Stinks to be a pharmacist one way or the other I guess

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Jul 26, 2007
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Between Ft Gibson and Tahlequah on Hwy62
Society needs to figure out how to do a "air marshal" program on the ground, where the thugs never know if they are going to walk into a store at a given moment, and some armed LEO in plain clothes is there willing to do what it takes to stop them.

Not a perfect fix, but better than what we have going on now.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
If it was corporate or family members of corporate working behind counter they probably would. I'm not saying all are, but the bottom line is make lots of money for the top and little man take the heat.

Oh, I know ... but I worked for a downtown law office that on occasion had OCPD officers sitting in the lobby even though the elevators were "locked" to our floors and you couldn't get up without the code.

Where there's a will there's a way ... and if a bunch of tight-arse lawyers went to the trouble of hiring security when a threat had been voiced ... well, corporate America would do well to take note.

Seems to me that one robbery would be enough notice to corporate that there is a problem at that store and that they need to take steps to remedy it.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
BB its cheaper for the company to just send flowers to the funeral than it is to pay for a full time guard.

Well ... all I have to say is if me or mine are hurt, injured, looked at funny in a pharmacy the very next phone call I make is gonna be to my lawyer ... Wrongful death suits are WAY more expensive than security guards.

My dad had this problem years and years ago (veterinary clinic) ... he was armed, every employee that wanted to be armed was armed and every client he had knew it. Didn't keep him from getting robbed several times over the years, but I'll be danged if they didn't rob him after hours ... lol

On a lighter note, he had two cabinets ... the one for "show" and the one where he kept all the good stuff. The "good stuff" was behind a fake wall ... the one for show was out in the open, easy to get to and full of aspirin and salt tablets in "accidentally" mismarked bottles. Don't think you could get away with that anymore though. Too bad ... other than the occasional busted window and the door being ripped off that cabinet, he didn't have too much damage. Plus, I guess word got around his "stuff" sucked ... cuz he didn't have any problems for the last 10 years he was in practice, even though the other vets in town were broken into pretty regularly ...


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2009
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LTown to the Lst
Sadly its not about guns or drug addicts or prison. Its about insurance companys, and Lawyers ( sorry, I did capitilize Lawyers on purpose) who take these cases about little 'enter name here' who was a good kid that just happened to be there when...shootin, robbin, attack.. was made.
Then some 'just want to be left alone' person is ..Forced to defend themselves against such threat. Only to be made the 'bad guy'or Lady.. ;)

Open carry is only good to help the restraints of printing. that being said ..I carry everywhere I legally can...concealed is concealed.
I must be on a cliche jag today...Its better to have one and ..not need it.....than to Not be Prepared
( I know I get them mixed together sometimes...LOL)


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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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Husband, wife arrested in NY pharmacy murders

[Broken External Image]

New York man David Laffer and his wife Melinda Brady have been arrested in connection with Sunday's execution-style murders at a Long Island pharmacy that shocked the New York City metropolitan area and left four people dead. Suffolk County Police arrested the 33-year-old man Wednesday morning and have charged him with first-degree murder and resisting arrest. Laffer will be held overnight and is scheduled to be arraigned today at First District Court in Central Islip. Seen here: David Laffer and wife Melinda Brady

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