What is your Religious Affiliation?

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What is your Religious Affiliation?

  • Catholic

    Votes: 26 10.8%
  • Baptist

    Votes: 71 29.5%
  • Charismatic/Assemblies of God/Holiness

    Votes: 21 8.7%
  • Anglican/Lutheran/ Presbyterian

    Votes: 9 3.7%
  • Atheist

    Votes: 18 7.5%
  • Agnostic

    Votes: 25 10.4%
  • Muslim

    Votes: 1 0.4%
  • Jewish

    Votes: 4 1.7%
  • Believe in God but no organized religion

    Votes: 62 25.7%
  • Mormon

    Votes: 4 1.7%

  • Total voters


Special Hen
Jun 25, 2005
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Christian. I was raised in The Church of the Nazarene and still go there from time to time as work allows. But I don't think any denomination is "right" and no one has all the answers. I find organized religion to be quite tiresome, especially when people start arguing doctrine....as if they know how every little facet of life should be lived.


Jul 4, 2006
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I agree with what you are saying. I have attended a Church of Christ my entire life. And so does all the rest of my family. Except for one cousin and he and his family are baptists. I believe that my church is very close to what the early church was. But I am not saying that we are the only ones that will go to heaven. And I know that some people that are Churches of Christ would say that. And that is wrong. But I am old enough to read the Bible for myself and know what I am supposed to do. There are a lot of churches and people that want to live a certain way so they take things out of context to fit their lifestyle. And that is why we have so many different churches these days. I know how I am supposed to live so I try hard to do it. I still fail continuously but I will never give up. We are all trying to get to the same place. But some people choose to go about it the wrong way. But I am not God so I will never try and judge someone because of the way that they believe. But I am always open to talk with people of other beliefs. There are even members of my church who I think are doing things wrong. They are too stubborn and don't want to do anything different. And that is why my church is suffering at the moment. Most of our members are over 65 years old. And if we have visitors they won't come back because our church is so boring. I hope that something can be done to give it some life but I doubt it. Our preacher just took another job in Tulsa so we are going to be looking for another one. I personally didn't like this guy. He would never preach an uplifting sermon. It was always doom and gloom. And I think that discourages a lot of people, me included. We have a couple of elders who are father and son and the son has no business being an elder. But since his daddy is the head elder he became one. This guy writes books that cuss and have horrid story lines. And he doesn't treat people the way an elder should treat someone. Those two are the biggest problems with our church. I pray that something will help it to grow and become great again but I fear that it won't happen. So if you guys could pray for us I would really appreciate it. God bless.

said a prayer, that sounds very similar to the church i grew up in... I thank God all the time that i was "forced out" of that church and i am now closer to God than ever before and doing more community work, etc.. than i did at the old church where all we did was talk about how right we were and how wrong everyone else was.. visitors never came back....


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
Well, I didn't actually vote because none really match my "affiliation." However, the phrase "biblical, non denominational" is very close.

I was raised in the church of Christ and life has given me an interest in learning all kinds of religions. High point was in Pakistan in the '60's when I was stationed with a Catholic, a Jew, and a smattering of others, including a houseboy that had converted from Islam to Christianity. The discussions were very enlightening.

While I have always questioned, I've stayed with church of Christ, which is mostly referred to as a reformation movement instead of a protestant one. We aren't "protesting" against any philosophy, but we are trying to worship in a biblical manner similar to what was practiced in the 1st century. We cannot make claims of supremacy because we aren't God and can't really speak for what He will allow at the judgement.

The Bible is important because without it, there is no other "source" of Christian teaching.

I must correct myself here. I referred in the above quote that the church of Christ was part of a "reformation" movement. I really meant to use the term "restoration" instead, as the intent of those beginning it was to "restore" religion to a practice similar to the 1st century church. Sorry for any confusion.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
One last little comment since we are on the subjection of religious affiliation. I don't know how many may know it, but the stars of Duck Dynasty are all members of the White's Ferry Road Church of Christ in West Monroe, La. Phil Robertson is one of the elders and there is another son, a clean-shaven one, that has been the minister of that congregation for some time. Rumor has it that he is leaving the ministry to join the family business. I wonder if he will now grow a beard?

This all kind of explains why that show is so clean and ends with a prayer.

And, J.B. Thanks for starting this thread. It has been enlightening. God bless you , Sir.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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East of Tulsa
Grew up Baptist because it was in the neighborhood and I was OK with that until the sermon about how bad it was to drink and then had to go outside under the foyer in the rain to wait for mom to pick me up with all the cigarette smoke choking me up. I was 12 at the time. It made an impression.

Switched to Methodist because of a girlfriend, quit everything after that. Never really had the feel inside.

