Trust ? Will you take the vaccine.

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Special Hen
Mar 6, 2014
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There is one man on here that said he got his second covid shot a few days ago.I would like to look him over in a week or two then i will decide.


Special Hen
Jan 9, 2021
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Oklahoma City
Freedom goes both ways hotshot. Or do you believe the government should be able to tell someone how to conduct their business? More than they already do that is.....
You don't mind if your neighbor runs a tire shop out of their home, or sell drugs? Or tries to sell it to your kids?
Or a local manager makes sexual advances on your daughter in return for her employment?
Or a vendor cheapens their product by substituting a cheaper, substandard ingredient?
I wish it were clear cut black and white. But it isn't.
I would hope laws were not abused by ambulance chasers, but they are.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
You don't mind if your neighbor runs a tire shop out of their home, or sell drugs? Or tries to sell it to your kids?
Or a local manager makes sexual advances on your daughter in return for her employment?
Or a vendor cheapens their product by substituting a cheaper, substandard ingredient?
I wish it were clear cut black and white. But it isn't.
I would hope laws were not abused by ambulance chasers, but they are.
you picked a fight with the wrong man lol
he is never wrong


Special Hen
Jan 9, 2021
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Oklahoma City
Hey, I've made lots of mistakes, will make many more.
I over estimated COVID at the beginning. It's sad where so many small business were destroyed.
We're being attacked from all sides, and enemies of our country are gathering en masse.
It's going to be interesting, especially these next seven days and even this weekend.
Everyone has strong opinions and especially myself. To remember the words of Rodney King "Why can't we all get along?"
I am a recent transplant from a deep blue state, glad to be here in OK! (using the new color terminology)
I am old and over the hill, and very grateful for my job.
I'm very supportive of Trump but on some things I wonder. We'll see. We at least were spared of four years of the Hildabeast.
I do appreciate the kind folks from here, it is a change from the passive aggressiveness of some places.
Pray hard, be kind, speak softly, and work with others.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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You don't mind if your neighbor runs a tire shop out of their home, or sell drugs? Or tries to sell it to your kids?
Or a local manager makes sexual advances on your daughter in return for her employment?
Or a vendor cheapens their product by substituting a cheaper, substandard ingredient?
I wish it were clear cut black and white. But it isn't.
I would hope laws were not abused by ambulance chasers, but they are.

You've engaged in so many slippery slope and ridiculous strawman arguments I don't know where to start. Too many fallacies going on there so let's back up the train and not move the goalposts because you've got way too many apples to orange comparisons. Back to the subject at hand.....

Should an employer be allowed to have a health requirement of it's employees? I think so. I could make the point that healthier employees are happier and perform better. Namely, right now, if a workforce isn't vaccinated, it could shut down the business. If someone doesn't like it... there are choices. However, I'll give you a real world example. One of my clients makes finned boiler pipe. He has a small company of ~20 employees. He had to nearly shut down his operation in November and December because of Covid. He keeps his company small so that the employees (many have been with hiim 20+ years) can get the hours they need. Now, next year, I'd wager he will require everyone to get a vaccination because he may not be able to afford otherwise. If someone doesn't want to get it? Fine.... can't work here. Again, choices and freedom goes both ways.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Distribution of the vaccine seems spotty at best. My wife's hospital hasn't received any for public distribution, and only received enough for employees. A coworker's wife works at an urgent care clinic and they are sitting on a pile of it....but not yet administering any of it except to employees and their families even though they have far more than needed for that. My elderly in-laws, both high risk, have yet to receive theirs and they've been in close contact with their PCM.

I haven't kept up with the rules, priorities, and schedules but I figured we would see a more robust roll out.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Distribution of the vaccine seems spotty at best. My wife's hospital hasn't received any for public distribution, and only received enough for employees. A coworker's wife works at an urgent care clinic and they are sitting on a pile of it....but not yet administering any of it except to employees and their families even though they have far more than needed for that. My elderly in-laws, both high risk, have yet to receive theirs and they've been in close contact with their PCM.

I haven't kept up with the rules, priorities, and schedules but I figured we would see a more robust roll out.

I found out last month that the Monoclonal Antibodies were the same way here in Tulsa. Everyone started getting aggressive about 2 weeks ago though.

The Gov paid for this treatment, so there really wasn't any excuse.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2011
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Distribution of the vaccine seems spotty at best. My wife's hospital hasn't received any for public distribution, and only received enough for employees. A coworker's wife works at an urgent care clinic and they are sitting on a pile of it....but not yet administering any of it except to employees and their families even though they have far more than needed for that. My elderly in-laws, both high risk, have yet to receive theirs and they've been in close contact with their PCM.

I haven't kept up with the rules, priorities, and schedules but I figured we would see a more robust roll out.
Yeah, we are one of the only states that decided to prioritize distributing to 65+ only. Most states are doing 65+, and ANY adult with comorbidities, which is the right call in my opinion. The 65+ group is the second largest only to gen pop, so it’s going to push everyone else out from getting the shot for a while as all the older folk get their shots first. I am glad we are one of the higher ranked states at getting the shots out, but still a headache of a decision to prioritize one group over the other that way.

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