Were NFA weapons at the Mandalay Bay/Las Vegas shooting?

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Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
there is a massive element of US - phillipino crimes/terror that is either ignored or perpetuated by our government. how many people remember terry nichols going to the phillipines and meeting with ramzi yusef before he all of sudden began making a bomb?

who was paddock's gf and where did she immediately run?

yee also running from the phillipines?


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Special Hen Banned Supporter
Aug 13, 2016
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They are hiding something. Period.
You can't convinced any critical thinker that college educated agents (which every single one is) are unable to write a report that has an established format and protocol, accidentally omit facts, write a different narrative, etc. over and over and over.

If this is the case, then the organization definitely needs reorganized and/or removed and every agent should pay back any and all college money they borrowed, received on a scholarship, or were forgiven for GOV service, because they are too stupid to be functional.

Only libs or someone who thinks big brother has our best interest or both, would believe they have poor writing skills. Incompetence at best, malice at worse, either way, the result is the same.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
They are hiding something. Period.
You can't convinced any critical thinker that college educated agents (which every single one is) are unable to write a report that has an established format and protocol, accidentally omit facts, write a different narrative, etc. over and over and over.

If this is the case, then the organization definitely needs reorganized and/or removed and every agent should pay back any and all college money they borrowed, received on a scholarship, or were forgiven for GOV service, because they are too stupid to be functional.

Only libs or someone who thinks big brother has our best interest or both, would believe they have poor writing skills. Incompetence at best, malice at worse, either way, the result is the same.
prolly just ESLers
anything else is conspiracy. haven't YOU ever thought about just loading up like *every* gun you have and just dumping on some crowd in vegas? totally normal, don't question anything about it.

what's wild is we have SO much information about even literal *minor* school shooters (like holy crap take all the information say a guy like Elliot Rodger or Ryan Stair has) compared to Paddock.

the majority of the information we have is from his bro's wild interviews that he was told eventually to stop having altogether.


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Special Hen Banned Supporter
Aug 13, 2016
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There may be ESL agents, but they definitely all have a bachelor's in something. I say again, they ALL have a bachelor's degree or higher in something. A bachelor's is a minimum requirement. Which means they know how to write in ASE in an organized manner and express a thought process. Period. Pretty sure poorly written reports are not the cause of all this mayhem and distrust.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I’m more inclined to go with “poor writing skills”. No logical reason otherwise. I know it’s more fun to imagine a conspiracy.
Having seen more than a few 302’s in my time, your premise is not invalid.

That being said, there are very much “logical reasons” for official reports to be omissive, obfuscatory and outright misleading. The fact of the matter is that crimes of violence, and especially violent crimes involving guns are politically sensitive. Look no further than NYC and LA refusing to provide the FBI-BJS with their UCR’s now. Do you think if the UCR’s indicated a decrease in violent crime, that they’d refuse to provide the data?

No. It makes them look bad. I hate to tell you this, but simply refusing to provide UCR’s is the last step in misleading the public on crime. Before going to such an extreme measure, there are many ways to manipulate crime reports so as to minimize negative consequences. That goes all the way down to a slick-sleeve officer on the street.

So when you have one of the absolute highest profile gun crimes in US history on your watch, you don’t write a report without review and approval from on high, so any sensitive information is diffused and “blowback” is minimized or eliminated. That includes any negative policy implications too.

Even at my level, I try to make sure our reports are clear, concise, accurate and convey all factors, both aggravating and mitigating. But, if I know that senior leadership in DC will be reviewing the reports the next day for reasons? Yeah, that report is gonna get soaked, scrubbed, washed, rinsed, polished and re-re-re-reviewed before being submitted.

The difference between even the most sensitive reports I’ve ever submitted and the Vegas Massacre report is simple. They’d never let someone like me submit a report on the Vegas Massacre. When a report of that magnitude must be written, they hand pick highly skilled people to write them. One of the most coveted skills for that assignment is being politically astute. They can and will write what is wanted by the brass.

I’m no conspiracy theorist, I’m just a realist. When I read reports I’m always on watch for what’s between the lines. I’m looking as much for what’s not there as what is. In a lot of cases you’re right, it’s just sloppy report writing. And just because someone’s capable of writing a good report, doesn’t mean they always do. Sometimes they do “good enough for government work” and file it because they know it’s gonna disappear into a black hole once their supervisor approves it, never to be read again.

But not the Vegas Massacre report. Reports like those are never poorly written. They’re just carefully crafted, for reasons.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I totally respect your personal knowledge, and I suspect that your view of this document is correct. My difficulty is in the motive for “hiding” the type of weapons found.
FWIW, I’m far less interested in the weapons than I am what was actually going on before he ever entered the suite.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
i think without a doubt the biggest mass shooting in us history that involved an obvious gun trafficker selling an obvious amount of guns to *someone*, with ALL the media to portray him as alone in the hotel, no motive, no connections, where he did get the guns, who were the guns for, was mbs escorted out of the one of the casinos, who was firing at the fuel tanks at the airport, etc etc has information being hidden from the "real" public, i guess whatever that means.

are you saying things, particularly involving crimes, literally are told with every detail? like do you think the media NEVER misses anything, or is merely not told information? like do you think there's ANYTHING the media might be blacked out on? i don't understand how this happens any time, you have this weird "conspiracy" alarm where your cognitive dissonance just freaks out.

the news lies. the government lies. either directly or thru omission. do you....not believe this is true?
I'm not saying whether some conspiracy exists around what happened or whom was involved, but YOU need to understand that radio and TV broadcast companies HAVE to comply with certain Federal standards or the FCC (Federal Communications Commission) will withhold renewing the annual licenses of those companies.
You better believe that if some government types come down and says that certain information WILL NOT be disclosed to the public, then it's not disclosed. This is not some lame conspiracy BS. I used to work for a radio station back in the mid '80's (KSIT Radio 104.5FM, Rock Springs/Green River, WY) and we had a huge binder of FCC requirements that we had to follow or risk losing our operating license - and the FCC did monitor us.

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