Wireless internet providers

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Aug 16, 2012
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East of Tulsa
Taking a look at Google Fi here. Not using them yet, but they use two of the carriers I currently use. On one my cell phone is $60/mo with 2GB. The other is a hot spot which just changed to 20GB for $80/mo.

If I can not use my existing hot spot but could come up with a spare phone to use to tether, on one Google FI plan ( I will call it plan A) I would be 22GB/device to share to get 44GB/month before throttling for $120/mo + taxes. On their other plan, (I will call it plan B ) looks like I would be $36/mo for the two phones at 10GB total, then I can pay $10/GB up to 10GB ($100) Then there are no extra charges for a total of (posted on their site) $135. Now, they do not say that you would be throttled back after that max of paying for that next 10GB at $10/GB or not. I need to do some checking with them to find out.

In any case, now paying $60/mo phone + $80/mo hotspot = $140/mo for phone and 22GB total vs Google FI plan A of $120 phone and 44GB between two phones. (might have to come up with another phone, broken screen or something like that for sharing the tethering) or plan B, two phones $135 max billing that might or might not be throttled afterward. Yep, got to do some checking.


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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Aug 13, 2012
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I have a mobile hot spot device from work that I'm using at home with a laptop, to work from home. It only gets one bar of signal.

I just tested the download speed from the mobile hotspot device to my phone while connected to the wifi and got 6.22 Mbps.
The download speed on using my phone data with one bar of signal was 1.38Mbps.

I tested the download speed to the laptop from the mobile hotspot device and got 2.15Mbps. The download speed from my phone's hotspot to the laptop is 0.71Mbps.


Special Hen
Apr 24, 2013
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The interesting thing about using Google Fi is that if you have two devices on the same account, basically they treat each person's email like an account on a plan, then you share the data between them. So with a phone and a hotspot or tablet or whatever my max charge is 60 per month for the data. Sitting at home my signal is -110 to -106 dbm and around 35 asu, Download is about 13.4 Mbps.

Anyway using the Google Fi app this is what it has to say about data with 2 devices on my plan. The sim used for the tablets is slightly different when they send it out but who knows if it really matters. I am on the 20 per month plus 10 per GB up to 60 per month plus fees. If you plan to use as much as possible the extra 10 per month may just be worth it to get an additional 8GB over the unlimited plan.



Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Nov 6, 2010
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Logan County
Just got Ubifi.net this last week and added an external antenna over the weekend. Getting 25-45Mbs down and 5-20Mbs up. Love it! I was on Airosurf previously, which is fixed wireless, and was getting 6-8Mbs down and 2-3Mbs up. We used them for years and the biggest problem was if you filled the pipe for ten minutes they'd choke you down to 1.5Mbs until bandwidth dropped.

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