Tulsa police chief against open-carry

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Special Hen
Feb 20, 2010
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Broken Arrow
We can argue the loss of tactical surprise..
We can argue that it scares the sheep.
We can argue that it will teach citizens that their armed brethren are self reliant, law abiding citizens as they see it more and more.

We can argue till the sun goes down about what ever anyone wants to argue re: OC

Whether you agree or disagree with OC: what cannot be argued is that in a land with a government established by the people with the primary purpose of protecting the rights of those same people that taking the choice to OC away from free and law abiding citizens is an abhorrent and evil thing.

It is absolutely amazing to me that anyone who believes in freedom and the right to keep and bear arms could argue otherwise.

Thank you. My version wasn't going to be as good, or nice. :clap3:


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 8, 2008
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Sand Springs
We can argue the loss of tactical surprise..
We can argue that it scares the sheep.
We can argue that it will teach citizens that their armed brethren are self reliant, law abiding citizens as they see it more and more.

We can argue till the sun goes down about what ever anyone wants to argue re: OC

Whether you agree or disagree with OC: what cannot be argued is that in a land with a government established by the people with the primary purpose of protecting the rights of those same people that taking the choice to OC away from free and law abiding citizens is an abhorrent and evil thing.

It is absolutely amazing to me that anyone who believes in freedom and the right to keep and bear arms could argue otherwise.

I expect you are like me in your disappointment with the lack of logical thinking that you must withstand every day. For most people, emotional arguments > logical thinking. Almost any discussion regarding firearms will expose this.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
This is the type of behavior I truly cannot stand... people in minor positions of power putting on airs of authority.

Last time I checked, the Police Chief's job doesn't have anything to do with making the law. Who asked him to open his big mouth on the subject anyway? He is just trying to use the apparent power and prestige of his official position to advance his tyrannical agenda... and agenda that is shared all too often by those in his profession, and especially in the upper echelons of police unions nationwide. Why such organizations and such offices command so much respect among the legislature and among the ignorant general public I truly cannot fathom.

Don't ever let any of these hypocritical imbeciles hide behind the horse manure that goes something like "we don't have anything to do with making the law, we just enforce it, so talk to your congressman if you don't like the law," or any of the other various ways this old lie can be expressed.

So armed citizens make this petty tyrant "uncomfortable," do they? Well it makes me more than merely "uncomfortable" to be stopped on a deserted highway by an armed man who has authority from the state to disarm me for the duration of our contact. It makes me even less comfortable that so many little Musolinis in the profession see absolutely no problem with this situation.

By my way of thinking, an attempt to disarm me is a forceful act of aggression. The restraint it takes for me to put up with such infringements on my liberty is tough to maintain sometimes.

In case you can't tell, the subject of anti-liberty cops really hits a nerve with me. I think a lot of it is due to some of my personal experiences, which if you're interested I would be glad to regale you with.

I agree... we need a new scapegoat. I nominate hypocritical, anti-liberty cops who think that they are special and deserve rights that other people aren't entitled to.

Shoot, most bikers I know are cool guys who you won't have any trouble with unless you start it, in the classic libertarian spirit. Maybe some cops need to take a cue from bikers. I've never had a biker stop me for rolling a stopsign and try to interrogate me on what I'm doing and where I'm going and try to search my car. I've never had a biker pull me over for a friggin busted taillight and then handcuff me and write down all the serial numbers on all my guns. I've never had a biker pull me over, disarm me, take my serial numbers, and give me a lecture on how I don't "need" to own weapons like that. And I've sure as hell never had a biker throw me in jail and charge me with a felony because he is an imbecile who doesn't know the law, and I've never had a biker drop one charge against me when it is proven to be BS, only to try to pin some other BS charge on me to try to keep his precious conviction rate intact. But lord knows I've had folks in this police chief's profession do all of the above and more to me.

But people living in liberty make him "uncomfortable." What a fouled-up society we live in where people in positions of power can get away with holding such contemptable opinions and still keep their jobs.


Special Hen
Sep 30, 2009
Reaction score
NE Oklahoma
This is the type of behavior I truly cannot stand... people in minor positions of power putting on airs of authority.

Last time I checked, the Police Chief's job doesn't have anything to do with making the law. Who asked him to open his big mouth on the subject anyway? He is just trying to use the apparent power and prestige of his official position to advance his tyrannical agenda... and agenda that is shared all too often by those in his profession, and especially in the upper echelons of police unions nationwide. Why such organizations and such offices command so much respect among the legislature and among the ignorant general public I truly cannot fathom.

Don't ever let any of these hypocritical imbeciles hide behind the horse manure that goes something like "we don't have anything to do with making the law, we just enforce it, so talk to your congressman if you don't like the law," or any of the other various ways this old lie can be expressed.

