When the Militia heads to the Red River BLM showdown, Reddog WILL be there.

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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I think you are referring to the reality that OK and TX have an agreement ratified by the US Senate in place regarding these geologic changes in the river boundary.

Apparently, BLM wants to ignore that Congressional concurrence and existing mitigation plan to run their own show.

My read is that this would involve claiming ground between the "cut bank" and the "vegetation line".

'bout right?

Close enough.

Yes, I agree with the sentiment you sometimes offer that "everything is not as it seems."

The big difference is that I understand that the same applies to my beliefs and/or interpretation of things. Like the Red River BLM deal...how long have you studied it? Have you ever read the Red River Boundry Compact? Do you understand the boundry as it is laid out in that compact and the subsequent impact on existing tribal claims that predate any deeds that might have been held by other parties?

Are you 100% certain that the recent drum beating by conservatives and Presidential hopefuls on this issue isn't a form of pandering to the red meat masses or are you so simple that BLM = grab your guns and Anyone-Against-BLM = Hero and Truthsayer?

So why does the U.S. Senate need to approve it? And why does the President need to appoint one of the commissioners?

As new lands were acquired by the United States, either by purchase or treaty, title to the highways and the beds of all navigable or tidal lakes, or rivers became vested in the United States, unless they had been validly conveyed into private ownership by the former sovereign.[8] During the territorial period of these lands, the United States held these title "in trust" for the benefit of the future states which would be carved out of the territory.[9] Each of the states were to come into the Union on an "equal footing" with the original thirteen states.

Under the equal footing doctrine, territorial states are vested with the same sovereign title rights to wetlands as the original thirteen states.[10] However, during the territorial period, the United States could convey certain of these lands under the limited circumstances of promoting commerce.[11]
Source: It's a little basic but you get the jist...

Since it wasn't formed until 1978, long after the states joined the union I just can't see the feds could have say about it. Our founders set it up right, and we turned it FUBAR almost from the get go.

Elm Creek Smith

Special Hen
Jan 11, 2014
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Out in the county
If the BLM moves on those 90,000 acres, I believe Texas Attorney General Abbott might have the Texas DPS and Texas Rangers (not the baseball team) facing them. We can call it "cowboys and carpetbaggers." If it happens on the weekend I might drive down to watch and pop some popcorn.

Remember if you cross the Red River that Texas honors our Handgun Licenses, but you must conceal your handguns. On the other hand, you can open carry your long guns. Go figure.
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Special Hen
Mar 6, 2007
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tilling subprep's cornfield
If the BLM moves on those 90,000 acres, I believe Texas Attorney General Abbott might have the Texas DPS and Texas Rangers (not the baseball team) facing them. We can call it "cowboys and carpetbaggers." If it happens on the weekend I might drive down to watch and pop some popcorn.

Remember if you cross the Red River that Texas honors our Handgun licenses, but you must conceal your handguns. On the other hand, you can open carry your long guns. Go figure.

They'llpr obably call up the national guard


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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
The BLM is just the catalyst.

I could give a s**t less about the Red River.

Then why are you beating your chest about going down there to participate in a "showdown"? What do you know about the case? Have you read the Compact? Have you read the court documents surrounding the case where Henderson "lost" his land? Did you know that some of the land in question is tribal land that may or may not have been properly deeded to other parties, or "stolen", as some are quick to blame the BLM of doing.

All I'm saying is, loose talk about "showdowns" is almost always hot air. Why didn't you go to the Bundy ranch man? Put your money where your mouth is what I'm saying...You and others have been on here ranting about facing down the man for years. You had a perfect opportunity present itself but I didn't see you hiding in the bushes or parked on an over-pass.

Promising to go down to some event that isn't even occurring yet (an event that is being played up by certain people, like Gov. Perry, in order to fill their campaign coffers and work on another political campaign) just because you read some sh#t on infowars is not fighting the man or opposing tyranny.

I'm the first to admit I don't know everything about the case...certainly not enough to pack up my AR and roll down there.

So why does the U.S. Senate need to approve it? And why does the President need to appoint one of the commissioners?

Check out the Constitution and what it says about compacts between states.
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