What's was the most disconcerting thing involving a gun you ever saw?

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Nov 3, 2008
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Caddo County
Sometime last year my wife and I were over in the Paseo District. We finished eating at a little joint and drove a few blocks where there was a farmers market and just kept driving. We were headed towards a stop light with a big tree next to it and I saw a shadow in the offside. Getting closer to the light still slowing down a young punk comes around the tree coming towards our suv, the guy has his hands in front of him, one hand covering the other at crotch level, he hits the grass between the curb and road when he moves his hand the a-hole’s got a gun.

Luckily when I blew the light, without looking for cross traffic, I looked back at the punk and he just gave off an evil, pissed off look like I’d ruined his day.


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Apr 14, 2010
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Oklahoma City
In April of 1968, I was in college, and working nights at a Holiday Inn. A little after midnight, guy comes in and over the top of the cash register, points a percussion pistol at me, wanting the cash. From my vantage point, it looked like a fricking cannon. This was one of the old style Holiday Inns that had a restaurant and coffee shop. They closed at 10:00, but there was an OHP trooper that would stop in from time to time because I always had the coffee going, and there was usually some pie or something left from the evening. That particular night he just happened to walk in about the time this would be gangster introduced himself to me. Later, he and the local officers that came had a good time congratulating me on creating the most unusual robbery on the books.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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I got nothing. When you have lived as peaceful and sheltered a life as I have you never have anything happen to you. It hurts my heart to think of you nice young men having to face things like that. Those evil implements of destruction should be banned I tell you! Only police, the military and fishermen needs guns, and I am not so sure about the police. Maybe we can just give them a billy club and a big police whistle. Yea that will do it.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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I was walking home to the apartment from my late class in college. When I passed the street light next to our apartment building a black Toyota Camry drove by and two guys shot at me one from the passenger seat and one from the back seat hitting the building behind me. I hit the concrete sidewalk and they sped away. When I arrived at the apartment I told my roommate what happened and he went nuts. He called a number and told the person who answered what happened then went out for about 3 hours. When he came back he had the assistant DA with him and explained. He had been undercover for a few weeks getting info on a drug ring. They finally had enough information and the attempt on my life was a mistake because I just happened to be wearing his hat and coat. The DA took my deposition and I never had to testify.


These are not the firearms you're looking for.
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Jun 18, 2018
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Moore, OK
Sometime last year my wife and I were over in the Paseo District. We finished eating at a little joint and drove a few blocks where there was a farmers market and just kept driving. We were headed towards a stop light with a big tree next to it and I saw a shadow in the offside. Getting closer to the light still slowing down a young punk comes around the tree coming towards our suv, the guy has his hands in front of him, one hand covering the other at crotch level, he hits the grass between the curb and road when he moves his hand the a-hole’s got a gun.

Luckily when I blew the light, without looking for cross traffic, I looked back at the punk and he just gave off an evil, pissed off look like I’d ruined his day.

I think I remember you telling this story awhile back. Certainly pays to be observant!



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Jul 12, 2016
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I was 16 or 17 and living in Lawton. I got off work Friday evening about 11 p.m. (had a football team come in just before we closed at 9 and I had to hang around to clean the tables) from my job at Underwood's BBQ and drove to where my girlfriend was at her sister and her husband's house.

I parked my Ford truck with a camper shell on it on the residential street by their driveway. As I was getting ready to get out I saw multiple police cars with flashing police lights flying up behind me. One police car came around me to block me from moving forward.

One of the officers in a car behind me called out over his bullhorn to turn off the truck and roll down the window. He told me to put both hands out the driver's window (door opened to the street side) so he could see them. He then told me to open the door from the outside keeping both hands where he could see them.

He then told me to step out and to put both hands on top of my head and walk slowly toward him. As I got to the back of my truck (camper shell blocked my sight to my left) I was startled to see a policeman with a drawn pistol standing there pointing it at me! Thank God I didn't jump or react, but just kept walking.

When I got to the car the police let me put my hands down to my sides and asked why I was at the house, where I came from (I think the BBQ smell still on my clothes helped my alibi!), wanted to see my ID, etc. They said the reason they were so cautious was they had received a silent burglary alarm from the closed bank located a couple of houses away from where I was going and someone said they saw a young white male with a gun in the area around the bank.

I told them they scared the dova out of me They apologized for having guns out but they were trying to be very careful and that I fit the description. They even shook hands with me and told me to have a good evening and to be careful. Also said if we saw anyone of the suspect's description to call the police.

After it was all over I couldn't help but think about how just a normal reaction like jumping or dropping my hands or any other reaction to seeing someone standing at the back of my truck, and even more with a gun pointed at me, could have resulted in me getting shot.

Why didn't my gf and others come out to see what was going on? Well, this was a long time and lifestyle ago and when they saw police cars and lights and heard the bullhorn the last thing they were going to do was open the front door to the house! Made for quite a story for a while, but was glad I was still around (and still am) to tell it.
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Apr 30, 2010
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When I was 16 was driving by my self west of Minco on 37 HWY. This car load of guys pulled up beside me cussing, & saying get off the road you boney M F & swerving at me. I pulled out an old German 38 special cocked it stuck it in the guys face . They hauled ass. Never saw them again. It took me a while to calm down.

Glock 40

Problem Solver
Special Hen
Jun 14, 2005
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When I was 16 I had an OHP pull in behind me at a gas station gravel flying and lights on. I was ignorant to how to deal with a situation like this. I guess I had blown by him and he turned around to chase me. When I saw him I stepped out of my vehicle, that was a bad decision. He quickly jumped out of his car pistol pointed at my chest yelling his head off to get back in the car. It was extremely unpleasant.


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
I was drunk one night about 17 years ago and I went by one of my old friends’ parents house to talk to him. I went to his window because it was late and I didn’t want to wake them up. I tapped on the window several times and got nothing. So I moved over to his sisters window which is next to it. After about a minute all the sudden to my right I see someone running around the corner. It was their dad and he was holding a shotgun! I was leaning up under a swing that had a canopy on the top so he wasn’t able to see me at the moment. He ran by and saw my car parked in the driveway. I didn’t want to say anything to him because I was afraid he would get spooked and shoot me. So I decided to run the other way towards the neighbors house. They had cows so I had to jump over a fence to get into their pasture to get behind their barn. As I was running he saw me and yelled “you son of a b!$&@“ and I heard the gun go off! I literally dove over the fence and got behind the barn. I yelled at him and told him who it was. He said “what the H are you doing?” I said I came to talk to Tyler. I came out and we sat down to talk. He said “ I am so thankful I didn’t shoot you”. I said “me too!”

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