Terry Funk wont be down for breakfast

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 23, 2017
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I met Foley once many years ago. Also a bunch of wrestlers use to come in the Loves I worked at on their way back from shows in Tulsa. Only name I really remember is Dr Death Steve Williams. Mainly because he asked if I would make him a sandwich while resting one of his tree trunk arms over my shoulders. That man was quiet but very intense and had shoulders you could drive a dirt bike across.

Skandor Akbar was usually with them but never came in the store. One of his wrestlers did but I can not remember his name. Big heavy guy. Was also a tag team and others.
Dr. Death was a legit bad dude, grew up watching Mid South wrestling.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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Not a single wrestler now can hold a candle to the old school guys. And yes, I DO in fact realize just what a Boomer that makes me sound like. 😎
Yes, but it is true.

Terry and Dusty Rhoades had some brutal matches.

Steve Williams is an old OU footballer.

Growing up in Midland, we hung out at Wahoo McDaniels welding shop. He had a ring in the back and lots of the big names would teach the young guys moves and how to fall.

Dory Sr and Jr, Ted DiBiase, Ricky Romero, Cyclone Negro, Sgt Slaughter, Iron Shiek, Dusty Rhoades, Ray Mysterio and others I forget, all hung out at Wahoo's. Great guys, treated us kids like we were somebody. One day, Andre the Giant came to town. That was one big dude and the nicest guy you could ever know.

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