Ron Paul for President

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Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
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Seriously not fools, most of my family are genetically prone to addiction. This is why I do not drink or use any drugs I do not have to anymore.

My childhood friend was a fool. He was killed while driving high on weed. Slowed his reflexes down enough that he could not stop in time and rear ended a semi.
The dancer I knew that ODed did not know that someone laced her pot.
The guy that killed himself got paranoid while high on pot.
The girl that cut off her own hand did it while high because she could not stop smoking it.
The mother who's baby died just got high and forgot to turn on the heat and cover the baby up before she fell asleep.
I can name many more if you want.

drugs are illegal, that means there's no way this happened.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Or keeping many thousands more from the same fate. I believe that if drugs were more readily available the problem would be bigger and so far I have not seen anything to change my mind.

Well, be sure you don't look at the fact that drug law enforcement was drastically ramped up about 40 years ago, and while our incarceration rate has quadrupled making it the highest of any country in the world, rates of drug use and abuse have remained static and in many cases increased. Overdoes deaths are the highest they've ever been.

Be sure you don't look at stuff like that, because it makes it harder to believe things that aren't true.


Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
Seriously not fools, most of my family are genetically prone to addiction. This is why I do not drink or use any drugs I do not have to anymore.

My childhood friend was a fool. He was killed while driving high on weed. Slowed his reflexes down enough that he could not stop in time and rear ended a semi.
The dancer I knew that ODed did not know that someone laced her pot.
The guy that killed himself got paranoid while high on pot.
The girl that cut off her own hand did it while high because she could not stop smoking it.
The mother who's baby died just got high and forgot to turn on the heat and cover the baby up before she fell asleep.
I can name many more if you want.

Genetically inclined? Serious? No addiction begins without making a foolish choice. You're dictated by your emotions instead of reason and want to infringe on everyone's Liberty to save a few fools. So why not ban all firearms? Or knives, baseball bats, crowbars, rocks, pillows and cars too?

And for those of you whose goal is simply to get rid of Obama and replace him with some other tool are fools. No matter who sits in the White House, not a damn thing will change for the better. And even though I like much of what RP has to say, he's as much a politician as the rest. Not a one of them gives a damn about you or your friends and family. You are and always will be the sheep they fleece. Politics is all about power and control. The same as religion. To think that some man or woman is going to make things alright is the height of stupidity. Even more stupid is casting a vote for the most electable tool with the "hope" that things will "change". They dangle these carrots in front of you and you chase them.

You want change? Find it in yourselves. Don't look to someone else to bring it to you because it will never happen.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Genetically inclined? Serious? No addiction begins without making a foolish choice. You're dictated by your emotions instead of reason and want to infringe on everyone's Liberty to save a few fools. So why not ban all firearms? Or knives, baseball bats, crowbars, rocks, pillows and cars too?

And for those of you whose goal is simply to get rid of Obama and replace him with some other tool are fools. No matter who sits in the White House, not a damn thing will change for the better. And even though I like much of what RP has to say, he's as much a politician as the rest. Not a one of them gives a damn about you or your friends and family. You are and always will be the sheep they fleece. Politics is all about power and control. The same as religion. To think that some man or woman is going to make things alright is the height of stupidity. Even more stupid is casting a vote for the most electable tool with the "hope" that things will "change". They dangle these carrots in front of you and you chase them.

You want change? Find it in yourselves. Don't look to someone else to bring it to you because it will never happen.

I think a hundred years ago or more, you did get some visionaries elected that made some sweeping changes. Some for the better, some for the worse. However, I think we've managed to breed any element of visionary our of our politicians. We've allowed them to set their own terms and salaries for decades now. Taking any of that away from them would be tantamount to stealing from a very cranky baby. :(


Special Hen
Mar 16, 2011
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I have no idea how this thread went off on a drug tangent but it is clear pettiness is starting to become prevalent.

Everyone will agree that all drugs whether legal or illegal affect one’s physiology both positively and negatively, that is after all the entire reason we use drugs/medication. The proper use of all drugs/medication is vital for good health, with the improper use resulting in adverse health.

This is not being disputed; it is something that everyone agrees on.

The question is not should people use drugs, but does the Federal Government have the lawful jurisdiction to control what citizens do to affect their personal health?

Bear in mind this is a yes or no question and no shades of moderation exist between the two answers.

If you do believe that such a right exists, the only issue is who controls that authority, which I suppose is why we have the huge animosity between parties.

If you step back and look at both parties in their current state the differences just melt away, both roads lead to complete totalitarianism, all that’s left to decide is who gets there first. And that decision for the majority is only based on what “home-team” you religiously root for. That is why we have the “Anyone but Obama” message, why we are told to compromise and just vote for the “Lesser of Two Evils”.

