Update on Honeybee per Lia

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Jun 29, 2007
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Broken Arrow
This was on Lia's Facebook page and she gave me permission to post it here on OSA.

"I don't post much except to share things others have posted. With that said, I'll I give you an update on Donald Franson.

Early in June we went to Clarehouse for 10 days which ended up being a respite for both of us. For me, being the full-time caregiver of a very ill person makes me testy and extremely tired and not always thinking straight. Getting our batteries recharged was a huge blessing! We came home and enjoyed some time together as well as with family. Don went to the Jenks Aquarium for Father's Day and the following Tuesday he felt good enough to go fishing for a couple of hours. He caught (and released!) several small fish ... and I can't remember what kind of fish!

We have a wonderful hospice team in place (Grace Hospice) that come 3-5 times a week since we've returned from Clarehouse to check up not on just Don but me also. At least twice a week (sometimes three times!) I get a chance to get out of the house to go to the grocery store to get more things that we've used up or just want or do what ever needs to be taken care of that week. I call this my *mental health break*!!!

This past weekend being the 4th of July ... has been hard on Don. The fireworks make such a racket that it distresses him and cause great agitation. We were still hearing them last night in our neighborhood! Loud noises are very startling so we try and keep things as calm and quiet as possible here at the house.

Don's stamina is greatly diminished and he no longer gets up and moves around unless it's necessary. We are back on the waiting list to return to Clarehouse.

Thank you for your prayers. Without those prayers we would be very lost.

For those of you who wish to do something for us, do what God has laid on your heart. "


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Man.... Clarehouse is a great organization, and Hospice care in general can be a huge benefit to people in this situation.

I am sure lots of people here would love to help out... I will do whatever I can. If you hear anything from them about specific needs, please let us know.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
Thank you for the update.

Don and Lia are always in my daily prayers.

This. I am too far away to be able to do anything other than pray. Don and Lia are wonderful people. I am sure Lia is glad for every single day that she has with Don but being a full-time caregiver to a loved one you know is not going to get better is the toughest job any of us will ever have. I will say an extra prayer for them this evening.

Thanks for the update, Keelty.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 21, 2009
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S of OKC
Glad they had some great quality time, prayers daily, never met Don but talked with him a few times, always a nice guy to help out

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