SUV Carrying 27 Crashes With Semi, Killing 15

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Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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Well sadly, I have to admit that 27 lives lost is horrific, regardless of political stickers. However, that said, there is one political side which seems to no have as great a concern for human lives as another political side. Said first political side is the one that has abortion rights in its political platform and whose members in Congress have viewed abortion rights as a "litmus test" when looking at legislation and confirmation of officials and judges. Same political side that has advocated assisted suicide and some have even advocated for euthanasia for some "classes" of people.

With regards to abortion, the number of abortions since 1973 is over 60,000,000. Thus, that political side advocating for abortion rights is well within the realm of being inhumane, and puts the U.S. as a country that has "murdered" more people than Hitler and close to those "murdered" by Stalin and Mao Tse Tung.

Thus, if a political party is supportive of "opening the borders," that party is somewhat complicit in the deaths of people who risk everything to try to get to America for the good life. I don't necessarily blame the illegals as I do those that facilitate illegal entry into the U.S.

By contrast, that opposing political side would prefer that immigration always be through legal means.
That gets a little off topic, and draws some shaky associations in my mind. Especially the opening borders means they are complicit part. That's like saying gun manufacturers are responsible for murder victims. It follows the same logic.

I won't go down the abortion rabbit hole here. That would get way off topic and likely need to be in a different forum to get into that discussion. I seem to have a different viewpoint than you here.

Exactly, that side cares more about illegals than they do homeless Americans.
Real question here --- can you explain what the right is doing to fix the homelessness problem that the left isn't? I don't personally see either side of the spectrum doing what I think they can.

Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
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Well said. Replying to a low functioning troll with overly developed Dunning-Kruger is not going to be very productive much less entertaining.
I was wondering when you were going to come about. I figured you'd lead off with your usual blah blah read it out loud thing, but you went straight to your second level Dunning-Kruger. Kind of reminds me of A Christmas Story skipping straight to the triple dog dare. You're a rebel tonight!

Blue Heeler

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Dec 8, 2020
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OP posts about 15 dead human beings!! And we have several pages of politics!! Politics and legal status aside this tragedy is freaking sad.
These folks have families who needed them!!

Politics of the open border “may” have facilitated this tragedy. That and Chuck Darwin thinning the herd.


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Dec 26, 2016
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Politics of the open border “may” have facilitated this tragedy. That and Chuck Darwin thinning the herd.

I know you are right and do not argue the point at all. I deal with illegals all day every day being in construction and while I do not condone breaking our laws, some of these folks are salt of the earth and are basically good folks trying to get ahead for their family ............. I have been dirt ass poor and had kids so I empathize with a Mom or Dad doing whatever it takes to have a better life . The family's left behind will have a tough row to hoe!!


AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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I know you are right and do not argue the point at all. I deal with illegals all day every day being in construction and while I do not condone breaking our laws, some of these folks are salt of the earth and are basically good folks trying to get ahead for their family ............. I have been dirt ass poor and had kids so I empathize with a Mom or Dad doing whatever it takes to have a better life . The family's left behind will have a tough row to hoe!!

Yes and those hiring illegals contribute to the problem. The people who died weren’t going to Disneyland but to or from a job that someone illegally hired them for.

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AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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That gets a little off topic, and draws some shaky associations in my mind. Especially the opening borders means they are complicit part. That's like saying gun manufacturers are responsible for murder victims. It follows the same logic.

I won't go down the abortion rabbit hole here. That would get way off topic and likely need to be in a different forum to get into that discussion. I seem to have a different viewpoint than you here.

Real question here --- can you explain what the right is doing to fix the homelessness problem that the left isn't? I don't personally see either side of the spectrum doing what I think they can.

Every dollar spent dealing with illegals could be spent on American homeless and the poor. Democrats want an open border and Republicans don’t. Simple as that. Now write a 3 paragraph response full of BS.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
That gets a little off topic, and draws some shaky associations in my mind. Especially the opening borders means they are complicit part. That's like saying gun manufacturers are responsible for murder victims. It follows the same logic.

I won't go down the abortion rabbit hole here. That would get way off topic and likely need to be in a different forum to get into that discussion. I seem to have a different viewpoint than you here.

Well, you seem to care about the lives lost among 27 in a car crash, one of which could have been avoided with common sense "travel plans." But, you don't want to address the 60 million-plus lives lost. I guess your "viewpoint" doesn't consider unborn babies to be lives lost if they are aborted. Oh, and this wasn't very far off topic.

Blue Heeler

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Dec 8, 2020
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while I do not condone breaking our laws

Game, set and match.

We can empathize and respect that they are trying to escape some third world ---- hole to make a better life. I (legally) moved out of California in 1987 for much that same reason.

But they are still breaking our laws and causing billions of our tax dollars to go to their healthcare, their education and to too many, their incarceration. Not even counting the billions of US dollars that they send out of the country that hurts our economy.

To this, despite what liberal coloring books will mindlessly parrot, they are a negative investment to our economy. And to loosely quote the wise words of “Jules Winnfield” in the holiday classic, “Pulp Fiction” people on both sides of this debate are getting “dead as ----ing fried chicken” over illegal aliens breaking our laws.

Sorry. I lost my empathy.

Better question is, why the left is so caring about these poor pilgrims?

Two reasons.

One ... they use them as props to virtue signal. They want you to know that they are good people that truly care about all people. If you don’t care? You are not a “good person” and are likely a pesky Republican (gasp) “racist!” that molests small farm animals. The illegal alien is a prop for them to illustrate how good they are.

Two ... they realize that if they want to keep the lights on at the “Democrat Plantation”, illegal aliens need a path to citizenship so they can vote. The DNC knows that if they lose just a slice of their black voting bloc, they will have trouble winning a national election. They need more brown skin folk on the “Democrat Plantation”.

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