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Special Hen
Oct 13, 2021
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Teenagers are weird these days for sure. I have 3. They are our future, I don't have faith in them but that's on them, they'll find a way. In another 10, 20 years, it will be completely different then what we are dealing with now. I believe in giving smiles, in general, even if im probably not good at them. Even in your situation if I didn't want to give a high 5, I'll just throw a huge smile and go on my day. I believe a smile can change someone's day.


Questionable Character
Special Hen
Jan 25, 2023
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Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson for April 04, 2023​

Calvin and Hobbes Comic Strip for April 04, 2023

Two Gun Warrior

Special Hen
Oct 15, 2019
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Wilburton, Ok.
Not sure. But I know who the a**hole is here. Did you not see where I admitted the kid just pushed my button and I was out of line? WTF else should I do...give you a hug? Would that make you feel better?
Have you looked in the mirror lately? I am glad you know that you are the A hole, Cursing in front of kids and women. Just where are you right? maybe the kid has ADHD or autism. Don't be so gumpy, life is to short to be misserable.

Sgt Dog

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Dec 6, 2010
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Oklahoma City
You think that's bad, read about a Norman teacher who resigned to sell cars.
Perspective: Meet the Oklahoma teacher whose tweet about ...
Good article! I’ve long maintained on this topic the old adage that you can’t make a purse out of a sow’s ear. Parents that send pigs out the front door are gonna have poorly educated pis come home in the afternoon. And no amount of public money or teacher-to-student ratio is gonna change that.
I had a little confrontation with a teenager in a Norman McDonald's a few weeks ago. Just one of those times when an inconsiderate person just pushes the wrong button.

It was pretty busy and I was about 5 or 6 people deep in line waiting to order. There was a kid in front of me wearing a hoodie (despite the fact it was 75-ish degs outside) and the hood was cinched up around his face like Kenny from South Park. Judging by the 60s vintage beatnik style beard and John Lennon glasses he was very late teens to early 20s.

5 to 7 mins or so and Kenny gets up to the cashier (a nice lady probably in her 50s) who asks him what he'd like. His face is buried in his phone and he actually says, "Hang on...I gotta write this text." That pissed me off. But, it actually only took him a few seconds. Then he looks up at the menu and says, "I'm not sure what I want." That really pissed me off. It's McDonald's, it's not complicated, and you've had 10 minutes to figure this **** out.

So I said, much louder than I intended, "FFS, dude. You've been in line for 10 mins. If you don't know what you want get the f*** outta my way because I do." He replies, "You better back up old man." Now this kid was all of maybe 5' 5" and about a buck-ten...with his clothes and backpack on. I pretty much let him know he was in serious danger of having his ass kicked by the old man and we exchanged a few more words. The manager came out and told me I needed to keep my voice down and calm down or he'd ask me to leave. I was out of line, no question. Like I said...little Kenny just pushed the wrong button. I despise inconsiderate people.

Anyway, the manager took his order and the original cashier lady took my order and there was no ass-kicking on the menu. When my order came up she gave it to me and said in a quiet voice, "Thanks for saying that to him. He comes in everyday after class (from some college) and acts this way. I put a few cookies in your bag, too."
good ending to that story

Sgt Dog

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Dec 6, 2010
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Oklahoma City
poke78........ I'm older than dirt, but I'm NOT a grouchy old man, and have no plans to bercome one! These kids sound irrsposable, but most kids are, and I think some of that is normal in their progress to become adults. The truth likely is, had YOU been forced to grow up now, with the BARRAGE OF LEFT-WING PROPAGANDA, THEY FACE 24/7/365, would not fair as well as these kids are doing!! Kids now are just like American kids have always been, or even STRONGER, to survive the BRAIN WASHING THEY GET FROM DAY ONE, AND STILL BECOME HONORABLE, DECENT, PRODUCTIVE AMERICANS!!!!!!!!!!! WE HAD OUR TIME, LET THEM DO THE SAME!!!!
To me there is some truth here. But on the other hand, how are they to learn what is appropriate without a little ‘real-world-feedback’. Little truth there too. I know. Because I git plenty. Taught me a thing or two too!.

