US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany In Server Seizure Operation, 5 Soldiers Killed

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
LOL. That is why we generally require the accusing side to prove their case. How do you prove you didn't cheat (at anything) if the other side said you did but doesn't provide anything more than the accusation?
I'm pretty sure I just answered that in a previous post. Your side won't allow it.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
This brings up something else i've wondered about. How do they refute claims about corrupted counting machines when the 'evidence' hasn't been presented in a way that shows anything? How can you say a machine behaved fine if the first side hasn't showed how it was corrupted?
Again, because your side refuses to allow anyone to look at those machines forensically.


Special Hen
Dec 1, 2020
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Ninety five percent of internet assertions may well be false....this is to be expected when people are in turmoil and speculating.
We are undergoing a painful process of discovery and it is moving too slow to please most people: Winnow out the chaff ....retain the grain
Arizona Lawmakers Call for Resolution to Hold Back Electoral College Votes

Quote “During the hearing, a cybersecurity expert said the user manual for Dominion Voting Systems machines guides users on how to connect to the internet, and that the machines, used by multiple states, were connected to the internet during the election.

“The Dominion suite user manual is about an inch and a half thick. My team went back through the user manual and looked at all the instances where in the user’s manual, it tells operators to connect the ethernet cords to the router, and it is, the systems are connected to the internet,” said Phil Waldron, a cybersecurity expert and retired Army colonel.

“Our teams looked at spirographs on the Dominion network on Election Day and showed the increased web traffic, internet traffic on Election Day for Dominion servers.

“In a nutshell, these systems are not what you’ve been told, if you’ve been told anything.

“They are connected to the internet. There is no transparency of how the voter information is processed, moved, and stored. And, as a matter of fact, these companies have refused to allow any type of inspection into their code and they always decry, it’s our IP, it’s IP protection.
”” End Quote

I watched the first part of the AZ hearing at this link.

I’ve been following this fiasco of 2020 all year long and I was happy to see Trump fire Krebs earlier this month. Been telling friends for a few weeks he needs to go.

I was especially glad to see Flynn pardoned. Funny thing about this is I voted for Hillary in 2016 and was a lifelong Dem voter until 2020 when I cast my first GOP vote. When Trump won in 2016 I never thought that 4 years later I would be praying for him to win again.

And seeing this filed made me quite pleased. I like this stuff coming out in the open.

I posted the above about AZ since Krebs came up during the testimony.

Following are Sidney Powell filings on Georgia and Michigan

For Georgia:

For Michigan:

It seems there are multiple lawsuits filed in various swing states.

After watching the PA hearings, the simplest item that was compelling was the state sending out x # ballots and ending up with substantially more being in the final count. It seems that every method of cheating was used in the various swing states. It will be interesting when it all comes out.

PA is a bit crazy in a number of ways. The following just being a bit of it.

The hearing was quite interesting, and what was appalling is the current censorship from the media.

When the Hunter Biden laptop info came out showing how Joe used Hunter for his bagman with a number of countries it became clear Joe is likely indebted to China. Yet, Twitter didn’t let me post the link. Many still aren’t aware of the story and our legacy media simply brushed it off with investigating it. Offers were made to all of the press that they would be given data to start their own investigation. Most just blew it off. They are censoring via ignoring stories, omission when reporting along with outright lies. I’ve been able to verify it to my satisfaction. And, I view Bobulinski as a credible witness.

Too many suspicious items to dismiss looking into fraud in our election. Trump is correct to investigate no matter who ends up winning. We must be able to trust our elections. If nothing wrong, why were GOP poll watchers not allowed to do their jobs in most cases?

Then, there is Soros and his New World Order, Open Society, aka the Great Reset. Hungary PM Viktor Orban demolishes Soros in open letter
Hungary and Poland are digging in and fighting the pressure. Biden is even involved by calling them authoritarian states. If you've been following events it's all because they don't want the Great Reset. They are being pressured financially. EU leadership is disgusting. I used to admire Merkel’s intelligence, she now disgusts me with her involvement in this nonsense.
Soros didn't send his letter until after US election.

Here’s some new information regarding the raid in Frankfurt.

My focus tomorrow is figuring out how I can best help in Georgia. After that, it's 2022.

