Sodomy Thread

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Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
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If that's true, what's so wrong with bending to the will of a couple hippie chicks in a tent at a music festival? It ain't trying to forcibly gangbang angels like in the bible, right? Nor harm, no foul (definitely no fowl - that I know is wrong)?

I'll answer you out of the theological doctrine I believe to be true. This is not advocacy for laws, just what I believe to be true, and how it applies to the spiritual and emotional nature of mankind.

He didn't design it to work that way. We are designed to join one man to one woman, with God overhead. When we insert more people into that equation, we throw it off, and risk emotional and spiritual harm to ourselves and others.

Think of it like a piece of play ground equipment. Misusing it may be fun, and may not even seem bad if nobody is getting hurt. But if that misuse breaks the equipment, you don't get to have fun anymore.

6 Strings

Jul 11, 2015
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Exiled On Main Street
...and now the sodomy experts arrive...

Just when I thought your parents dropped a deuce in the shallow end of the gene pool you come up with such a witty retort to defend your curious friend. That was so sweet. So much more original than to say, “It takes one to know one.” Please … as a public service you need do share some more examples of your dazzling rhetorical wit. And I sincerely mean that. The “William Fosters” of the world need to look down at people like you to feel better about their lives and to make them appreciate their parents more.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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I'll answer you out of the theological doctrine I believe to be true. This is not advocacy for laws, just what I believe to be true, and how it applies to the spiritual and emotional nature of mankind.

He didn't design it to work that way. We are designed to join one man to one woman, with God overhead. When we insert more people into that equation, we throw it off, and risk emotional and spiritual harm to ourselves and others.

OK, OK. Kick one of them out of the tent. To be honest you were never much into that anyways. Is that only half as bad?

Think of it like a piece of play ground equipment. Misusing it may be fun, and may not even seem bad if nobody is getting hurt. But if that misuse breaks the equipment, you don't get to have fun anymore.

Ouch, man. I think that may apply more to overestimating one's strength and coordination than who you're playing the game with. It never hurts for one to know their limitations, lest you pay the price.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Some also say Sodom & Gomorrah fell from other sins, not homosexuality specifically. There was lots of wrong livin' goin' on there and then.

We had another thread that was talking about the legal definition of sodomy, which in many states covers acts a married, straight, church going Christian couple might commonly perform in 2015. Now 70 years ago they might not have been so popular in that crowd. You'd likely be a deviant in the Oklahoma of that era, with your "anything goes" lifestyle. The only oral that likely ever went down among folks of my grandparent's generation and peer group was overseas in the early 40s - you sure didn't expect your wife to debase herself like that. And she sure wouldn't expect you that to her.

Don't feel that bad, Ted. I'm a born-again virgin, since right before I started this thread. It's the best of both worlds, really. I'm just practicing in case I ever enter the political arena.

I'm hoping I can go back to the other side later today (this side is just as boring as I remember), but I've been really annoying the other half lately, so I might be out of luck.

Ridge, it's likely I'd be the deviant in any era. That said, I didn't grow up in the 40s - 70s, and 80s. I've worked with plenty of old guys that did grow up back then, and from their tales, it seems not much has changed, we're just more open about it. As Solomon said - "there is nothing new under the sun".

Good luck with your potential sodomy today - I wish you the best!


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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Old men are all talk. Ask them to tell you some fishing stories sometimes.

I got a friend raised by grandparents, both born in the 20s, several kids. Grandma was really shocked when the Lewinsky thing hit the news because she couldn't believe any woman would do that. It led to a conversation that revealed none of her peers in her friend cricle would have ever considered doing that. I'm sure 20% of those women were lying about it, and 40% of the remaining 60% of unserviced men got theirs on business trips (boys will be boys, right?), but anyways. I think Kinsey data from the time showed it around 50% for married couples - I'd have to say that was probably pretty accurate.

Thanks for the well wishes but (and this is my own fault) throwing the word sodomy around so much has kind of soured me on it for a bit. Skipping straight to fornication may be a more appealing option at the moment. Unless K9 returns my call, that is.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Old men are all talk. Ask them to tell you some fishing stories sometimes.

Thanks for the well wishes but (and this is my own fault) throwing the word sodomy around so much has kind of soured me on it for a bit. Skipping straight to fornication may be a more appealing option at the moment. Unless K9 returns my call, that is.

I'm pretty certain there were some prudes around, but the deeds definitely got done, moreso than the ladies might care to admit.

Going straight to fornication, that's a good option - butt that doesn't negate sodomy later on during the interlude, unless of course you're really one of those timid types that has to have one or the other, not both. There are so many avenues of approach, you should be able to choose multiple options, as long as a bad experience hasn't left a bad taste in your mouth. So have a good time, plunge into your fornication with a positive attitude, and don't be afraid to get a little dirt on your... hands.


Jan 24, 2013
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Old men are all talk. Ask them to tell you some fishing stories sometimes.

I got a friend raised by grandparents, both born in the 20s, several kids. Grandma was really shocked when the Lewinsky thing hit the news because she couldn't believe any woman would do that. It led to a conversation that revealed none of her peers in her friend cricle would have ever considered doing that. I'm sure 20% of those women were lying about it, and 40% of the remaining 60% of unserviced men got theirs on business trips (boys will be boys, right?), but anyways. I think Kinsey data from the time showed it around 50% for married couples - I'd have to say that was probably pretty accurate.

Thanks for the well wishes but (and this is my own fault) throwing the word sodomy around so much has kind of soured me on it for a bit. Skipping straight to fornication may be a more appealing option at the moment. Unless K9 returns my call, that is.

An early 1950's survey by Alfred Kinsey's showed that 50% of men and 45% of women said they perform oral sex (in marriage).

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