Texas Girl Was Taken Away From Parents Because They Smoked Pot, Killed in Foster Care

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Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
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Don't do drugs

I know it's not that simple but bad things happen when you break the law. If this child had been in a home that didn't break the law none of this wouldn't have happened. Fight to get the law changed if you don't like it but don't break the law

The innocence project has taught us quite well that if you're doing nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about, who needs a 4th. Amd., Due Process, etc.


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
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all the article pretty much disagreed with each other. the mother was not the issue as the dad was perfectly capable of taking care of his own kid. the reason given for taking away his 2 year old child was admitting to smoking pot once to CPS. who I'm convinced are crooks .. determined to find any reason to break up families for profit.

The article on The Daily Mail says that due to the mom and dad's dispute the two "handed Alexandria to Hill's mother to care for" and that CPS came into the picture "When the state intervened at Alexandria's parents request." Texas has their CPS guidelines published, and drug use alone is not sufficient cause for removal. They also consider other factors. Frequent marijuana use is listed as only one of the several reasons that CPS felt that neither parent was fit to be a sole caregiver. The affidavit referenced mentions several reasons.

MyFoxAustin interviewed Hill, and their copy says "Hill says they eventually agreed to have Alex go to a foster home last November while they got their lives in order."

If the Dad was perfectly capable of taking care of the kid on his own, why are there indications that the couple pawned her off on his mom and then consented to place her in CPS custody?


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
Don't do drugs

I know it's not that simple but bad things happen when you break the law

And bad things tend to happen to you when you initiate violence against people who didn't start any, and when you try to come between parents and their kids. A lesson that could stand some more reinforcement these days.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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The article on The Daily Mail says that due to the mom and dad's dispute the two "handed Alexandria to Hill's mother to care for" and that CPS came into the picture "When the state intervened at Alexandria's parents request." Texas has their CPS guidelines published, and drug use alone is not sufficient cause for removal. They also consider other factors. Frequent marijuana use is listed as only one of the several reasons that CPS felt that neither parent was fit to be a sole caregiver. The affidavit referenced mentions several reasons.

MyFoxAustin interviewed Hill, and their copy says "Hill says they eventually agreed to have Alex go to a foster home last November while they got their lives in order."

If the Dad was perfectly capable of taking care of the kid on his own, why are there indications that the couple pawned her off on his mom and then consented to place her in CPS custody?

when one sees multiple news articles all saying different things ... one doesn't know what to believe. I refused to believe a caring biological parent would voluntarily give up their child unless they were forced and/or was non functional. which anyone with a half a lick of sense would know is all but impossible to achieve with casual use of pot.

an example of being forced is not having the $$$ available to defend allegations false or otherwise filed in court by CPS. a couple splitting up would have little chance of fronting up say $200hr+ for a competent defense attorney.

the bottom line is ... basis for taking a 2 yr old child away from their biological parents had better be a really good one. so far I've still not seen any evidence of anything remotely justifying putting a 2 yr old child in danger with foster parents by CPS .. who I'm convinced are motivated by grant monies/activities generated to protect their jobs.

look at the history of private prisons and their connections to crooked judges ... same for broken laws allowing seizure of private property during pot raids. I'm convinced certain law enforcement don't want prohibition of pot to go away as that would eliminate funding/need for their jobs.
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Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
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Nearly 100% of the information and evidence in child welfare cases is sealed, so the parents can just make up whatever story and people will lap it up in an anti-government witchhunt. CPS can't fire back, per se.


Look at the history of foster care. Most kids end up in kinship care. A lot of those caregivers don't get a red cent to help buy diapers or stuff for the kids.
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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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Nearly 100% of the information and evidence in child welfare cases is sealed, so the parents can just make up whatever story and people will lap it up in an anti-government witchhunt. CPS can't fire back, per se.


Look at the history of foster care. Most kids end up in kinship care. A lot of those caregivers don't get a red cent to help buy diapers or stuff for the kids.

thanks for posting pdf .. what a joke!!!

out 25 conditions which are substantially more when sub sections are added ... all it takes is ONE item .. that's right ONE condition to be met for CPS to take a small child away from biological parents .. then place child into the profit center known as foster parents.

based on above rules for termination .. CPS has the upper hand if they really want to take away child from biological parents. then factor costs to defend in court against ANY accusations. most regular folks don't have say the $2.500+ retainer to hire an attorney. then that's just the begin of legal costs .. small wonder why most folks forced into court with CPS cannot afford legal costs to defend against an opponent with almost unlimited resources.

don't get me wrong .. there are bonified cases where horrible things are happening to a defenseless child ... where foster parents may be a legit option. but not for smoking pot .. which according to above pdf provides legal basis to remove a 2 year old child from biological parents, then place into a foster home. which is exactly what happened with deadly results.

yes .. please do look at history of CPS and foster homes

Senator Nancy Schaefer(R)

The Corrupt Business of Child Protective Services (pdf) Download the document in pdf format, on the original letterhead from the Georgia State Senate

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Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
Well you let on more than you think here. I can leave that alone.

Parents smoking pot alone doesn't constitute enough for removal according to the link, which section did you infer that from?

Read your link, but no citations. A pity. Though it did stoop to saying that adoptive parents are seeking job security by adoption.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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Well you let on more than you think here. I can leave that alone.

Parents smoking pot alone doesn't constitute enough for removal according to the link, which section did you infer that from?

Read your link, but no citations. A pity. Though it did stoop to saying that adoptive parents are seeking job security by adoption.

that's categorically incorrect .. according to the state of Tx grounds for termination of parental rights pdf you provided above. smoking pot most certainly is a valid/legal reason for taking away a 2 year old child. further the regulations are so loosely written odds are CPS are high it will prevail if it wanted to. CPS could essentially bury anyone targeted by CPS with a mountain of legal expenses.

as for citations .. why don't you start by reading your own document? clearly stated within tx pdf regulations backs up 100% what I'm alleging. further by sealing court documents .. it will be very hard if not impossible to hold CPS accountable for criminal activities, if any.

again ... don't get me wrong there are instances where a defenseless child does indeed need protection from their worthless biological parents. but to me those type cases would stand out with criminal abuses with evidence of a battered child. existing Tx regulations are so loosely written psychological abuse without any bodily evidence is enough to take a small child away. that is if CPS wants to take you and your family down .. it's very_difficult to defend against court actions from an opponent like CPS with unlimited resources. bottom line is CPS has way too much power!! records should be unsealed at some point to allow auditing of CPS abuses, if any.


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
Reaction score
that's categorically incorrect .. according to the state of Tx grounds for termination of parental rights pdf you provided above. smoking pot most certainly is a valid/legal reason for taking away a 2 year old child.

You keep repeating that but you don't cite where it is. You're making the allegation, support it.

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