URGENT! HJR1026 In Jeopardy

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Special Hen
Apr 24, 2014
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Senator Treat has agreed to run the bill as is.

HJR1026, OK2A’s proposed amendment to the Oklahoma Constitution’s Bill of Rights is in trouble. The Senate author, Senator Greg Treat, appears to be ready to cave in to Higher Ed’s pressure to neutralize HJR1026. He is prepared to add a carve out that would restrict the right to keep and bear arms by essentially making campus carry unconstitutional (which means it would require another constitutional amendment at some point in the future for Oklahoma to ever adopt campus carry). The purpose of the Bill of Rights is not to restrict people’s rights; it is meant to protect the freedoms of the people by restricting the government. This all seems odd coming from a senator who favors campus carry, but that seems to be exactly what Senator Treat is preparing to do.

There is absolutely no good reason for the Senator to do this. Our vote count tells us we have the votes to pass this without the Higher Ed carve out. Furthermore, after the firestorm that Governor Fallin just experienced due to her veto of three 2A bills and the pressure brought to bear on the Senate leadership to override her veto of HB2461, I don’t see the Senate voting down any gun bills right now. However, if Senator Treat changes HJR1026, he will be responsible for its demise because we simply cannot allow this restriction of the people’s right to keep and bear arms to be placed in the Bill of Rights.

When we entrusted HJR1026, which represents more than two years of hard work by OK2A and Professor O’Shea, to Senator Treat we had no idea that he would be swayed by Higher Ed but that seems to be the current situation. We need everyone concerned about their right to keep and bear arms to call or email Senator Treat and firmly but politely tell him to run HJR1026 unchanged. His direct phone number is 405-521-5632 and his email address is [email protected].

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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Where did you get the information he is planning on caving? How specifically is this to be carried out?

I will be calling and emailing him, as well as my own Rep and Senator, but I would like more info as to how this happened and how we know it is happening?


Special Hen
Apr 24, 2014
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Where did you get the information he is planning on caving? How specifically is this to be carried out?

I will be calling and emailing him, as well as my own Rep and Senator, but I would like more info as to how this happened and how we know it is happening?

In our discussions with him, he has waffled back and forth about it, but leaned more towards adding the carve out. He told one of his constituents toward the end of last week that he was going to have to put it in to pass the bill, which we disagree with. Now he is not responding to us, which is the same way things went last year when he went off the reservation on another bill.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Who is "We"? OK2A? If you're an official representative of the organization, it would be helpful to identify yourself... I'm not being argumentative, just saying, you're coming here for help representing the organization. Kinda like OKOCA.... credibility and anonymity don't usually go hand-in-hand.

Like I said, I'm willing to do my part, but if you want to start a push, I think you're going to have to come out, so to speak. Just a credibility thing, that's all.

I will send some emails this afternoon.


Special Hen
Apr 24, 2014
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Who is "We"? OK2A? If you're an official representative of the organization, it would be helpful to identify yourself... I'm not being argumentative, just saying, you're coming here for help representing the organization. Kinda like OKOCA.... credibility and anonymity don't usually go hand-in-hand.

Like I said, I'm willing to do my part, but if you want to start a push, I think you're going to have to come out, so to speak. Just a credibility thing, that's all.

I will send some emails this afternoon.

Sorry...I'm new to this. I'm the President of OK2A, Tim Gillespie.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Sorry...I'm new to this. I'm the President of OK2A, Tim Gillespie.

Thanks very much and I am glad to see you here! This is a great place to stir support for our common causes! We invite you to participate in a regular capacity, and I for one am glad to see you here!


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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My email to Senator Treat:

Dear Senator Treat,

I am writing to you to urge you to continue to support HJR1026 in its entirety as it is written now in the face of any adversity.

As a responsible firearms owner, I am heartened by the strides we have made in this state in recent years to clarify, secure and restore the rights of gun owners in Oklahoma. It is obvious we will face strong opposition in the near future from Washington bureaucrats who have made it their stated goal to infringe on gun ownership. Oklahoma is among a number of states that has stood strong and refused to cave to those who want to erode those rights, a fact of which I am extremely proud - in no small part due to legislators such as yourself who have voted to protect the liberties and freedoms of law-abiding, responsible Americans.

While I sincerely appreciate your efforts to date to help amend the Oklahoma Constitution to further protect these rights, I am concerned regarding the amount of pressure being brought to bear in an attempt to alter the wording of the measure. In fact, the measure does nothing more than make absolutely certain that any attempt to restrict the rights of Americans protected by the Constitution's Bill of Rights is viewed under the strongest microscope to assure it is done with sober, careful thought and an absolute need. The right of Americans to keep and bear arms was among the most important rights enumerated - that is, recognized... not granted! - by America's founding fathers, as well as the framers of Oklahoma's Constitution - and with excellent reason!

Any attempt to restrict those rights should be passed as a legislative measure under the strict scrutiny mandated by this amendment - in, other words, as a state statute, NOT entered into the Bill of Rights of the Constitution! The Bill of Rights is in force to PROTECT the rights of Americans, not to restrict them!

I would ask you to re-examine the Bill of Rights to the United States Constitution for a moment. I just re-read them myself, and nowhere in any of the original Ten, can I find any limitation to any of the rights enumerated, with the exception of during times of war or great public emergency. The Bill of Rights is not intended to allow the Constitution to cater to any special interests or powerful lobbies, but only to protect the rights of the small man AGAINST infringement by government, special groups or well-heeled and powerful lobbies! The Bill of Rights is the small man's only defense against these groups... and we should make certain Oklahoma's Bill of Rights similarly reflects ONLY the protection of the enumerated rights and in no way limits them. Any limitations specific to certain situations should be handled in the legislature and never, ever incorporated into a Constitutional Amendment.

I thank you for your time and your consideration.

Please, feel free to call or email me at the information below should I be able to assist you in any way, and I thank you for your efforts thus far in service to the State of Oklahoma.


Next, a slightly different one to my current Rep and Senator.

Thanks for the heads'-up.

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