So much more to say, but, this is already too long. Good night, good day, wherever you are. ;)


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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A few weeks back, I mentioned in a post that the SEALs and SF's wouldn't be sitting on the sidelines while all this comes down, and judging by what various SEALS have to say I really wouldn't doubt it. These guys take their oaths very seriously and many have mentioned that they wouldn't have a problem taking out anyone responsible for trying to dismantle the constitution, or making any illegal attempt to remove Trump from office by any Mickey Mouse impeachment or whatever.
If in doubt, there's a site belonging to former SEAL; Craig (the Sawman) Sawyer, you might want to browse.

Agreed. As I remember it the founders were very smart when they put in the words both foreign and domestic.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
But I do understand the forensics of programming and how trails can be determined if the machines were altered. Why do you keep defending those that refuse to let the defendant have their say in the court? Why not just let the experts take a look at the software/firmware, sign non disclosure agreements to any proprietary intel discovered yet allow them to look into the machines for voting irregularities?
We want every vote to count right, yet you argue that they have been counted and we all need to STFU.
I'll STFU when all avenues to prove right or wrong have been exhausted.
Any resistance to an open investigation puts a dark light on those opposing it......

You and others have falsely claimed that Georgia wants to destroy their dominion machines and the only evidence for that was a TRO. Period.

I'm not telling anyone to STFU. I'm asking for factual evidence on THIS topic: Manipulation of the votes cast on electronic ballot marking machines. To date, there has been zero evidence presented in the public forum, nor in any court case that we've seen that supports the claim that the final vote counts were changed electronically via Dominion machines or that the corresponding paper audit ballots produced by those machines which would back up the change in the vote total were fabricated and secretly deposited in ballot boxes at precincts all over Georgia.

Georgia just did a full audit/recount wherein every vote total was compared to the paper ballots on hand, by hand, precinct by precinct. A third count, a machine recount of those paper ballots, is under way right now. If the CIA, Russia, China, Venezuela and the Democrats all colluded to set up a massive cyber fraud system and bring the Governor of Georgia and the Secretary of State on board to help deliver Georgia for Biden...who, when, where were the corresponding paper ballots created? Where is the evidence that that occurred?

From the State government's perspective, the election is mostly over unless a court of law tells them otherwise. The vote is certified and they have another, very high profile, election coming down the tracks that they have to get ready for. The only thing they appear to be doing is getting ready for it.

Because the machines will not be released to be examined because the dims are afraid of what may be found within the software/firmware.
The liberal media keeps screaming mindlessly that these are the most transparent and fair elections in HISTORY!
Why then do they not allow the opposition to examine those machines to prove that "transparency" exists? Why are they fighting that and wanting to wipe the machines? Don't give me the BS about needing them for another election either.

Again, because your side refuses to allow anyone to look at those machines forensically.

More untruths and more examples of how false narratives grow and spread.

Georgia commissioned a third party forensic audit of random voting machines across the state after the election. They used a company named Pro V&V, and conducted the audit in cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security and other cyber entities. Pro V&V is certified to conduct forensic audits of this type by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.

I'm sure the Republican party, or the head of the kraken, has requested and reviewed a copy....or maybe they just want to pretend it didn't happen so people will keep sending them donations?

If the kraken has evidence of electronic manipulation of the vote, and creation of the corresponding paper audit ballots (not just IP connections to a Dominion website), they can certainly convince a judge to order another forensic audit. Unless of course the entire legal system is in bed with the ghost of Chavez, China, Iran and the Governor of Georgia.

Why is getting the machines ready for the runoff, which occurs in 35 days, "B.S."?
Last edited:


Special Hen
Dec 1, 2020
Reaction score
You and others have falsely claimed that Georgia wants to destroy their dominion machines and the only evidence for that was a TRO. Period.

I'm not telling anyone to STFU. I'm asking for factual evidence on THIS topic: Manipulation of the votes cast on electronic ballot marking machines. To date, there has been zero evidence presented in the public forum, nor in any court case that we've seen that supports the claim that the final vote counts were changed electronically via Dominion machines or that the corresponding paper audit ballots produced by those machines which would back up the change in the vote total were fabricated and secretly deposited in ballot boxes at precincts all over Georgia.

