Do guys EVER get tired??

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Special Hen Supporter
May 28, 2021
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Stillwater, OK 74075, USA
I used to run and gun 24/7 running projects. I did not trust my subcontractors night crews so I made surprise site visits or just survellance as needed.
Then one day I fell asleep at the wheel on I40 and scared the crap out of myself when I got in the center median grass. Didnt wreck but had a bent rim to replace and a front end alignment so it cost me about $350.
Lesson learned. No job worth killing myself or someone else


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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I used to run and gun 24/7 running projects. I did not trust my subcontractors night crews so I made surprise site visits or just survellance as needed.
Then one day I fell asleep at the wheel on I40 and scared the crap out of myself when I got in the center median grass. Didnt wreck but had a bent rim to replace and a front end alignment so it cost me about $350.
Lesson learned. No job worth killing myself or someone else

Really?? Wow! It wasn't unusual for me to be sound asleep at the wheel of my car, sitting at a red light that had turned green, and folks trying to get my attention.

Or every time I sat down I dozed off. I had parents at karate tournaments tell me they didn't know someone could actually fall asleep on gym bleachers and not fall off them until they saw me sound asleep. My kids told them not to wake me up because "Mommy is tired and she has to drive us back home." (It was a couple hours' drive back home and I didn't have money for another nights' stay at the hotel.)

And all that working 2 and 3 jobs at a time and being the only adult my kids had has definitely taken it's toll. Lack of sleep is the quickest way to toss me into a tailspin now than anything else on the planet. I HAVE to get my sleep now. If I don't get it at night, I WILL get it the next day, or something or someone WILL DIE! I just flat can't deal with it any more.


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Mar 24, 2020
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Lawton, Oklahoma
@THAT Gurl I’ve been blessed (second time around for us both) to have a bride that I am as enamored and smitten with today just as much as I was 20 years ago when we met. I put her needs ahead of my own and she likewise does the same for me. And it’s the simple things that we do that warms my heart. Case in point, just this morning we were putting everything back in the shed after doing all the yard work. As we are walking back to the house she reaches out to hold my hand as we head for the house. I still open the car door for her, pull out her chair and do all the other things that my mama taught me to do to show a woman I love and respect her. It just comes naturally. I’m starting to give myself a toothache so I’d better stop. 🫣


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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@THAT Gurl I’ve been blessed (second time around for us both) to have a bride that I am as enamored and smitten with today just as much as I was 20 years ago when we met. I put her needs ahead of my own and she likewise does the same for me. And it’s the simple things that we do that warms my heart. Case in point, just this morning we were putting everything back in the shed after doing all the yard work. As we are walking back to the house she reaches out to hold my hand as we head for the house. I still open the car door for her, pull out her chair and do all the other things that my mama taught me to do to show a woman I love and respect her. It just comes naturally. I’m starting to give myself a toothache so I’d better stop. 🫣

Can you talk to Grumpy for me?? 😉😘

Glock 'em down

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Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
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South Central Oklahoma.
Funny that's pretty much my take on men also. Still assholes but not as *******-y. Except for @Glock 'em down of course. It's a good thing he's young enough to be one of my kids or else I'd make a fool of myself chasing him around OSA on my broom ... 😉🤣🤣🤣

You can chase me anytime you want, baby. :kiss:

Just don't expect much outta me if'n you catch me. I'm old and give out.

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