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Two Gun Warrior

Special Hen
Oct 15, 2019
Reaction score
Wilburton, Ok.
First thing back in Oklahoma I go to the Taco Bell in Moore with the wife. I noticed they had flags by both drive thru windows that say use our app. Got up to the kiosk and nobody answered. Thought the kiosk must be down, that’s why the line is so long (30 minute wait). Get up to the window and started giving them our order and the girl says she has to go get someone (her first day on the job). So the manager comes up and asked if we ordered online? I told him no. Then he said I’d have to place my order online then get in the back of the line again, because that’s how they do drive through orders now. LOL!
I would have let him know there was another option.

Cold Smoke

Special Hen
Feb 19, 2019
Reaction score
It’s kind of funny. My wife and I are old parents with a kid that keeps our feet in two different worlds. We have gotten deeply involved with the youth group at our church and it has been humbling. This next generation is perplexing and amazing at the same time. They don’t do anything by half measures and are completely unaffected by the social pressures that have driven the generations before them. You call them racist, sexist or anything else and they just laugh it off. The old filters by which the rest of us were able to be corralled have zero impact on them. They view the world with stark reality and still maintain a modicum of optimism that’s refreshing. Yeah, they’ll cut up in ways that infuriates most of us, but if you show some genuine interest in them as the folks they are they’ll give you their best without reservation. The area we’re in is harshly effected by poverty as a result of larger social agendas. Since money is so hard to come by they put their focus on each other and realities that are obtainable. They have a raw genuine nature about them that is shocking initially and they respond to sincerity like flowers to sunlight. I’m sure the future is going to be unrecognizable to most of us, but I get the impression they are made the way they are for times like this. They are honest in a raw way that is disconcerting at first but the affection they respond with once they know you are there for them is deep and genuine. Based is the best way to describe them. If you can step out of your comfort zone and really get to know them I think you’ll find them generally encouraging.

Think about how you would be if ninety percent of the world was out to get you, another nine percent didn’t give a crap and you were born with a plastic spoon with the handle broken off. They’re mostly good kids who just need love and affirmation and genuine good guidance. If you can find it in yourself to seek them out the response might blow your mind.


Special Hen
Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
Norman, Oklahoma
Get rid of narcan and you could cut those od #'s real quick.
i know a girl that od'd 4 times in around 6 month Period.
please stop with the narcan Or whatever it's called.
Yeah, that’s another way to deal with the issue. Survival of the fittest. Or thinning the heard. I wonder how much of our crime is related to drugs. It’s got to be a really huge number. I watched a special on a homeless camp in Oakland, CA. They asked a lady how many people in the camp where drug users and how many were just down on their luck. Without skipping a beat she said 100% are addicted to drugs.


Special Hen
Apr 14, 2010
Reaction score
My experience was generally the ones being retards in wal-mart in groups were the good but nerdy kids. Not cool enough to be in the other crowd and not bad enough to be out causing real trouble. So they found themselves at a store just being dumb kids trying to make each other laugh by being just goofy.

Cold Smoke

Special Hen
Feb 19, 2019
Reaction score
Yeah, that’s another way to deal with the issue. Survival of the fittest. Or thinning the heard. I wonder how much of our crime is related to drugs. It’s got to be a really huge number. I watched a special on a homeless camp in Oakland, CA. They asked a lady how many people in the camp where drug users and how many were just down on their luck. Without skipping a beat she said 100% are addicted to drugs.
They used to hand out Oxycontin like Skittles at a kindergarten party. After they got a massive chunk of the population addicted to opioids they were then cut off. Perfect market for the Chinese and Mexican cartels to profit obscenely with no regard to the consequences. I used to be a pretty hard hearted bastard, but my Lord has been working me over pretty good. For every one who passes without coming to know him it’s a loss of universal proportions. I’m not telling you I’m Mother Theresa with nuts, but I am saying my perspective on a world of things has been changed drastically. I have been given a mission. Doing it doesn’t mean I have to enjoy it. My feels don’t mean crap.


