Religious Topics and Questions

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Jan 19, 2007
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Definition of UNIVERSALISM
1often capitalized
a : a theological doctrine that all human beings will eventually be saved
b : the principles and practices of a liberal Christian denomination founded in the 18th century originally to uphold belief in universal salvation and now united with Unitarianism
2: something that is universal in scope
3: the state of being universal : universality

Not trying to prove I am right, just sharing the Webster definition. After your post, I wanted to make sure I wasn't using the term incorrectly.

This will be my final post in the thread, I have to go out of town for a week,and will not be online. I am also not posting anymore because originally this thread was about questions, and has become a "why I am right, and you are all wrong" thread, on both sides. I appreciate the communication, and would like to hear from anyone on the thread on PM about discussions. Just to be clear, not butthurt, not offended, and hopefully I have not offended either, but there is some condescension and baiting going on, and I am not going to be a part of it. Thanks for the thread Madskillz!

I'm a believer in correctly translated scripture and a believer in the ability of Christ to save humanity from all sin.

1 Corinthians 15:21, 22
For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead.
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

I really don't know how scripture could be any more clear on the subject. And it's perfectly in line with the rest of scripture. Once death is abolished as it is foretold in Revelation, there will be nothing left but life for ALL creation. Through the sin of Adam came death to ALL. But through the resurrection of Christ came the resurrection of the dead, for all... Not just the mere possibility of it, but life for all. Period.

Glad you enjoyed the thread. I did as well. :)

I'm going to bow out now. Thanks for the discussion folks.


Jul 4, 2006
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To do that, you'd need to find people versed in Greek and Hebrew. I'm not talking about the English version of the Bible, I'm talking about the Greek words we've derived "hell" from. There's far better translations.

last point and then i will drop it because everything that needs to be said on this subject has been said... you are right and my point is the people that are well versed in greek throughout history don't agree with you (once again majority, not minority), so you would HAVE to agree that most people who are well versed don't agree with your opinion, so it cannot be clear, the reason we know that is we have all their writings commentary, etc... and we can read it ourselves...

so with all that being said i am really enjoying this, any other subjects that we want to tackle since we have beat this one into the ground...


Jan 19, 2007
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last point and then i will drop it because everything that needs to be said on this subject has been said... you are right and my point is the people that are well versed in greek throughout history don't agree with you (once again majority, not minority), so you would HAVE to agree that most people who are well versed don't agree with your opinion, so it cannot be clear, the reason we know that is we have all their writings commentary, etc... and we can read it ourselves...

so with all that being said i am really enjoying this, any other subjects that we want to tackle since we have beat this one into the ground...

Do the best to research it for yourself. I've found that experts and the like are capable of messing up or having an agenda just as any other man. What's the saying, "Professionals built the Titanic but amateurs built the Ark."

Thanks for the discussion. :)


Jul 4, 2006
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don't worry i will, just bought a book on it actually!!! i enjoyed the discussion also.. i think we deserve a medal for longest religious thread in OSA history to not get a lock!!!!!


Special Hen
Aug 8, 2007
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Vinita, OK
I've followed this thread pretty close and it's been insightful. I have not seen any mention of prayer though. Have you made yourself humble to God and seeked his guidance through prayer?

If God is God and the Bible his word, then perhaps the secret to unlocking the contradictory parts is to allow Him to enlighten you through his Spirit. Maybe the clarity you seek does not come to those who have not recognized his presence and authority? I'm not questioning your position with God, just suggesting that perhaps a different approach can help.

I find that the Word means so much more and is so much more clear when I open my mind to His influence. Things can be settled in your spirit that cannot be proven through the imperfection of your speech.


Special Hen
Jun 8, 2006
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OKC, Bethany, Yukon junction
if a person claims they are christian, and believes in christian beliefs as such (god, heaven, various denominational variances) and hold to those so firmly that their "faith" literally allows them to accept that those things exist, if they do not also accept that by doing so they MUST acknowledge that all other religious beliefs could also exist & by that act accept that they themselves & their beliefs could be wrong, they are hypocritical, close minded, and are doomed to a life of little consequence.

A confrontational and inherently false posit. I'll take Animism, since it is older than any other extant belief system. Solely as a belief, Animism has the capacity to be "real" (believed) by its adherents. No sect of Animism, however, is supported by science. Simply put, we are not "sperm of the Serpent/Tiger/etc.", no matter how much some believe it be be so.

Judeo-Christianity is very much a rational belief system, i.e., God may act in ways we do not understand, but those acts do not violate physical laws.

That is why quantum theory is hardly the "red herring". It begins to explain how God can be at all places, at all times, and how prayer effects reality...among other things. :wink2:

I felt no particular "rage" at your statement, but would submit that contemplation of theology, in the absence of realtionship physical science is the only way the purely theoretical "relativity" ("everyone can be right") works.


Nov 19, 2008
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I took a course several years ago to cover my creative writting portion. It was on the mythology of religion, it was an eye opener, and showed even in the christian levels that religion was derived by man as a way to explain the happenings in a strange world, an used as a tool to control man. Something the church/religions of today is struggling with. If you doubt that, I suggest you study other older religions prior to the advent of the Jewish faith, an the beginings of christianity. If thats not enough look into Islam.
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