With little shift in platform Obama could easily become the poster boy for the Republican Party and all the republicans would gladly cheer, the same is true with nearly any prominent Republican, it would be so easy for them to effortlessly transition into the Democrat Party.

This hypocrisy is not exclusive to politicians; it widespread throughout the people of the United States. No one man can make much impact as President, Ron Paul is as much as a messiah as Obama was, the difference is that Ron Paul embodies many of the principles on which our nation was forged.

We all must remember that our country was framed by a moral people for a moral people, until we exist again as self-governed moral individuals tyranny will be rampant. If you truly want to restore the United States start with your own life, transition that to your family, and then to the County, State, and finally Federal Government. No external top-down force can transform our country, reform and decay comes from within.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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Same If drug dealers an their bosses were summaraly executed on the spot while dealing drugs it would put a very solid image in their mind that this **** isn't going to be tolorated in America, so take your bussiness eleswhere!!!!!!!!!!!!

All that would accomplish would be to raise the prices of the drugs people want which would make the crimes commited by druggies to feed their habits even more numerous and quite likely more heinous as they would need to get more money to pay the higher prices.

Why higher prices? Demand. As long as there is a demand for something someone will meet it and supply the product. Execute dealers on the spot and just like coyotes over the past 80 years they'll get smarter and more able to elude their hunters. And dealers of illegal products charge for that product partly based on risk.

Executing dealers on the spot would be emotionally satisfying but would just make the problem worse.

The solution is to dry up the demand. How that is accomplished I'll leave to others. My way would be much too harsh to implement in our current it is always someone else's fault society.


Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
I think a hundred years ago or more, you did get some visionaries elected that made some sweeping changes. Some for the better, some for the worse. However, I think we've managed to breed any element of visionary our of our politicians. We've allowed them to set their own terms and salaries for decades now. Taking any of that away from them would be tantamount to stealing from a very cranky baby. :(

The problem isn't lack of vision... it's simply politics and religion. The Theological Socialists (Christians) are demanding that we live in a "moral" society. The Secular Socialist are demanding we worship the state. The two are intertwined. Both reject the Laws of Nature and Nature's God. And in their place interject their concepts of how things should be. The casualty is Liberty that is stripped from all of us. Sad fact is that Liberty is something most on this forum don't comprehend. They give it lip service but in practice reject it.

Maybe it's simply I view Liberty as essential to being human. Without it, we're merely slaves. My personal life story differs from most and perhaps as a result I place undo emphasis on understanding what it really means to be a free, sovereign being beholden only to my Creator. As my wife points out to me, my view isn't tainted by nationalistic pride or prejudice and I tend to see things for how they really are instead of how other's hope they'll be.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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The problem isn't lack of vision... it's simply politics and religion. The Theological Socialists (Christians) are demanding that we live in a "moral" society. The Secular Socialist are demanding we worship the state. The two are intertwined. Both reject the Laws of Nature and Nature's God. And in their place interject their concepts of how things should be. The casualty is Liberty that is stripped from all of us. Sad fact is that Liberty is something most on this forum don't comprehend. They give it lip service but in practice reject it.

Maybe it's simply I view Liberty as essential to being human. Without it, we're merely slaves. My personal life story differs from most and perhaps as a result I place undo emphasis on understanding what it really means to be a free, sovereign being beholden only to my Creator. As my wife points out to me, my view isn't tainted by nationalistic pride or prejudice and I tend to see things for how they really are instead of how other's hope they'll be.

I feel that in order for liberty to work, you must practice a certain level of pride, nationalism and socialism on a personal scale. Being soverign and only beholden to your creator sounds great, but it doesn't do anything to defang the wolves that would set upon you with all manner of liberty destroying restrictions. Were we to live in a moral society that valued the liberty, peace and prosperity of others, there would be no need for these restrictions. Unfortunately, the religious right somehow feels that we can legislate morality, while the socialist left feels we can legislate charity and good will. Neither cause is wrong, but legislating it is unjust and chafes the serf who is burdened by their weight.

We really do need to stop condemning each other as wrong, unpatriotic, uncharitable, etc. We need to understand that we bring these restrictions on ourselves when we act in immoral and unethical ways. There will ALWAYS be immoral and unethical people in our world. But setting our societal rules and laws based on these "10%'ers" is a disservice to our entire society. We're pandering to the lowest common denominator and it's literally destroying the fabric of our Republic! :(


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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GlockToGo said:
There will ALWAYS be immoral and unethical people in our world. But setting our societal rules and laws based on these "10%'ers" is a disservice to our entire society. We're pandering to the lowest common denominator and it's literally destroying the fabric of our Republic!

^^^^^^^^ This times a 1000...

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