I later looked at a lot of stuff. Looking at the world as a whole, surely there must be something. Too many similarities of tales of superior beings that were the start of the human race and we should be grateful to them. Well, where the hell did this start, and where are they now when we need them? For atheist, supposedly, we just swam up on the beach and started building fires in our caves, just did not fit with me either. Too many religions have too similar stories of mankind's beginnings world wide, too many writings on the cave walls stuff, world wide when this world had no world wide connections. Something is not right here. Along lline did someone lie to us?

Too many "this is how and why they built the pyramids thousands of years ago stuff", but we can not do it with the construction equipment we have today stuff. Too many factual preciseness of thousands of year ago technology of those pyramid aligning with preciseness that we would have a hard time reproducing today stuff.

Then I took a vacation to Cancun Mexico and visited the pyramids of Chicen Iza. Massive stones, precise fitting and alignment. Precise calendars, accurate today with all the "adjustments" of our atomic clocks in Bolder Co including the adjustments we forgot to add. (my Timex gets off a little and it is not 2000 years old, WTF), Walk up the steps, align with the date, stick your had out, read the time. +/-5 min. Built by humans that just crawled out of the caves? This is stuff thousands of years ago? A real WTF.....

Some other things that have got my attention is like us considering the validity of the precision cave drawings now verified as authentic and are only now considered precise drawings of planetary systems made more than 3 thousand years ago.

Only in the past few years have we developed telescopes to verify the orbital bodies of specific planets around a specific sun in a far away constellation that is the only drawing explicitly depicted in a cave in Argentina

That drawing has details of a specific constellation and a specific star and its solar system with a particular planet around that star accentuated. With our advanced technology a few years ago, we finally were able to see it from earth and positively identify its existence. We have been trying for over 70 years. I can hear it now, Yep, we are elated that you can now identify that planet we came from actually exists that we drew on the wall of our cave, thank you for improving your technology to identify our home. We have been waiting 3000 years for you to verify that, can we go on with life now? What part do we not understand?

To me, something else is going on here in general. Too many similarities of the core items of the beginning of man and who we should worship, most likely diverted by some earthly individuals desire to promote himself as the source of religious power or pass a message to his daughters boyfriend. (ME) My girlfriend was the Methodist Ministers daughter.

Christianity for example is only what, 2000 or so years old? What about before then? How many thousands of years before that were the stories told and twisted? I think a solid core or cores of beings that planted us here long ago were not much different than us who plant a garden. Humans have such an ego of "we are the supreme beings of the universe". Well, What if that is all ********? How long has the universe been carrying on? How about other universes before that?

To me it is obvious we did not learn all these things as we crawled out of the sea and got smart enough to get out of the rain by living in caves and just happened to learn to draw explicit items on the cave walls.

Look at the Egyptians, they just came out of the caves and could write a language us and our computers can only understand parts of today. Were they that simple and we are too smart, or is it the other way around?

With all our intelligence, we can not figure out what people took on as everyday occurrences in the sky 5000 years ago to depict, and we consider ourselves an advance form of life? Duh

Right now, I can only feel the God or Gods planted us here. Too much in history points to a common point of existence to fluff off. Ya know, people who can not hardly build a fire and they worship someone from the stars, just like we do today? Something started that. But just like today, the story gets twisted to a different meaning to suit a different purpose easily.

Too much BS of religions today. Most were based on items written by humans after the fact on their interpretations of what was said to them converted to another language. Then modified to fit the current situation of the environment of the time. How bout I take what I know and pour it together and try to live that. Be honest, try not to hurt any one, treat everyone fairly, be helpful when I can, do not take any stuff from anyone do not need to.

For me now, my religion is DONGAS. I try to follow it every day faithfully.

I feel that DONGAS is is my mentor, with me all the time and gives me spiritual guidance making decisions and when things get tough. Fall back on him and you will be OK. Follow this and you will have piece inside, if you have problems in life, turn to him, act accordingly, you will be OK.

Might start a church on the lake this summer, if anyone is interested.

Abbreviations are hard for some people, but let me spell it out


D O Not Give A Sh**

It is hard to go through life and have the pressures it may give you, but my brothers and Sisters, relax back and believe the faith of the words. You will rise up out of your sorrow and feel better again.

Full DONGAS believers have to be dedicated to their religion and act accordingly 24 hrs/day and live by their believes or will be thrown into the jaws of real life hell. You have to consider this religion seriously before stepping in. We have an Associate membership for those who can not attend full time, and only want to be week end believers. We reserve the right to harass and convert you upon retirement. Send you contribution to me immediately to join.

And remember, If you ain't having fun, you need to go some where eles.

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