Whats up with superdave gun shows?

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Special Hen
Dec 30, 2008
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Broken Arrow
It means don't go over to Northwest Firearms or whatever other forum he is on now saying "Well over on OSA..." or "The guys on OSA said...". Don't post links over there leading 'em back here etc... It means if he owes you money or if you think he's a dirtbag and decide to ruin his day, do it on your own without bringing OSA into it.

No horse in this race but I totally agree.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 25, 2006
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Rogers County
I don't have a dog in the fight, but because I'm curious, what does that even mean?

How could it ever "be an OSA thing"? I don't guess I understand.

I'd say, it was owed to the gun community to let his potential vendors know what and whom they were dealing with. It ain't up to me however to inform them. I don't go to gun shows. I"m not sure why anyone would, cause you've got Rijas, and guys selling 100 rounds of 22lr for 50 bucks, but to each his own. If you like that kinda stuff, tally ho.

FIFY, but "Rijas" is not an OSA member, or atleast that we know of.


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
Reaction score
Blanchard, America
FIFY, but "Rijas" is not an OSA member, or atleast that we know of.

Thanks for the help on my spelling, and yeah, I'm aware, but not what I was sayin.

Still not sure why it's a bid deal for it not to "be an OSA thing".

Guy's a known deadbeat. That makes him a known thief. Guys like him bring discredit to the entire gun community, and he should be outed. If you've got a beef with the guy, and wanted to point someone in this direction so his future customers could have a little review of his business practices, then I don't see what the huge deal is with that. This was his last know location, before he dropped off the edge of the earth with a bunch of money that didn't belong to him. He folded his tent, took money that didn't belong to him, and didn't even bother to give them the courtesy of a phone call or an email saying, "sorry guys, I'm giving you a high hard one, sucks to be ya'll". If he ain't got any of your money, you should probably just keep your mouth closed and your fingers still. He doesn't have any of my money, so it's not my place, and I can't imagine anyone in my place would make it their place, but then again, the interwebz are chock full of dbags, so myabe they would.

I don't know the guy, I never went to his shows, and I don't go to any shows anymore, again because you've got mostly dbags there, like Rijas selling over priced guns and ammo. I'm certain there are a few respectable dealers and vendors there, but while I was still spending my money to go, they were a definite minority. I don't need or want anything that someone is selling for 3X it's real value, but if you do, or you enjoy that, have at it. It's a free country. I don't begrudge anyone that goes to shows to or produces shows. Different people like different things. I spend 1000's of $'s every year pulling horses all over the country chasing cows around. Most people think that ignorant as hell, but I enjoy it, so I do it, and I don't care much what they think. Different folks like different things.
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Special Hen
Jan 1, 2013
Reaction score
Still not sure why it's a bid deal for it not to "be an OSA thing".
Because OSA has nothing to do with this, and bringing OSA into it is bad form. It's the same reason that most adults don't mention their employer's name when they're having a dispute in their personal dealings. Personally, I have nothing against SuperDave65; he's done nothing to me, and I'd bet the same is true of the vast majority of OSA members, so why should we be drug into this? If you have a beef with him, go get him, but stand on your own two feet when you do it--just don't go in acting like you're leading the OSA posse.

FWIW, it probably doesn't help that the people who'll go to forum X and make it an "I'm from forum Y, and this guy is a total d-bag" deal are usually the ones who will do it in a d-baggy fashion.

Old Fart

Special Hen
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
If you have a beef with him, go get him, but stand on your own two feet when you do it--just don't go in acting like you're leading the OSA posse.

This counter culture to everything OSA stands for. There's always some wiener that wants to bash anything they can. I have a life and stuff like this get's in the way. I'm not taking up for anyone and not calling anyone out just making a observation.

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