So armed citizens make this petty tyrant "uncomfortable," do they? Well it makes me more than merely "uncomfortable" to be stopped on a deserted highway by an armed man who has authority from the state to disarm me for the duration of our contact. It makes me even less comfortable that so many little Musolinis in the profession see absolutely no problem with this situation.

By my way of thinking, an attempt to disarm me is a forceful act of aggression. The restraint it takes for me to put up with such infringements on my liberty is tough to maintain sometimes.

In case you can't tell, the subject of anti-liberty cops really hits a nerve with me. I think a lot of it is due to some of my personal experiences, which if you're interested I would be glad to regale you with.

I agree... we need a new scapegoat. I nominate hypocritical, anti-liberty cops who think that they are special and deserve rights that other people aren't entitled to.

Shoot, most bikers I know are cool guys who you won't have any trouble with unless you start it, in the classic libertarian spirit. Maybe some cops need to take a cue from bikers. I've never had a biker stop me for rolling a stopsign and try to interrogate me on what I'm doing and where I'm going and try to search my car. I've never had a biker pull me over for a friggin busted taillight and then handcuff me and write down all the serial numbers on all my guns. I've never had a biker pull me over, disarm me, take my serial numbers, and give me a lecture on how I don't "need" to own weapons like that. And I've sure as hell never had a biker throw me in jail and charge me with a felony because he is an imbecile who doesn't know the law, and I've never had a biker drop one charge against me when it is proven to be BS, only to try to pin some other BS charge on me to try to keep his precious conviction rate intact. But lord knows I've had folks in this police chief's profession do all of the above and more to me.

But people living in liberty make him "uncomfortable." What a fouled-up society we live in where people in positions of power can get away with holding such contemptable opinions and still keep their jobs.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. DD


Sep 27, 2008
Reaction score
West OKC
This is the type of behavior I truly cannot stand... people in minor positions of power putting on airs of authority.

Last time I checked, the Police Chief's job doesn't have anything to do with making the law. Who asked him to open his big mouth on the subject anyway? He is just trying to use the apparent power and prestige of his official position to advance his tyrannical agenda... and agenda that is shared all too often by those in his profession, and especially in the upper echelons of police unions nationwide. Why such organizations and such offices command so much respect among the legislature and among the ignorant general public I truly cannot fathom...

... But people living in liberty make him "uncomfortable." What a fouled-up society we live in where people in positions of power can get away with holding such contemptable opinions and still keep their jobs.


Michael Brown

Special Hen
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
This is the type of behavior I truly cannot stand... people in minor positions of power putting on airs of authority.

Last time I checked, the Police Chief's job doesn't have anything to do with making the law. Who asked him to open his big mouth on the subject anyway?

The journalist who asked him the question.

It is nice to see that all the "pro liberty" folks believe no one should have an opinion unless it is in line with theirs.

The irony is too delicious to contain.

By my way of thinking, an attempt to disarm me is a forceful act of aggression. The restraint it takes for me to put up with such infringements on my liberty is tough to maintain sometimes.

If this is too difficult for you, I think you have explained for yourself why some people are against open carry.

I agree... we need a new scapegoat. I nominate hypocritical, anti-liberty cops who think that they are special and deserve rights that other people aren't entitled to.

This argument has more flaws that Obamacare, most of which have been outlined here before.

If the people of this state pass open carry, I will deal with it the same way I deal with many laws that I think are ill-conceived; I will obey them and tell my legislators that I disagree.

All of that aside, if you continue in this vein, your stay on this privately owned, non democratic forum will be short-lived.

You may consider this post your warning not to continue that here.

Michael Brown


Special Hen
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
We can argue the loss of tactical surprise..
We can argue that it scares the sheep.
We can argue that it will teach citizens that their armed brethren are self reliant, law abiding citizens as they see it more and more.

We can argue till the sun goes down about what ever anyone wants to argue re: OC

Whether you agree or disagree with OC: what cannot be argued is that in a land with a government established by the people with the primary purpose of protecting the rights of those same people that taking the choice to OC away from free and law abiding citizens is an abhorrent and evil thing.

It is absolutely amazing to me that anyone who believes in freedom and the right to keep and bear arms could argue otherwise.



Special Hen
May 28, 2006
Reaction score
If the people of this state pass open carry, I will deal with it the same way I deal with many laws that I think are ill-conceived

Mr. Brown- Are there specific problems in open carry states which you can cite to demonstrate exactly how open carry is a problem?

Those Arizona bikers with the shotguns slung across their backs - are they actually committing crimes? I'm especially interested in them because the image is such a strong and fear-provoking one in the public's mind. Emotions overwhelming facts?


Nov 2, 2010
Reaction score
The only problem I had with the article was that they didn't attempt to present the other side of the argument. No matter what position you take, I think the media should take the time to be fair about it. The police chief is indeed in a position to present a professional opinion on the proposed law, whether anyone agrees with it or not. But the reporter should have taken the time to contact the representatives that are proposing OC to give their reasons for doing so.
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