective down to about 50% O2 levels.

ALL of the experimental mRNA "vaccines" are called vaccines to get under emergency use authorizations. which has clearly defined terms. that NO other treatments for said emergency exists.

both HCQ and Ivermectin are now approved treatments for COVID. HCQ has a long history of shutting down corona viruses circa 2003. Ivermectin are just now getting recognition that it's superior to HCQ. that's why India has dropped HCQ and switched to Ivermectin/zinc/doxycycline as std treatment for COVID at $2.65 ea.

Ivermectin has all but shut down COVID in South America and any other part of world that's switched to ivermectin. again this is why getting news out for Ivermectin is soooo important .. as it makes experimental COVID "vaccines" next to useless.

note India's std dosage for ivermectin in pic below $2.65 ea
for more info search for ziverdo kit

“Quadruple Therapy includes Ivermectin 12 mg one dose, Doxycycline 100 mg once a day for four days, Zinc 50 mg once a day for four days, and Vitamin D3 once a week. Ivermectin, Doxycycline, and Zinc are to be repeated every 14 days and Vitamin D3 every week with blood levels monitored.

please note above is for info purposes only. please see your doctor before taking any new meds. to avoid interactions with existing meds if any.

Three Steps To Obtain COVID-19 Medication:

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Jun 13, 2005
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that's total BS and you know it.
Mr. know it all with egg on face.

the previous two articles had zero, nada, nothing to do with what you claimed.
meaning either you didn't bother to read it or flat didn't understand it, probably both. ha ha ha

no research needed .. all one had to do to read the article you posted to know you are full of BS.

You literally post National Enquirer worthy garbage on a daily basis. I wouldn't expect you to understand. Hell you probably still think this vaccine changes your DNA. Which means you didn't pass a 9th grade HS course at any point in your life. I get it though.... people that spread propaganda and lies like you don't want to read or engage in any critical thinking, because they can't.


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Jun 13, 2005
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more ignorance showing ... do you bother reading what you post?
a whole 60 days of feedback from an on going trial.

currently NO one in the world knows what long term side effects will be for mRNA "vaccine" gene therapy.
it's impossible for any drug only 90 days old to have passed long term trials. certainly not long enough for long term side effects to show up. hence why ALL mRNA "vaccines" are experimental gene therapy that has NOT passed FDA approval.

then factor .. currently there are NO complete SARS COV-2 genome samples for researchers to work from. only fragments are available. which is why RT PCR test are bogus to identify if anyone has C-19. Kerry Mullis the inventor of RT PCR is on record for saying this exact thing.

perhaps this is too deep for you and I'm wasting my time posting this for someone that flat don't understand this topic.

This proves you can't read a basic PRJ. Thank you for proving my point. You obviously don't have the background or knowledge to discuss anything I post. Go back with your tail tucked under your legs and post more trash. :D

I'll just have to default to this again....



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May 11, 2009
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This proves you can't read a basic PRJ. Thank you for proving my point. You obviously don't have the background or knowledge to discuss anything I post. Go back with your tail tucked under your legs and post more trash. :D

I'll just have to default to this again....

you got caught being dead wrong and flat dont understand the material
and that's OK ... mr knowitall with egg on face ... ha ha ha


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Jun 13, 2005
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How Conspiracy Theories Undermine People’s Trust in COVID-19 Vaccines

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Vaccine-hesitant groups are exploiting the deaths of people who died of old age or underlying health conditions after receiving the COVID-19 shot to undermine trust in the vaccines. Westend61/Getty Images
  • Scientists say some deaths will occur during the COVID-19 vaccination rollout, but these deaths would have happened for other reasons and are unrelated to the vaccine.
  • The newness of the virus and uncertainty about COVID-19 make people more susceptible to misinformation, experts say.
  • People can implement strategies, including research and corroboration, to ensure the information they’re reading about the COVID-19 vaccines is credible.
All data and statistics are based on publicly available data at the time of publication. Some information may be out of date. Visit our coronavirus hub and follow our live updates page for the most recent information on the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vaccine-hesitant groups are peddling misinformation and conspiracy theories aimed at eroding trust in the COVID-19 vaccine and the public health systems that are disseminating them.

