Pit Bull attacked my wife's German Shepherd

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 16, 2010
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Tulsa Area
If they don't pay then take them to Court. It's their responsibility.

yes...its your neighbors fault and is completely liable even if you didn't have a gate on the front, they failed at keeping their animal in theirs...

this is on their dime entirely, if they don't pay $25 gets you to small claims for a simple judgement.... if they don't pay it shows what a sorry excuse for a human they are, so I'd take 'em to court....

Junior Bonner

Special Hen
Apr 2, 2014
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Mmm... Bacon!!

Also, in for more updates.

Come on JB, its been all day now. Surely you have heard from the Vet?

Everything went good. A lot of deep muscle tissue injury, a lot of blood loss, nerve damage, but no broke bones. He's got a drain, he got a liter of IV fluids, he's running a temp, he's staying overnight and will get his rabies vaccination in the morning before we pick him up. Can't get him his other shots or neutered for about a month, while he heals up.

You did the right thing.

...but next time, bring that scatter gun!

I am trying to do everything right. The gate is functional, if not pretty. I will begin fence repairs Thursday, I contacted Law Enforcement, I acted with restraint when the Pit came at me this afternoon.

Add me to the list that will donate to the cause. Junior, you are good people.

You are the 3rd person to offer financial assistance, and I must gratefully decline. I thank you very, very much though, and I appreciate it very much, Kind Sir.

yes...its your neighbors fault and is completely liable even if you didn't have a gate on the front, they failed at keeping their animal in theirs...

this is on their dime entirely, if they don't pay $25 gets you to small claims for a simple judgement.... if they don't pay it shows what a sorry excuse for a human they are, so I'd take 'em to court....

I feel like in the long run it is better not to choose that path for several reasons. These people are likely to live here for a very long time. If a good gate and fence can prevent any further problems, I prefer that over a life time of neighbor problems. I'd rather pay a few hundred dollars in vet bills than have hard feelings directed against me. I am turning my 5 acres into a fortress, and other people can deal with these dogs. Pretty soon, the female pit should be coming into heat, and that ought to get things going around here, but it won't affect me.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
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West OKC
I am glad the dog is going to be okay. I think you can count on him being by your side for the rest of his life. It may sound crazy, but I think dogs remember and will have your back as long as they are alive. You did a good thing. It is easy to tell someone to crawl under a house and drag out an injured dog. It is another to do it.
You did a good job.

Junior Bonner

Special Hen
Apr 2, 2014
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Good luck at the vet's ... (I used to live in Tishomingo ... :lookaroun I kinda miss it ... but I can't get GC to commit to moving when he retires ... :( )

Dr. Webb is still practicing several days a week. Even though he is well into his 80s, his cognitive abilities are striking.

Got a newfound respect for you, jr. You really stepped up and showed the love that dog deserves. Damn, I almost wish I was the one bitten by the PB when I kept seeing those saucers of bacon. :-)

The bacon made me very hungry and I was sorely tempted. He certainly eats better than I do, haha!


Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
I am trying to do everything right. The gate is functional, if not pretty. I will begin fence repairs Thursday, I contacted Law Enforcement, I acted with restraint when the Pit came at me this afternoon.
I don't think anybody could fault you for what you did. I wouldn't hesitate to drop a dog attacking me or mine, but a dog that's just barking doesn't deserve a bullet.
If a good gate and fence can prevent any further problems, I prefer that over a life time of neighbor problems.
I think there's a reason they say "good fences make good neighbors." Yours are lucky.

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