Sgt Dog

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Dec 6, 2010
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Oklahoma City
This thread is downright peculiar. One member observes (and I can agree):

“I really find it disheartening that our culture, in general, has so much inhibition against interacting with strangers. Sometimes I see it like the OP (someone gets annoyed at a stranger), but more often I see it as people being intimidated to interact, due to fear of rejection”.

While I’m reading I’m thinking “no kidding. Look what a few indignant did to the OP”. Geeze!!

But I did enjoy the deeper reflections on youth, our culture, what people need and how we could be better. The attacks not so much.

I’m 69. But I’m around kids on soccer fields, in wrestling rooms, cross-country, track and gymnastics. And in church. 7 grandkids will do that. I was a numb-nuts once myself and might have thrown up more than a high-five. Glad I had adults adjusting my behavior. Also glad some adults gave me the benifit and reeled me in some while overlooking my immaturity. Mostly in reading this though I’m glad I’ve aged to a point where I understand two things can be true at once and understand the perspective of grumpy old guys as well as some exuberant youth.

I still don’t get grown men on forums who feel the need to come out swinging on a benign post. Sort of glad I don’t too.


Special Hen
Feb 26, 2010
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It’s kind of funny. My wife and I are old parents with a kid that keeps our feet in two different worlds. We have gotten deeply involved with the youth group at our church and it has been humbling. This next generation is perplexing and amazing at the same time. They don’t do anything by half measures and are completely unaffected by the social pressures that have driven the generations before them. You call them racist, sexist or anything else and they just laugh it off. The old filters by which the rest of us were able to be corralled have zero impact on them. They view the world with stark reality and still maintain a modicum of optimism that’s refreshing. Yeah, they’ll cut up in ways that infuriates most of us, but if you show some genuine interest in them as the folks they are they’ll give you their best without reservation. The area we’re in is harshly effected by poverty as a result of larger social agendas. Since money is so hard to come by they put their focus on each other and realities that are obtainable. They have a raw genuine nature about them that is shocking initially and they respond to sincerity like flowers to sunlight. I’m sure the future is going to be unrecognizable to most of us, but I get the impression they are made the way they are for times like this. They are honest in a raw way that is disconcerting at first but the affection they respond with once they know you are there for them is deep and genuine. Based is the best way to describe them. If you can step out of your comfort zone and really get to know them I think you’ll find them generally encouraging.

Think about how you would be if ninety percent of the world was out to get you, another nine percent didn’t give a crap and you were born with a plastic spoon with the handle broken off. They’re mostly good kids who just need love and affirmation and genuine good guidance. If you can find it in yourself to seek them out the response might blow your mind.
I’m 71 years old and don’t know this person, but I can tell you for sure, I wish I did!
Well said !

OK Corgi Rancher

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Special Hen Supporter
May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
Have you looked in the mirror lately? I am glad you know that you are the A hole, Cursing in front of kids and women. Just where are you right? maybe the kid has ADHD or autism. Don't be so gumpy, life is to short to be misserable.

OK... Let me type this slowly so you might be able to grasp what I'm saying. I admitted I was out of line. I admitted it. Twice. Three times now. I can explain it to you...it's up to you to muster the brain power to understand it.

And there's no need to project your issues on to me. I'm not generally grumpy. And I'm sure as hell not miserable. I'm living a great life and I'm happier now than I've ever been. However, I have zero tolerance for inconsiderate people. None. Maybe you do. Good for you. You're obviously a better person than most of us. I'm sure if anyone asked you'd be sure to tell them so.

I'm not required to stay silent when I encounter those types of people. If that hurts your feelings, too bad. I could've chosen my words better but the little turd deserved it. Again...I'm not saying I was right...but he wasn't, either.

So you can go around and defend that sort of behavior if you want and chalk it up to ADHD or whatever.

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