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Special Hen
Apr 8, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks for the concern, I don't see myself going on a shooting rampage anytime soon. When I talked to the Dr. she said everyone has a different reaction to the different meds. She told me the reactions I had were related to how my body interacted with the Lexapro and we just had to find one that worked for me. This one seems to be working without any issues. I'm enjoying waking up and not being afraid as much anymore and slowly getting back to the old me.


Special Hen
Apr 8, 2009
Reaction score
I hope everyone is doing well this morning. I've been praying for you guys. I still can't get rid of the uneasy feeling, the cold and the shakes yet. Hopefully they'll go away soon.


Special Hen
Dec 12, 2008
Reaction score
Sometimes fixing one problem cause a second you just have to figure out which one you have to live with if you can't fix both.

I'm glad you are doing better! Even though I don't know you if you feel like you need to talk to some one you are more than welcome to pm me, I may not be able to help but sometimes just talking or venting helps.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
I hope everyone is doing well this morning. I've been praying for you guys. I still can't get rid of the uneasy feeling, the cold and the shakes yet. Hopefully they'll go away soon.

There is no "easy fix" need to give up eating HFCS, MSG, and artificial additives as much as you not try and change everything at once; you are already overwhelmed. You need to take it a day at a time and make one adjustment at a time and don't stress out about it. Research "Adrenal Fatigue" and buy this man's book:

My guess is your circadian rhythm is inverted and your cortisol/epinephrine is out of whack...this can really cause panic attacks. There are a whole host of nutritional supplements that can help support you, but right now you need to stay hydrated with water, get plenty of sleep (turn down the lights when the sun sets so you can make melatonin), go to bed about same time each night, and KNOW you will get through this. You may not be the same but you will improve and you will adjust/adapt to whatever your new long-term norm is...lotta folks have had experiences of their own and you can't take 10yrs of information and give it to someone in one conversation.

This supplement helped me the most and was a safer alternative to xanax...I still recommend getting s script for .5mg of xanax for emergencies (do not take every day for prolonged periods or it will adict you and also lose effectiveness) because it will kill a panic attack pretty quick...but taking 2 of those Valerin (not just regular valerian) work well to squash nervousness and anxiety...takes a little bit longer to kick in but it can get you through the day if taken regularly as it is needed (not more than bottle says though). It is good stuff for any of you guys if you suffer from stress or prolonged adrenaline response say after bad traffic.

Let me know if I can help further; I have not read all the other posts so forgive me if someone has already covered anything I said. Finally, I am not a medical professional...I am just a concerned peer on this board who has accumulated knowledge on this subject from various sources for various reasons.

EDIT: antidepressants is the "go-to" for doctors for these types of deals but unless you are truly clinically depressed, then they will not help and might make things worse in my opinion. Many people on anti-depressants are NOT depressed and have a physical ailment that is causing their symptoms. Even still , you should get a serotonin blood test to see if yours is actually low...there are things you can do to raise it and stay off the anti-depressants (which do not raise serotonin anyway as far as I'm aware). Anti-depressants to someone with anxiety are like giving a crying toddler with messy pants and hungry an ipad to distract doesn't fix the underlying issue and eventually could do damage; but it shuts them up for now...that is why doctors do this as standard procedure. When you go in, you expect them to "do something".

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