Re: Starbucks or "Slapping an Ally in the Face"

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Special Hen
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah...still waiting for the usual suspects (aka as hrdware ...okie bryan etc..) to chime in and tell us how it should be.

I can't speak for okiebryan, but as far as SB goes I agree with most that some gun rights groups put them in this position. They were a neutral company that just wanted to sell coffee. Some people took the neutral stance and twisted it into a pro-gun stance which Starbucks didn't want to take. I would be willing to bet that most of the "neutral" businesses (wal-mart, target, home depot, lowes, etc, etc) don't want weapons in their stores either, but they are taking the neutral stance to try and make everyone happy and blame it on the state legislatures. Even SB said they don't want them in the stores but they aren't going to ban them.

For the record, I'm not a starbucks fan...can't stand most coffees. I have been there a couple of times to get hot chocolate, but not for any kind of organized event.

To my knowledge, every time OKOCA has a lunch or dinner, the restaurant is called before the event is announced and they are asked about hosting an open carry event. That's not to say the business is pro gun or anti gun, just that they allow carry.

As far as the city park goes, that's a bit different as it is public property not private property. Did I come to the park in your neighborhood prior to open carry....probably not, but then again I probably didn't know the person in your neighborhood who set up the event. I wouldn't plan an event in a park 3 counties over from where I live, but if someone I knew planned an event there, I may attend.


Special Hen
Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
No. Read it again. He said firearms weren't welcome.

I read it again. And side with him. He doesn't want his company to be caught in the middle of a ...firefight. Sorry, bad pun. I don't shop there, but it is their store. He doesn't ban guns outright. He simply wants the idiots walking in with ARs et al., sweeping everyone. Can't blame him for that. 7-11 does have better coffee.


Special Hen
Jun 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wow... interesting post to learn a little more about you. Thanks for the lesson. Hopefully I'll remember it.

So anyone who open carries with the hope of combating the "only bad people have guns" notion is "holier-than-thou"? You can't open carry responsibly if you are hoping to help change the force-fed propaganda of the state? I'm not sure how this works... edumacate me, please.

I open carry sometimes in public. It is MUCH more comfortable. And convenient. And also works against the propaganda. So... how do I know if I'm doing it responsibly (by your standards or any other), or if my pecker is too short to allow me to open carry without it being for the wrong reasons? Do your cojones have to be a certain diameter to be considered a responsible open carrier, or is there a measuring scale of some kind that determines who is eligible to be "responsible" and who is not qualified and is only "holier-than-thou"? Is it based on testicular weight, overall diameter of the testicle, circumference, the whole sack, or the organ length or what?

I'm just trying to make sure I don't fall into the wrong category when I go about my daily business of... well... most anything... but happen to be open carrying at the same time. If I don't measure up, then I guess I need to cover it up, right? Please let me know who I need to send my certified measurements and registered check to in order to obtain my "responsible open carry" permit instead of the lesser accepted "holier-than-thou" open carry permit.


I couldn't have said it better!


Special Hen
Nov 6, 2012
Reaction score
I read it again. And side with him. He doesn't want his company to be caught in the middle of a ...firefight. Sorry, bad pun. I don't shop there, but it is their store. He doesn't ban guns outright. He simply wants the idiots walking in with ARs et al., sweeping everyone. Can't blame him for that. 7-11 does have better coffee.

...but they have gun busters signs... :)


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
Reaction score
I have often heard radio talk show hosts criticize the moderate members of the Muslim communities in the USA for not actively speaking out against the extremist minorities that cause problems.
IMHO, similarly, we mainstream 2A supporters need to actively criticize these extreme in-your-face rifle/shotgun carriers.
In my opinion, the people opencarrying rifles and shotguns into Starbucks are actually ANTI-2A and are trying to make the average peaceful 2A supporter look like a crazy extremist. I would not put it past the anti 2A forces in our country to have hatched this strategy to make all gun owners look bad.

I cannot imagine a responsible gun owner/2A supporter doing what they are doing.

In order to not lose the support of the mainstream public, we need to actively decry and criticize this, and call it what it is: Extreme and provocative behavior.
And good for starbucks in calling this out and not banning guns outright when they could have done so.
Until they ban guns outright (and I hope they do not EVER do that), Starbucks will enjoy my business.

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