The new Christian Forum

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Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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That's totally 100% wrong. The thread he has as his sig line was about was what kind of exotic wild game has anyone had to eat in the Hunting and Fishing forum.
My response which was factual was the extent of the wild game I've actually tasted. How it came out was humorous which is why he used it as a sig line. No different than any sig lines of others that have been taken out of context.

That is 100% bull hockey.


Special Hen
Jul 27, 2010
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Kinda like "lawd jeezus" which someone was complaining about? I also think the other 2 posts I made about this yesterday illustrate the commom tone of discussions about Islam here pretty well.

My point was nobody cares if this Abrahamic religion gets bashed - they only care about theirs.

I see no connection as to how the Islam thread should prevent me from taking offense to some of the derogatory comments being made about the Christian faith. I had no participation in the Islamic bashing in any of the posts that you cited or at any other point during my time here. Can anyone honestly tell me with a straight face that a Christian would even be taken seriously if he were to act offended over comments made about Islam? What about a white man being offended over comments made towards an African American? Any such reaction would be dismissed as that person isn't part of the group being offended.

At no point have I mocked or condemned anyone's faith or lack there-of. As such, I don't particularly care to have mine ridiculed in return. Apparently there's no hope for civility, so I'll likely just steer clear of these types of discussions in the future.


Jan 19, 2007
Reaction score
You are right.

But it’s not the civil discourse that is in question. It is when people disparage those of faith because they simply disagree. Those are bigots.

And they are not very bright (i.e., “halfwits”) because they have not figured out that if they don’t insult people for their beliefs they would not be called bigots.

Your bible is bigoted towards unbelievers... Says that fools say, "There is no God."

You see, you cannot claim a moral high ground... Your own magical book insults people for their lack of beliefs and thus condones bigotry. The very thing you're condemning.

Psalm 14:1
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.



Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
I see no connection as to how the Islam thread should prevent me from taking offense to some of the derogatory comments being made about the Christian faith. I had no participation in the Islamic bashing in any of the posts that you cited or at any other point during my time here. Can anyone honestly tell me with a straight face that a Christian would even be taken seriously if he were to act offended over comments made about Islam? What about a white man being offended over comments made towards an African American? Any such reaction would be dismissed as that person isn't part of the group being offended.

At no point have I mocked or condemned anyone's faith or lack there-of. As such, I don't particularly care to have mine ridiculed in return. Apparently there's no hope for civility, so I'll likely just steer clear of these types of discussions in the future.
The only person I'm singling out in this thread is dogboy. I apologize for making you feel attacked. I know you do no participate in Islam bashing. Many Christians here don't. Okie4570 is another one. You can't find a bad word he has had to say about anyone.

There are a lot of people here clamoring for a Christian forum and acting offened at any percieved ridicule of their faith that take any opportunity to disparage another of the Big 3 Abrahamic religions. When I get to a computer later I can call a few out by name and cite examples if anyone cares. I don't think it's necessary, as anyone who has spent any time here knows the prevailing attitudes toward Muslims. Check my join date.

And that's fine. Those people can continue to bash Islam. Doesn't bother me. The hypocracy in them being unable to take the same treatment they give one of the other Big 3 religions is something else entirely.

And yes, I do think a white Christian can stand up for Muslims when they are being mocked. Why can't they encourage the same respect they want to receive? A couple white Christian posters here do just that. Lots more jerks and whiners, though.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
Dear Bigot, dear bigot
You have no complaint
You are what you are and you aint what you aint
So listen up buster and listen up good
Stop asking the righteous and post what you would

I heard Allah and Buddha, were singin' at the savior's feast...
Bigot from Bixby? This town is getting crowded.

Yep.... you boys ain't the only ones from Bixby. Must be the water.

I opened one more space up. I'm from there, but don't live there now. I needed the alliteration to compliment bigot, though.


Hate Monger From Midtown


Chastiser of Cherry Street

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