Senator shot in Virginia at baseball practice

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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
I think Uncle Ted's response is a little sad and funny. I like Ted's music and outdoorsman work but this recent revelation by hims sounds a lot like the shocked back peddling and "Hey! Can't we just be friends?" of a loudmouth schoolyard bully who suddenly gets punched square in the mouth after years of running his suck and trying to intimidate people.

We'll see how it turns out. I'm a hopeless skeptic, so...


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Was the Virginia shooting an attempted coup of a sort - an attempt to create enough empty offices to shift power to the Dems? Chilling...especialliy if there are others of like mind or who passive support such crimes.

...I am not attempting to read the assassin’s mind. But we know he intended to massacre Republicans, which tells us a lot about his mindset and his motives. We also know he committed the crime.

Now examine the Republican baseball team roster from the perspective of an angry, outraged hard-left Bernie Sanders progressive who for the last eight months has absorbed an acid hot media-political narrative ritually vilifying Trump. Mainstream media headlines and the rhetoric of Democrat leaders persistently arouse and incite the Democrat Party base, claiming Trump is a traitor, his administration is illegitimate and that evil Republicans are plotting to repeal Obamacare so they can kill senior citizens. Why, Paul Ryan still wants to push old ladies off a cliff!

After examining the baseball roster, count the current number of Republicans and Democrats serving on Capitol Hill.

Seventeen Republican congressional representatives and two senators remained on the baseball practice field when Hodgkinson launched his one-man Red Army assault. Three Congressmen, Representatives Tom Rooney, Mark Walker, and Bill Johnson had just left.

Call it luck, call it grace, but another 12 team members (and elected officials) missed the practice.

Though New Math scholars may arrive at a different answer, classic 1 + 1 = 2 addition says Hodgkinson could have killed 32 Republican members of the House and two Senators.

The current GOP-Dem breakdown in the House is 239 Rs to 194 Ds. The Senate is 52 Rs and 48 Ds.

If the following strikes you as brutally cold remember Hodgkinson was a terrorist intent on cold blooded mass slaughter. Killing 32 Republican members of the House reduces the Republicans to 207 seats. That means the nation must conduct 32 special elections. That means the Resistance (which includes Hillary Clinton) has 32 opportunities to seize a Republican seat in a special election.

Would the Democrats sweep them all? Mainstream media portray radical members of the Resistance as aroused and ready to act. So voila Hodgkinson — he’s now Exhibit A for arousal and radical action.

Agreed, murdering two Republican Senators doesn’t shift power in that chamber, but it also necessitates two special elections where — in the hate-filled Occupy Whatever brain of a Hodgkinson — a Democrat might replace a Republican.

Flipping the House makes Nancy Pelosi the Speaker, and gives her the votes to impeach Donald Trump. It takes two-thirds in the Senate to convict, so Trump won’t be removed. But the Democrats would get their trial.

Check the terrorist’s math. Subtract Republicans, then add Democrats.

Even if Hodgkinson didn’t see this possibility with clarity, his murder spree had this evil potential. Extremist Democrats have touted every single mid-term election as a political opportunity. The races for House seats in Montana and Georgia are two examples.

Way beyond the edge political and rhetorical incitement poisoned Hodgkinson’s media and Democrat activist environment.

Examples of septic incitement come in bushel buckets, but two illustrate how violence permeates current far left Democratic politics.

During the election Democrat operative and covert terrorist Robert Creamer routinely employed violence to disrupt Trump rallies and Republican campaign events.

Recall Obama Administration Attorney General Loretta Lynch said we need more marching, blood and death on the streets.

Well, Loretta, James T. Hodgkinson heard you. And he spilled the blood you demanded.

Analyzing Hodgkinson’s tactical planning and his tactical movements on the ball field demonstrates he intended to murder Republican leaders en masse.

We know his attack was premeditated. Police have recovered a list he kept with the names of several Republican lawmakers.

He chose to attack the practice field because it was a “soft” target. The annual congressional baseball game in Nationals Park would have extensive police protection. Besides, in the annual game he could only kill Republicans on the field and a stray round might hit a Democrat. On the practice field he could kill enough Republican representatives that the Democrats might take control of the House and set conditions for Trump’s impeachment.

Hodgkinson may or may not have been aware of Rep. Steve Scalise’s protective detail, but assumed his semi-automatic rifle had the firepower to handle a cop or two.

From a position behind the third base dugout, Hodgkinson began his assault by shooting in the direction of third baseman Rep. Trent Kelly (R-MS) and second baseman Scalise (R-LA). He may have been specifically targeting Scalise since he considered Scalise to be a Ku Klux Klansman, which demonstrates historical ignorance since the Ku Klux Klan was a Democrat organization.

Hodgkinson’s first volley wounded Scalise in the hip and pelvis, and the wound is severe. We know he continued to draw blood. He wounded lobbyist Mike Mika and congressional staffer Zack Barth. We know he moved behind the dugout and started to approach home plate.

The movement towards home plate indicates the terrorist wanted to close with his targets. He couldn’t help seeing the dozen or more men diving and hiding in the first base dugout. At close range the dugout offered no cover. In fact, it became one confined kill zone, perfect for his massacre.

Then courage and devotion to duty by two armed police officers wrecked Hodgkinson’s evil plan. Suddenly Special Agents Crystal Grinel and David Bailey of the Capitol Police appeared from behind the first base dugout — and they were shooting back, shooting at him. A firefight ensued. Hodgkinson retreated. He also wounded Grinel. She may have wounded him.

Essentially, Grinel and Bailey counter-attacked Hodgkinson as the terrorist tried to approach the home plate area. Their fire and audacity forced him to withdraw behind the third base dugout. Eventually the police officers, assisted by Alexandria police, wounded and subdued Hodgkinson.

Everyone knows Hodgkinson’s dead.

We can hope his treasonous cause died with him.

D. Hargrove

Jan 9, 2017
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Was the Virginia shooting an attempted coup of a sort - an attempt to create enough empty offices to shift power to the Dems? Chilling...especially if there are others of like mind or who passive support such crimes.
The potentiality certainly exists. This is is reminiscent of classical Strategic Deception, poorly executed at the Tactical level. Had there been seats lost to the shooters gun, merit certainly could have be paid to the concept @Dale00 put forth.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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...It [the Virginia shooting of Republicans] all revealed once again the overweening cultural hubris of the American Left, which has been in control of so many institutions and the prevailing political narrative for so long, it can’t conceive of Republicans as victims even when they’re being shot. Many of them are cultural bullies convinced of their righteousness, and as Reid did, they’ll kick you when you’re down after being shot on a baseball field. Why, it’s enough to drive you to hire a giant, coarse, shameless bully of your own and make him president.

When you look at it that way, it’s not at all surprising that Handel beat newcomer Jon Osoff, who didn’t live in the district, but showed up to it with cargo planes full of cash from San Francisco. Democrats hadn’t paid attention to this district for years, so their moneyed, white-knight act was bad enough. But in the context of the shooting of Republicans that very week, the aftermath of which showed media and the Left indulging in some of their very worst tendencies, it was utterly preposterous.

Voters have been telling pollsters since Trump was elected: Sure, we don’t love him, but we love Democrats less. When it comes to the crucial in- or out-of-touch metric, Trump and Republicans have been seen as more in touch with the problems of average Americans than Democrats have.

The behavior of many on the Left and in elite institutions this week sent a message, very loud and clear, that not only do they not “get” the other half of the country; they don’t want to. They’re not only out of touch; they think the rest of you are untouchables.


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Jan 12, 2007
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