Georgia just did a full audit/recount wherein every vote total was compared to the paper ballots on hand, by hand, precinct by precinct. A third count, a machine recount of those paper ballots, is under way right now. If the CIA, Russia, China, Venezuela and the Democrats all colluded to set up a massive cyber fraud system and bring the Governor of Georgia and the Secretary of State on board to help deliver Georgia for Biden...who, when, where were the corresponding paper ballots created? Where is the evidence that that occurred?

From the State government's perspective, the election is mostly over unless a court of law tells them otherwise. The vote is certified and they have another, very high profile, election coming down the tracks that they have to get ready for. The only thing they appear to be doing is getting ready for it.

More untruths and more examples of how false narratives grow and spread.

Georgia commissioned a third party forensic audit of random voting machines across the state after the election. They used a company named Pro V&V, and conducted the audit in cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security and other cyber entities. Pro V&V is certified to conduct forensic audits of this type by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission.

I'm sure the Republican party, or the head of the kraken, has requested and reviewed a copy....or maybe they just want to pretend it didn't happen so people will keep sending them donations?

If the kraken has evidence of electronic manipulation of the vote, and creation of the corresponding paper audit ballots (not just IP connections to a Dominion website), they can certainly convince a judge to order another forensic audit. Unless of course the entire legal system is in bed with the ghost of Chavez, China, Iran and the Governor of Georgia.

Why is getting the machines ready for the runoff, which occurs in 35 days, "B.S."?

SMS... you don't know me, and as such I don't expect you to believe me. But, I have seen very strong evidence of voter fraud and believe it can be proven. That's why I'm against the Dominion machines being used in the senate vote in January. It's time to dust off and bring out the old mechanical machines to vote. All must have ID and all ballots must be counted as the chads were in Florida in 2000. Not letting GOP monitors close to ballots in most contested states just doesn't work other than to arouse suspicion. We need a fully transparent election and it needs to start NOW or we'll have a tough time getting it back.

The censorship by the media is also dividing us and making many suspicious. This on top of the BLM BS that I believe is dividing us intentionally. Then, you add in the movement to create the Great Reset and 2020 becomes a highly unusual and in some cases scary year.

I won't argue with you, but, I'll leave you with a couple of interesting paths to victory that Trump may have assuming there's no time to work out the voting issues.

Everyone should have a copy of our constitution and our bill of rights. Our founding fathers were brilliant and a lot of our current issues are due to a misunderstanding of our founding. We need to educate ourselves on the early days so that we can correct misunderstandings... one at a time helps.

We need to look back at our history with pride. Marxists want to erase our history and that's what's been leading to destruction of statues.

See this video for a fascinating perspective that will help with that understanding.
Correcting Myths of History: What You Aren't Taught in School | Glenn Beck | POLITICS | Rubin Report

1. Read the Executive order Trump signed in September 12, 2018 after watching the shananigans leading up to those midterms. He renewed it September 10, 2020. I have the link to the first one, but, not the renewal. If interested, you should be able to find it easily. I'm too tired to look right now having been up all night.

2. Watch this closely when time permits. Plan on it taking about 28 minutes.
CNN Runs Segment Saying Trump COULD STILL WIN, Democrats Oblivious As Trump On Track For EC Victory


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
Hmm, looks like Bill Barr is even telling the associated press fraud on the scale needed didn't happened. Perhaps he's telling the truth, perhaps not. Maybe he is a swamp dweller after all.

"To date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have affected a different outcome in the election," Barr said.

"There's been one assertion that would be systemic fraud and that would be the claim that machines were programmed essentially to skew the election results," Barr said. "And the DHS and DOJ have looked into that, and so far, we haven't seen anything to substantiate that."

Disputing Trump, Barr says no widespread election fraud


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
Reaction score
Oxford, MS
Because the machines will not be released to be examined because the dims are afraid of what may be found within the software/firmware.
The liberal media keeps screaming mindlessly that these are the most transparent and fair elections in HISTORY!
Why then do they not allow the opposition to examine those machines to prove that "transparency" exists? Why are they fighting that and wanting to wipe the machines? Don't give me the BS about needing them for another election either.

I'm not a member of the georgia SoS office, so i do not know. I'm sure you could ask them, though.

However it's not just the media saying it was fair, but Trump's own appointees.

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