Special Hen
Jun 13, 2010
Reaction score
Norman, Oklahoma
They used to hand out Oxycontin like Skittles at a kindergarten party. After they got a massive chunk of the population addicted to opioids they were then cut off. Perfect market for the Chinese and Mexican cartels to profit obscenely with no regard to the consequences. I used to be a pretty hard hearted bastard, but my Lord has been working me over pretty good. For every one who passes without coming to know him it’s a loss of universal proportions. I’m not telling you I’m Mother Theresa with nuts, but I am saying my perspective on a world of things has been changed drastically. I have been given a mission. Doing it doesn’t mean I have to enjoy it. My feels don’t mean crap.
Yeah, it’s easy for me to judge. When I started working at the VA it seemed like almost every patient was on hydrocodone or morphine for pain. Granted VA patients aren’t like civilian Primary Care patients. Most VA patients have a huge list of very severe and complicated issues. I wish I knew what the solution is. I don’t, I really don’t. How addicted does someone have to be to live on the street? Every day is just another day they need a fix. Kinda sounds like hell. We all make decisions in life though and some really bad decisions you just can’t come back from. Finding God is always a good thing. Though the outlook for these folks in this life is almost always grim.


Special Hen
Mar 29, 2006
Reaction score
Right here
A. A. A. D. D. – Classic Retirement Syndrome
Recently, I was diagnosed with A. A. A. D. D. – Age-Activated Attention Deficit Disorder.
This is how it manifests itself:
I decide to water my garden.
As I turn on the hose in the driveway, I look over at my car and decide my car needs washing.
As I start toward the garage, I notice that there is mail on the porch table that I brought up from the mail box earlier.
I decide to go through the mail before I wash the car.
I lay my car keys down on the table, put the junk mail in the trash bin under the table, and notice that the bin is full.
So, I decide to put the bills back on the table and take out the trash first.
But then I think, since I’m going to be near the mailbox when I take out the garbage anyway, I may as well pay the bills first.
I take my checkbook off the table, and see that there is only one check left. My extra checks are in my desk in the study, so I go inside the house to my desk where I find the can of Coke that I had been drinking.
I’m going to look for my checks, but first I need to push the Coke aside so that I don’t accidentally knock it over. I see that the Coke is getting warm, and I decide I should put it in the refrigerator to keep it cold.

As I head toward the kitchen with the Coke, a vase of flowers on the counter catches my eye: They need to be watered.
I place the Coke down on the work surface, and I discover my reading glasses that I’ve been searching for all morning.
I decide I better put them back on my desk, but first I’m going to water the flowers.
I set the glasses back down on the work top, fill a container with water and suddenly I spot the TV remote. Someone has left it on the kitchen table.
I realize that tonight when we go to watch TV, I will be looking for the remote, but I won’t remember that it’s on the kitchen table, so I decide to put it back where it belongs, but first I’ll water the flowers.
I pour some water in the flower vase, but quite a bit of it spills on the floor. So, I set the remote back down on the table, get some towels and wipe up the spill.
Then, I head down the hall trying to remember what I was planning to do.
At the end of the day:

  • The car isn’t washed.
  • The bills aren’t paid.
  • There is a warm can of Coke sitting on the work surface.
  • The flowers don’t have enough water.
  • There is still only one check in my checkbook.
  • I can’t find the TV remote.
  • I can’t find my glasses and I don’t remember what I did with the car keys.
Then, when I try to figure out why nothing got done today. I’m really baffled because I know I was busy all day long and I’m really tired. I realize this is a serious problem, and I’ll try to get some help for it, but first I’ll check my email.
P.S. I just remembered I left the water running…

I would have let him know there was another option.

We exercised that other option last week at McDonalds in Ada. Wife and I knew what we wanted walked up to counter and were met by two young ladies doing nothing and both told us they were not allowed to take our orders. Told us to use the kiosk. Both kiosks had lines and some folks complaining not being able to find what they wanted. Needless to say, we went down the street. I don't believe either of the young ladies behind the counter had a clue that as soon as people got used to using the kiosk they were going to be out of a job.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
Reaction score
Ponca City Ok
My hearing issues prevent me from understanding the folks at the drive through, so I love ordering off the apps.
Sonic is the only fast-food place we frequent on a regular basis, and it's only for limeades, easy ice and extra limes.
Order off the app and tell them the time we will be there, check in and in seconds, our order is coming out.
We do stop at McDonalds on the 412 turnpike to Tulsa for coffee only. Usually done with my first mug made at home and needing another.

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