In the latest attempts to undermine the vaccination rollout, activists are exploiting the deaths of those who died of old age or underlying health conditions after receiving the shot.

In some instances, vaccine-hesitant activists are manufacturing stories of deaths related to the vaccine that never happened.

These groups are also latching onto reports of real deaths following the shot, blaming the vaccine and disregarding medical information that other causes are to blame.

“The vaccine has been disproportionately given to the population that is disproportionately dying,” said Dr. Jill Foster, a pediatric infectious disease physician with the University of Minnesota Medical School and M Health Fairview, who studies vaccine misinformation.

“Older people in nursing homes are being prioritized for the vaccine because they’re the ones that are dying at the highest rates from COVID,” Foster said. “But when you think of a population that is mainly over the age of 75 and debilitated already because they’re in a nursing home, that’s a group of people who are dying at a higher rate already.”

Ignoring that important context is a strategy vaccine-hesitant groups have been using for years, said Kolina Koltai, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow and misinformation researcher at the Center for an Informed Public at the University of Washington.

“This is the difficult part because most people think misinformation just means something is fake, but there are a lot ways that misinformation can take shape,” she told Healthline.

“On the surface, a lot of anti-vaccine misinformation can be very convincing because they [activists] can take a quote or a bit of misinformation and isolate it, focusing on just that bit and removing all the other context,” Koltai added.

She cited the example of a Facebook post that was shared by many vaccine-hesitant advocates that included a quote from Dr. Kelly Moore, deputy director of the Immunization Action Coalition.

The meme included a photo of an ill, older adult with Moore’s statement: “One of the things we want to make sure people understand is that they should not be unnecessarily alarmed if there are reports, once we start vaccinating, of someone or multiple people dying within a day or two of their vaccination who are residents of a long-term care facility.”

But there was more to Moore’s statement that the meme left out, Reuters reported. She went on to say, “That would be something we would expect, as a normal occurrence, because people die frequently in nursing homes.”

The additional context clarifies that Moore is saying deaths in nursing homes that have nothing to do with the vaccine should be expected.

“It’s misaligning the narrative, and that’s a misinformation tactic that’s tricky because the quote itself is true, but the meaning of the quote has been totally changed,” Koltai explained.

in a statement that no persons who received a vaccine in Alabama had died.

Well-known vaccine-hesitant activist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been fueling fears about the COVID-19 vaccine following reports of deaths after the vaccine rollout began in Europe.

In a blog post, Kennedy cast doubt on Danish health authorities who said the deaths of two people who had received the shot were due to old age and underlying lung disease.

“Coincidence is turning out to be quite lethal to COVID vaccine recipients,” Kennedy wrote.

While these headlines and arguments make an emotional grab, we as individuals “need to look deeper at the science and the data,” said Panayiota Kendeou, PhD, a professor in the department of Educational Psychology at the University of Minnesota.

Kendeou is a contributing author of The COVID-19 Vaccine Communication Handbook, a practical guide created by an international group of scientists aimed at improving vaccine communication and countering misinformation.

According to the handbook, “if we vaccinate 10 million people and the vaccine had no side effects whatsoever, then over the following two months we can nonetheless expect that 4,025 of those vaccinated will have a heart attack, 3,975 will have a stroke, 9,500 will have a new diagnosis of cancer, and 14,000 will, unfortunately, die.”

“The key is that statistically bad things will happen to a small percentage of people after vaccination even if the vaccines are perfectly safe,” Dr. Robert Wachter, professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, told Healthline in an email.

“We have to trust the clinical trials, which look carefully for signals that there are excess deathsof any kind in the group that received vaccine versus placebo,” he said.

Wachter determined these figures cited in the COVID-19 communication handbook by using CDC estimates of yearly deaths.

survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation found that 27 percent of Americans said they “probably or definitely would not get a COVID-19 vaccine,” even if it were free and deemed safe by scientists.

The major concerns for hesitancy included worries over side effects and that the vaccine is too new. Also cited was a lack of trust in the government to ensure the vaccines’ safety and effectiveness.

Foster countered the arguments by pointing to work scientists had already been doing on vaccines for other serious infectious diseases such as Zika and Ebola.

