Prescription drug costs - let's hear your stories/rants

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Glock 40

Problem Solver
Special Hen
Jun 14, 2005
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Tridiot is GoodRx legit? I see the commercials all the time and wondered does it really work. My family dosen't have to take any drugs other than OTC allergy stuff. So its rare we need a prescription. Looking at their site is shows 11 drugs as quick links. Looks like 1/3 are for depression. Is that stuff given out that much that its 4 out of 11 on their top links?


Special Hen
May 9, 2009
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Yup.... that diuretic would probably cramp your style driving for UPS! lol

I'm actually surprised, looking up that triple med, it's $71 a month on GoodRx, about $65 a month if you buy 3 months' worth at a time. Shocking. Of course, the equivalent generics would be $12 a month or $30 for 3 months' worth.

My insurance covers all maintenance rx's with 90 day supply's.
The one time CVS tried to charge me retail for that Tribenzor, is when I went back to the Dr. and had him do the 3 separate rX's and that's been about 4 years ago.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Tridiot is GoodRx legit? I see the commercials all the time and wondered does it really work. My family dosen't have to take any drugs other than OTC allergy stuff. So its rare we need a prescription. Looking at their site is shows 11 drugs as quick links. Looks like 1/3 are for depression. Is that stuff given out that much that its 4 out of 11 on their top links?

Not tRidiot, but we have used GoodRX in the past. Was told about it by a nurse practitioner in Colorado. While we worked for the state and had insurance, the wife had three prescriptions, two of which she had a $50 copay and the other was $25, for a total of $125. Without insurance in Colorado and the same prescriptions (90 days worth), GoodRX had her paying $50 for all three.

With the GoodRX app, one can type in the name of the drug needed and their app will show various pharmacies in your area (based on zip code if I remember right) and the prices. So, you can choose which one is less expensive or more convenient.

Glock 40

Problem Solver
Special Hen
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
So how long does it take to get pharmacy to process it? I am guessing each time you go in you have to show all the goodrx info for each prescription?


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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How about the insurance company scams? You know when the heart Dr. prescribes a simple blood draw and you are already at the hospital and the lab is down the hall. You get your blood drawn in 10 minutes and out the door in 15 driving away. The insurance co won't pay for it because it's not their lab so your convenience just cost you out of pocket $150. Their lab is 10 miles away and it would have been free. Of course it's 10 miles out of your way and it's a waiting game when you get there because the volume of customers because of the insurance company. How do you fight this crap?


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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I take 2 BP meds. Each is a combination of 2 meds.
1 was $96 a month, the other was $12.
I had no insurance and Astra-Senaca sent me some forms. They sent a 90 day supply, every 90 days, FOR FREE.

I changed jobs and had insurance. Astra-Senaca stopped sending and I had a co-pay of $4 ea, on a 90 day supply.
OdumbassCare comes along. I get charged for having a Cadillac plan. My premium doubles. My deductible triples. My co-pay is $16. Company informed me the pres riptions are now $236 and $58.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
So how long does it take to get pharmacy to process it? I am guessing each time you go in you have to show all the goodrx info for each prescription?

I don't recall it being much worse than any other prescription. Doctor calls it in or one takes in their prescription and shows the coupon on one's phone and that is about it. Of course, most of the time, it was my wife picking up the prescription. I was usually busy "people watching," specifically good looking women.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Yes, GoodRx is legit, and yes you have to show the coupon every time you pick up the script. But you don't have to have a membership, a login, give them your email or anything. You simply download the app, look up your prescription by name, input the dosage and number of pills and it gives you a list of pharmacies local to you and the cost for that med at that pharmacy - with their coupon. It takes just a few seconds at the pharmacy to input the codes. Done.

I was at Wally World and my wife texted and asked me to pick up her script - it's an old, cheap BP med. Nothing special. So I go to the pharmacy and pick it up. The lady tells me it's $34. WTH? I asked, "Did our insurance pay ANYTHING on that?" Nope. Not a thin dime. Fecking great. So I pay for it and walk away.

As I'm walking down the aisle, I smack myself in the forehead... I pull up my GoodRx app on the phone - and for 90 pills it's $10. Sh|t. I just gave Wally World's freaking pharmacy an extra $24 because I didn't bother checking the app before paying. Dammit!

We buy meds for my mother-in-law, father-in-law and both sisters-in-law and send them to them in the Caribbean. Using GoodRx has saved us MANY MANY hundreds, probably THOUSANDS on their meds - mother in law has been on some expensive seizure meds.

So in short, yeah, it's legit. And after dealing with the shenanigans at WalMart, CVS and Walgreens every. single. day. I don't want to give them a single penny more than I have to. As a provider I don't often recommend one pharmacy over another, but sometimes I do give the nod to the smaller local guys when I have a chance. And GenScripts in Tulsa is great, too.


Special Hen
Mar 2, 2016
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What do you expect your doctor to do? Should he/she be able to have a joke with his staff and share an anecdote or just rushing frazzled from room to room constantly in apology mode to every single patient he/she sees all day every day and never actually being a human being or having any interactions that are not begging forgiveness from his/her patients for not rushing them right back to inspect their corns or ask about their bowel movements?

Asking for a friend...

is it my fault the physician can't schedule his day? they schedule to see the max load to increase revenue. if i keep my end of the bargain i expect them to keep their end. i too walked out of a VA waiting room a few weeks back, i arrived early, checked in, and 45minutes after my appointment time i left. they called later and told me the physician had left for the day prior to my checking in, of course no one informed me at the time. time is all i have, i refuse to waste it waiting on physicians who can't schedule their day or not even be there. of course that is .gov medicine.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 27, 2012
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What do you expect your doctor to do? Should he/she be able to have a joke with his staff and share an anecdote or just rushing frazzled from room to room constantly in apology mode to every single patient he/she sees all day every day and never actually being a human being or having any interactions that are not begging forgiveness from his/her patients for not rushing them right back to inspect their corns or ask about their bowel movements?
Asking for a friend...
I worked in a Doctor's office, I know what the drug reps do and I also know that a patient's time is just as valuable as a physician's time. If an ill patient arrives on time they deserve to be seen in a timely manner-they are sick. If a physician has a problem seeing his patients perhaps he needs to cut back the total number of patients he sees per day. Moreover, the physician works for the patient, not the other way around. However, if a patient is in need of an in-depth evaluation/study I can understand that because if it were me and I had a significant problem I would want a little extra time spent on my exam if necessary. Should there be a delay the patients in the waiting room need to be advised-it's only courtesy. It's common knowledge that a sick person may be a little more irritable than one that isn't ill and that needs to be taken into consideration. I've been on both sides of the spectrum.
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