Oklahoma puts more women in prison than any other place on the globe ...40% for Drugs

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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Folks the pro druggies are never going to convince the anti druggies and vice versa. I do have to say that comparing guns to drugs is a flawed argument. There is no amendment guaranteeing the right to bare arms with drug tracks.


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
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I read through this and did not see any alternative to the present system. How about some constructive comments on what the "better" states are doing that may need to be implemented in OK.

MD Froman

Special Hen
Mar 12, 2010
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Folks the pro druggies are never going to convince the anti druggies and vice versa. I do have to say that comparing guns to drugs is a flawed argument. There is no amendment guaranteeing the right to bare arms with drug tracks.

There's no pro or anti about this issue. It's a failure and it's a very,very expensive one.

In my darkest innermost secret thoughts I like the Chinese idea where we make possession of hard drugs like Coke,Heroin,Meth,Acid an instant death sentence


But any country that will impose a death sentence for a non capital crime will likely impose a death sentence for whatever it feels like including things I don't agree with.

Not that I want to see pathetic dopers be hanged but those policies ended the most prolific national drug addiction crisis in world history in a very short amount of time.

Our methods of prohibition,radical law enforcement,suspension of constitutional rights and outrageous prison sentences to the tune of MILLIONS of tax payer dollars in Oklahoma alone only make drug dealing more profitable and for every dealer we take down 3 more are willing to take the risk rather than flip burgers at McDonalds which won't pay for 3 hots and a cot anywhere in the USA.

When the dam is about to burst it's time to open the flood gates even if it means enduring some despicable circumstances.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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There's no pro or anti about this issue. It's a failure and it's a very,very expensive one.

In my darkest innermost secret thoughts I like the Chinese idea where we make possession of hard drugs like Coke,Heroin,Meth,Acid an instant death sentence

I disagree with your first comment and the second should only apply to dealers, of ANY illegal drugs. That includes doctors that give out or sell scrips for un-needed drugs. The users should be cut off from all government benefits.

Yes I have members of my family with drug problems. Also a couple of drunks which are no better. Truth is the one niece that spent some serious time in prison has made a much better effort to turn her life around then any of the others.

MD Froman

Special Hen
Mar 12, 2010
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I disagree with your first comment and the second should only apply to dealers, of ANY illegal drugs. That includes doctors that give out or sell scrips for un-needed drugs. The users should be cut off from all government benefits.

Yes I have members of my family with drug problems. Also a couple of drunks which are no better. Truth is the one niece that spent some serious time in prison has made a much better effort to turn her life around then any of the others.

So when that includes supplements(codex alimentarius), or cigarettes(Canada) or even caffeine(New York City) you will feel the same way? You have to draw a line somewhere and I chose hard street drugs that get young girls hooked at 13 and turned out as prostitutes and give young first time users heart attacks and instant death as my line in the sand.If it grows out of the ground or has been screened by the FDA then using those things is an issue best tackled by an inpatient treatment facility not a prison.

Your niece doing time in prison guarantees that she will never have a decent job or be eligible for a student loan or social services in the state of Oklahoma and will live the same kind of pathetic life as any other ex-con who raped robbed pillaged and hurt people to end up there.

Again, failure of the present system turning a person who could have been rehabilitated into a non-entity and did no real benefit for our society as a whole and whoever got her into drugs probably got a dozen others into it as well who will never see the inside of a prison or a rehab.

That's my take on it but then again nobody in my family is addicted to drugs or alcohol so who can say if I am right.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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let's see ... according to your reasoning the war on drugs is a failure due to government not being taken seriously.

so let's really get serious by:

1. lets make the prison term harsher yet?
2. the $$$ billions spent must not be enough... let's spend more $$$$ and lock more drug offenders up.
3. all the ten's thousands of man hours spent is not enough... let's put more cops on drugs not armed robbers, muggers and other violent offenders.
4. not enough jails ... lets bring more for profit prisons
5. drugs education $$$ not enough... lets spend more $$$ on just say no to drugs.

think there may be a possibility the war on drugs is a failure due to the fact that it's not winnable. Prohibition against alcohol was a total failure and funded almost unlimited $$$$ to crime syndicates.

after 25+ years of war on drugs.... it's happening all over again.... now we have drug kingpins funded by unlimited billions $$$ drug smuggling syndicates.....

prohibition against drugs doesn't work!!!
the same percentage of drugs addicts are still the same 25+ years and $$$ billions later.

you cannot legislate personal behavior!!!
true addicts will self destruct NO matter what the costs to themselves, kids, family, etc..... NO matter what the prison terms are ... when they get out ... in short order are addicted again. only now the drug offender is a hardened convicted felon... making it that much harder to support themselves.... so they turn back to dealing/using drugs .... getting caught and putting back in prison again.

I just have to ask...which of your female relatives is in prison for drug use? Mom, wife, sister?

We are going after the users, we have to go to the source of the drugs to reduce the availability of drugs. A good herbicide spread over most of Central America would be a good start.


Special Hen
Jan 10, 2006
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Edmond, OK
give all the drug addicts in prison confiscated drugs, there sentences would be cut short when they die.

I believe you have to do drugs to be addicted to them, don't do drugs.
At least the addictive ones.
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