Oklahoma Regional Food Bank

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Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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I know a guy that feeds the deer on his property with commodity peanut butter. Cuts the cans in half, sets 'em out, deer clean'em up.

He buys the stuff from bums near downtown Tulsa who come by his shop panhandling. Food banks provide to them for free, John gets it for a dollar, deer get fed, John gets deer.

This is the best use of my tax money I've seen yet. I'd rather feed the deer and 'Ol John, than some bum that won't work.

and the bum gets beer money.

A friend, who was in the Air Force and working a 2nd job at a gas station back when there was full service stations, was working one saturday morning. An old, beat up pick-up pulls in. A man and his 6 kids get out. My bud goes out and the man tells him $2 worth.
As he starts to pump, the man says, "you look tired, you should take a day and go fishing. That's where we are headed."
He responds that he wishes he could but he has bills to pay.
The guy asks if he has kids.
"Yes, 2 boys"
"and you probably work 2 - 3 jobs and never see them, right?
"Yes, I'm in the Air Force and work here, plus I do some outside home repair when I can get the work."
laughing "I got on disability, get a monthly check, see my kids everyday, and we probably live better than you do."
My bud punched him in the mouth and says, "It's a$$holes like you that cause my taxes to be so high and make me have to work 3 jobs, not see my family, while you make more kids and teach them to abuse the system and vote for those who allow you to be slaves of the government, get the F*** out of here and don't come back."


Special Hen
Oct 14, 2010
Reaction score
While Cobra is joking, I knew a family of three, both parents worked at Tinker, good paying jobs. Drove the latest model vehicles, had the latest gadgets, lots of expensive hobbies, daughter had every single thing a kid could ever ask for under the sun. Every time the Food Bank opened they were down there getting food. Went at separate times and him under his name and her under her maiden name so they could "double dip". Last I heard they'd both been fired from Tinker, he's went to jail for embezzlement (from Tinker) and she was off with the maintenance man doing her best to make some more kids. Those cars and all those expensive toys -- repo'ed. I would have KILLED for one of those jobs. Oh, well ... all you can say is "Some people's kids ... "

Ugh... Tht is so wrong. :(

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