“These weren’t big issues in the U.S., so there wasn’t the drive and the funding here to push these vaccines over the finish line,” she said, “and then COVID came along, and here we have these new technologies that are very close to the finish line but not quite there yet. So, it was just a matter of plugging in the COVID component and doing the testing.”


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How to tell if information you find about the COVID-19 vaccine is credible

The first step in combating misinformation is acknowledging that we’re all susceptible to it, Kendeou said.

“We will all come across information and disinformation and cannot always tell what is true and what is not,” she said. “If we accept this to be the position that we’re in, then that creates a different stance toward interacting with the information we see.”

If you see a headline or social media post about the COVID-19 vaccine that seems sensational or that you’re unsure is credible, experts recommend first pausing.

“Before you click share, stop and think for a few seconds,” Koltai said. “The goal here is to not further spread misinformation. So before sharing, pause and see if you can do some of your own research to find out whether or not it’s true.”

One way to do this is through corroboration.

“Search to see if other people are reporting this and saying the same thing,” Koltai said. “Look to see if these sources are reputable or if it’s on a random blog you’ve never heard of before.”

This creates a method for people to start doing their own debunking.

“And in a lot of instances, the debunking is already out there,” Koltai said. “So you can search for something and oftentimes find an explanation for what you’re looking for. Then you can search that explanation and see if other reputable sources have corroborated it.”

Finally, Kendeou recommended having a healthy dose of skepticism.

“Not skeptical to the point of being conspirational, but don’t accept everything at face value,” she said. “Ask important questions so you can get more answers and not just follow information or sources for the sake of doing so.”

Koltai added, “Vaccine misinformation is not going away anytime soon. Expect this to go on for many months going forward. Trusting your healthcare provider and experts in the field is incredibly critical right now, even more so than ever.”


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May 11, 2009
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How Conspiracy Theories Undermine People’s Trust in COVID-19 Vaccines

pure garbage ... ignoring actual science. probably due to not being able to understand the topic. in all fairness media has brain washed folks to point of believing big pharma/media over reality.

fact: scientists have been trying to get mRNA "vaccines" formerly called gene therapy targeted at cancer. to pass phase 3 long term animal trials for decades without success. test animals would pass initial safety and produced spike proteins/antibodies. but a year later or so when exposed to targeted virus. experimental mRNA gene therapy opened a pathway for virus into host. called trojan horse symptom.
in 20 to 50% spike proteins shut down type 2 macrophages (white blood cells) which normally shuts down type 1 macrophages. so type 1 macrophages goes on a rampage aka cytokine storm, killing host animal.

now experimental mRNA "vaccines" which is NOT a vaccine, but renamed "vaccine" to skirt emergency use guidelines. this is why big pharma in cohoots with media and medical establishment. outright lied out the ass that HCQ was dangerous and not effective at treating COVID. Nature published a false HCQ white paper and was forced to withdraw paper a few days later. but damage had already been done with WHO canceling several HCQ trials.

language for emergency use authorization states there must not be another treatment available. fact: HCQ/zinc/antibiotic and ivermectin/zinc/doxy both treatments shuts down COVID and are now both approved by FDA for COVID.

vs NO experimental mRNA "vaccines" has passed FDA approval for the simple reason, none has passed long term phase 3 safety trials. it's not possible for 9 months old drug to pass long term safety trials. NO one in the world knows what long term side effects are. folks receiving experimental mRNA "vaccines" are the guinea pigs.

it's my belief that anyone knowing the truth based on science backed by actual evidence will chose NOT to be the test guinea pig.

without question it's much safer and more effective to take ivermectin as a preventative (prophylaxis) doctors are claiming one dose of ivermectin shuts down viral transmission for about 3 months. anywhere in the world where ivermectin has been adopted, COVID has been shut down!

sauce aka actual evidence that backs everything above has been posted in this thread and CDC thread multiple times.

now go back and read it again .. everything above was purposely written in an easy to understand format. you might learn something new ...
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May 17, 2020
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“...ignoring actual science. probably due to not being able to understand the topic...”

interesting. What are your qualifications for understanding science? Are you a scientist? Any academic, training, or professional experience regarding the topic?
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