The French Revolution

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Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
I don't think it has jack to do with 'global warming(AKA Climate Change)'. I believe it is a money grab to pay for the frivolous welfare/socialism that is running rampant over there. Your opinion might vary, but if you put all the means supposedly justifying an end, the only logical end is socialistic, communistic, dictatorial tyrannical one world government. And who will it benefit? ( Need I say? )

It won't be the proletariat!



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Apr 14, 2009
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These people are going full on nuts! Lets kill everyone to make the world safer.

UN climate chief has solution to ‘urgent’ climate threat: ‘We require deep transformations of our economies and societies’
UN climate chief Patricia Espinosa: 'This reality is telling us that we need to do much more...The impacts of climate change are increasingly hard to ignore." She was joined by former UN climate summit presidents: 'We require deep transformations of our economies and societies.'

'Failure to act will be catastrophic' - "A failure to act now risks pushing us beyond a point of no return with catastrophic consequences for life as we know it," said Amjad Abdulla, chief negotiator for the Alliance of Small Island States, of the UN talks.

A Clexit (climate exit from UN) building thanks to President Trump!? "[UN climate summit in] Katowice may show us if there will be any domino effect" following the US withdrawal, said Laurence Tubiana, CEO of the European Climate Foundation and a main architect of the Paris deal. Brazil's strongman president-elect Jair Bolsonaro, for one, has promised to follow the American lead during his campaign.

By: Marc Morano - Climate DepotDecember 3, 2018 3:23 PM


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I don't think it has jack to do with 'global warming(AKA Climate Change)'. I believe it is a money grab to pay for the frivolous welfare/socialism that is running rampant over there.


You just now figuring that out? The entire concept of global warming or climate change is just a ruse to gain tax money.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
You just now figuring that out? The entire concept of global warming or climate change is just a ruse to gain tax money.
AND, control over others. Don't forget that little gem.

Yeah, I've known that all along. Enough people have been dumbed down to accept whatever they are told by these globalists and that's what worries me.

Too many people in this world want a free lunch and they have no concept of how such things get 'paid' for. Soon, I fear, they will find out much to their chagrin. Once they find out they have to labor for the state for the state to give them their "free lunch", it'll be too late for them and the next few generations who are pressed into servitude to the state. (Actually, their overlords who disguise themselves as the state.)

'Course, they'll be disarmed by then, too. Hungry, enslaved, and disarmed is no way to go through life.



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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 10, 2015
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Coalgate, Ok.
Once the Socialist gain the reigns, they will find the horse has died.
Few options in life. You sow and then you reap the fruit of your labor. That's it. There is no fruit without the labor. Either through a free economy or by forced labor from a Dictatorial government. Their will be fruit because people have to eat.
The US had a great model. Freedom to pursue happiness through labor. The new reality of the generation, is noting is required except asking for it. They expect the Government will provide but the government is not a pot of gold. Taxes provides protection, infrastructure, utilities, laws, and every other thing we enjoy as free citizens. A military to stop people that want to kill us. I could go on and on but what they want, someone has to provide. If no one want's to provide, someone will have to step in and make everyone provide with no choice.

A garden requires patient labor and attention. Plants do not grow merely to satisfy ambitions or to fulfill good intentions. They thrive because someone expended effort on them.
Liberty Hyde Bailey

The new society of SJW and ANTIFA want without effort.
They will rule soon.
God help those that come after.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Yeah, I've known that all along. Enough people have been dumbed down to accept whatever they are told by these globalists and that's what worries me.

Too many people in this world want a free lunch and they have no concept of how such things get 'paid' for. Soon, I fear, they will find out much to their chagrin. Once they find out they have to labor for the state for the state to give them their "free lunch", it'll be too late for them and the next few generations who are pressed into servitude to the state. (Actually, their overlords who disguise themselves as the state.)

'Course, they'll be disarmed by then, too. Hungry, enslaved, and disarmed is no way to go through life.


I just about fell out of my recliner this morning when Al Gore was on the Today Show praising Al Roker for being the champion of climate change. When Al gave his spiel about how we are destroying the planet, you could see his eyes reading the teleprompter.
I'd think someone that was leading the charge could recite their litany without having to read it.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
I just about fell out of my recliner this morning when Al Gore was on the Today Show praising Al Roker for being the champion of climate change. When Al gave his spiel about how we are destroying the planet, you could see his eyes reading the teleprompter.
I'd think someone that was leading the charge could recite their litany without having to read it.

It has to read from a teleprompter. Otherwise, a Freudian slip would reveal their true end.



Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Cars have been declared evil (at least for commoners) by the French elite and are being taxed and fined to death. This appears to be at the root of the revolt.

Rebellion against the ruling elites appears to be in the air for multiple Eurpoean countreis. The democractic system is broken so the working classes are resorting to violence.

For the past four to five months, the nation’s drivers and motorcycle riders have been growing increasingly irate at the “bloodsuckers” in the French government who seem to do little else, road-security-wise, but double down on bringing more and more gratuitous oppression and more and more unwarranted persecution measures down on their necks.

In fact, the imposition of ever harsher rules has been going on for the past decade and a half or so — whether the government was on the right or on the left — and that is why the choice of les gilets jaunes (the yellow jackets) by the demonstrators is particularly ironic.

The 2008 law (under the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy) requiring the presence of high-visibility vests (gilets de haute visibilité) aka security vests (gilets de sécurité) in every vehicle — hardly an unreasonable rule, for sure, as similar ones exist throughout the continent — was just another example of the myriad of evermore-onerous rules for car and motorcycle owners over the past 15 years, and so the government in effect provided the 2018 rebels with their uniforms.

What has been most irksome for les Français since the turn of the century has been the ubiquitous radars, which, like red-light cameras in the United States, are accused of having (far) more to do with bringing revenue to the state’s coffers than with road safety.

And just like the arms industry in the Soviet Union, if there is one area of France where the technology was always moving forward, it is the radar business.

Over the years, the radars have become evermore stealthy and insidious. For instance, radars have gone from contraptions being able to photograph a single car on only one side on the road, in the lane closest to the machine (with a burst of white flash quite jolting to the driver at nighttime), to taking multiple pictures over the entire roadway simultaneously of several cars driving in both directions.

The first radars were installed in 2003 under President Jacques Chirac and his interior minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, and in the beginning, drivers were always warned beforehand when a radar could be expected ahead (which brought about what allegedly was the desired goal, to get French cars to slow down).

What has happened since shows the Deep State at work in Europe just as much as, if not more than, in North America — and this leftist statism is the kind of news that has been ignored by the mainstream media, in France itself as much as abroad.

Eventually — in spite of the insistent promises of then-interior minister Sarkozy — new radars were installed without the signs announcing their presence.

At some point, it is too much. Just as the citizens suffering under Soviet rule finally said no more, the people suffering under social-democratic rule might someday do the same. Observers have waited decades to see reforms that might forestall such a thing. Reforms haven’t happened. Now the people are in the streets, setting fires and protesting the police.

And it’s not just France. It’s spreading to Belgium and the Netherlands – the building of a European Spring.

What we see in Paris today might be the end of social democracy as we know it. What comes in its place is what the battle of ideas today is really about.

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